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How bad is your vision?

Posted: 2004-09-23 12:52am
by Fire Fly
Well, its been a while since I got an eye exam and I know they've gotten mildly worse (been almost a year now). But, last time I had an eye exam (fyi, I'm near sighted), my contact perscriptions were:

Left eye: -3.75
Right eye: -3.00

Seriouslly, I close my right eye and all I see is blury blobs. I always wondered why in movies whenever a glasses nerd type lost their glasses and they went "blind"...never understood why they couldn't make out stuff just a few feet in front of them. Now I know...ugh. Can't wait til I have money and get some laser eye surgery.

Posted: 2004-09-23 12:56am
by Alyeska
Right eye 20-10
Left eye 20-13

I have excelent vision.

Posted: 2004-09-23 12:59am
by MKSheppard
Alyeska wrote:Right eye 20-10
Left eye 20-13

I have excelent vision.
*kills Alyeska*

Posted: 2004-09-23 01:00am
by Gandalf
I can make stuff out at a distance, but close up my eyes move too much. Creating a nice crosseyed effect at times.

Posted: 2004-09-23 01:03am
by Alyeska
Tiger Woods had to get Laser Surgery to get vision as good as mine.

Posted: 2004-09-23 01:19am
by JME2
MKSheppard wrote:
Alyeska wrote:Right eye 20-10
Left eye 20-13

I have excelent vision.
*kills Alyeska*
If you do it with a sniper rifle, can you even see him through the scope? : :wink: twisted:

Posted: 2004-09-23 01:30am
by Cyborg Stan
Hmmmm..... I get to brag that my eyes are worse? I don't know the 20/20 etc. scale for it, but my glasses/contacts were rated last I checked at :

Left : -4.00
Right : -4.50

Now, this isn't too useful even for me so I'll try to see if I can get some inches and centimeters into this so others can get an idea what it's like to be me....

Found an old sociology textbook (copyrighted 1974) in this room. On the spine, there's in big bold blue letters the word "SOCIOLOGY" is printed. The entire word is about 13.5 cm long, or a bit above 5.25 inches. The letters are also about 2.2 cm high. (1 and 1/16 of an inch). I'd scan it, if my scanner worked. I then stack a bunch of other books under it until it's about at eye level.

I'm using a tape measure, so my numbers are going to be a little inaccurate, but I have trouble reading it at a distance a bit above 152 cm (60 in) which is the length of the tape measure. (If I didn't read it closely when picking it out with my glasses, or didn't have a good idea what would be on it it would have taken me more than a few seconds to make out the word.) A bit more and it looks like a series of odd blue stripes, and by the time I double the original distance it might as well be a blue area with a few discoloured lighter spots on it. In comparison, to see it as clearly as I do with glasses at a distance I estimate at (not wanting to bother measuring with a non-rigid tape measure) over 600 centimeters (over 19 and a half feet; the room isn't big enough to go much further) I have to put my face about 25 cm (10 inches) from the book.

Posted: 2004-09-23 01:35am
by Howedar
Last I checked I was -3.75 diopters in both eyes.

Posted: 2004-09-23 01:37am
by DPDarkPrimus
20-40, I believe. I have a feeling I should be getting glasses soon, at least for reading or driving.

Posted: 2004-09-23 02:07am
by Darth Raptor
My left eye is 20/20, while my right eye is pretty bad. I don't remember how bad, but I can definately notice when only using that eye. I have to strain to even read with it.

Maybe I should get a monocle... :P

Posted: 2004-09-23 03:51am
by CmdrWilkens
Well I was 20/30 in both eyes for a long time but my most recent exam (about 1.5 years ago) set me as 20/20.

Posted: 2004-09-23 03:59am
by His Divine Shadow
Left eye +0.75
Right eye +1.20

I guess thats how it works out, though IIRC they've said my left eye was now more like .85 or even 1.00

Posted: 2004-09-23 04:03am
by Colonel Olrik
-4.25 in both. Hasn't bothered me for the last 8 years, since I started using contacts. I only take them off to sleep, pratically never take the glasses out of the box. Some people say it's not healthy, others say the opposite. The fact is I'm perfectly confortable the entire day, actually more than with glasses.

For anyone with an active life style, or unhappy with their appearance, contacts are a must. And regardless of what they may say, girls usually prefer men without glasses.

Still going for the laser cirurgy, though, although not in a rush.

Posted: 2004-09-23 05:59am
by Nathan F
About 20/20 right eye, 20/30 in left eye.

Last eye exam said I had 20/15 total, but I take that with a grain of salt.

Posted: 2004-09-23 06:19am
by Frank Hipper
You people nauseate me...

20/250 left eye, 20/200 right. Probably worse by now, that was some years ago...

Posted: 2004-09-23 06:47am
by tim grail 3
About 20/200 for both eyes last time I checked.

Posted: 2004-09-23 06:50am
by salm
-0,25 and -0,15

Posted: 2004-09-23 07:02am
by Zac Naloen
I have no idea. but as far as i can tell there is nothing wrong with my vision.

Posted: 2004-09-23 07:44am
by Faabio
bad vision eh... left -3,25 and right +3,00 and 5-10 degree vision so no looking at the corners of my eyes and to top it off begining cataract on both eyes. whee fun

Posted: 2004-09-23 09:13am
by Executor32
I'm nearsighted with 20/25 left and 20/30 right, but that goes up to 20/15 in both if I have my glasses on. :D

Oh, and Alyeska? I hate you. :P

Posted: 2004-09-23 10:12am
by Beowulf
-3.25 on both

Posted: 2004-09-23 10:16am
by Enigma
My eyesight is sooooo bad that there are no ugly women. :)

All I know I wear glasses because my vision is a bit fuzzy from 20' onwards.

Posted: 2004-09-23 10:22am
by Dahak
Roughly -4 on both eyes, some cylinder thrown in for good measure, too.

Without glasses, I'm blind as a bat...

Posted: 2004-09-23 10:32am
by The Morrigan
No idea what my glasses prescription is. Got reasonably good eyesight as things go, but if I don't wear my glasses when I read, I get an appalling headache. Also, everything tends to go a bit fuzzy around the edges when I'm tired.

However the most annoying thing about my vision is this annoying little black dot that sit's right in the line of sight of my right eye. Opthomologist reckons it's just an abnormally large floater or whatever you call those little dead blood-vessel thingies. All I know is that it's fucking annoying. :evil:

PS: She also said I have lovely retinas. Oddly enough, nobody had ever told me that before. :shock:

Posted: 2004-09-23 10:36am
by General Zod
absolutely shitty. 20/40 left, 20/60 right. at least i think that's what it was. i don't recall the exact prescription, but my long distance vision sucks ass. anything more than a few feet away and the print gets blurry for me if it's under an inch.