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A New Kind of Computer Hacking
Posted: 2002-11-06 11:09pm
by Mr Bean
Bwhaahhahha Talk about Funny
HP's wireless keyboards can transmit data to other computers in faraway buildings. No this is not a feature but an astonishing security flaw, discovered by two neighbours in Stavanger, southern Norway.
"Per Arild Evjeberg and Per Erik Helle made headlines (in Norway) when they discovered that text Evjeberg was typing in was appearing in Helle's apartment, 150 meters and at least two walls away," Aftenposten reports (relax it's in English.
Give's new rise to the Term Moblie Hacking...
Bob imaging that driving down the street using a Car adapter then just hiting Control alt-Delete over and over agian restarting everyone's computers in a City block
Posted: 2002-11-06 11:49pm
by EmperorMing
One of the reasons I will *not* use wireless systems. Too easy to compromise...
Re: A New Kind of Computer Hacking
Posted: 2002-11-06 11:58pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mr Bean wrote:Bwhaahhahha Talk about Funny
HP's wireless keyboards can transmit data to other computers in faraway buildings. No this is not a feature but an astonishing security flaw, discovered by two neighbours in Stavanger, southern Norway.
"Per Arild Evjeberg and Per Erik Helle made headlines (in Norway) when they discovered that text Evjeberg was typing in was appearing in Helle's apartment, 150 meters and at least two walls away," Aftenposten reports (relax it's in English.
Give's new rise to the Term Moblie Hacking...
Bob imaging that driving down the street using a Car adapter then just hiting Control alt-Delete over and over agian restarting everyone's computers in a City block
I like this train of thought.
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:40am
by Hyperion
damn, i need to get one of those and a pair of really good head-mounted binoculars...

Posted: 2002-11-07 04:20am
by Faram
Anyone using unencrypted radio comunication can and will be fucked.
I think that bluetooth enabled keyboards is a bit more safe.
Posted: 2002-11-07 05:13am
by NecronLord
Yeah, i've heard of this sort of thing before, in the city of london, people go around in cars re equipped to gater rivals financial data

Posted: 2002-11-07 08:37am
by aerius
Brilliant I have to say, so simple yet so brilliant! I'm gonna go drive around with a computer and wireless keyboard receptor and capture text of people's x-rated emails and credit card numbers, after which I ctrl-alt-del them or type gibberish messages to them.
I never understood wireless keyboards, I mean, you have to sit within a certain distance of your monitor and it's not like you'll be typing from across the room.

Posted: 2002-11-07 03:26pm
by Pu-239
I told my sister to install a keylogger on her boyfriend's computer.

Posted: 2002-11-07 04:01pm
by Faram
Pu-239 wrote:I told my sister to install a keylogger on her boyfriend's computer.

Hmm ain't that sorta illegal?
Posted: 2002-11-07 04:07pm
by Sienthal
Depends...Keyloggers are often used by administrators in office buildings. Being that the computers affected are the property of the company, if they give permission, such keyloggers can be, sadly, used legally.
So, if she owns the computer, or has a document stating the sharing of property (IE. Marriage), then such things are legal. If not, then no.
Posted: 2002-11-07 05:25pm
by Faram
Only dumb people would be caught from a keylogger.
If you don’t discover a monster like this you deserve getting caught.
These creepy dudes
Is easely defeated whith this ... e=download
Download Search&Destroy
As an extra bonus S&D will kill all that crappy spyware DEAD!
Posted: 2002-11-07 05:29pm
by Mr Bean
Thats an older model right? I've seen dime sized USB only verions at Comdex
Posted: 2002-11-07 05:33pm
by Faram
Smaller one but still useless against any moderately aware user...
The smart way would be to build it inside a USB hub and connect the keyboard to the hub…
Damn there I gave away part of my plan for world domination
Posted: 2002-11-07 06:23pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I thnk Microsoft's going to put that in their new OS, which will also come with a more powerful IO generator, and 2,000 other glitches to make you shoot your computer.
Does anyone think Microsoft puts glitches into their OSs on purpose?
Anyway, it's a strange story. Think of what could have happened with the same glitch.