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Involuntary manslaughter my ass!
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:01am
by Kelly Antilles
A 3-yr old boy was killed from a blow to the head by his mother's current boyfriend, who just happens to be a marine as well. They're charging him with involuntary manslaughter.
I'm sorry. This fucking idiot should know that you can't hit a kid like you can hit an adult. Anyone who strikes a child and the child either dies from the wounds or is left physically or mentally damaged for the rest of their lives should be brought up on murder charges. They should know better. Of course, I mean child as in from infancy to 10 or so. I know there are some kids who can beat their parents up by the time they're 8, so there would be a limit, however if they're killed, the adult must have beaten the crap out of them.
anyway... your thoughts?
[edit] decided to add a poll to see which way you think this guy (or anyone like him) should be charged. [/edit]
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:05am
by Stormbringer
He should be brought up on murder charges. He hit a kid and damn should have considered what he'd do to the kid when he did.
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:07am
by Mr Bean
I know there are some kids who can beat their parents up by the time they're 8, so there would be a limit, however if they're killed, the adult must have beaten the crap out of them.
That one's true, never got hit after I was 12 because my parents could not phyiscaly overcome me at all(Well maybe you should not have sent me to four years of Self Defense Classes

As for this doof what exactly where the cirumstances?
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:15am
by Kelly Antilles
This is the original story. I'm trying to find the story on the autopsy report which just came out this morning. The article says nearly nothing.
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:20am
by weemadando
Fucking arseholes...
Feed him to the Tassie Devils.
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:21am
by weemadando
Fucking arsehole... Hitting a child at all (hitting, not a spanking) is fuckign wrong. I say:
Feed him to the Tassie Devils.
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:24am
by EmperorMing
Fucking jerk!!!
Never hit a kid in the head (or anyone else for that matter)!
Hit him on the ass, *IF* you must. Minimised damage that way.
Head strikes are just *WAY* too vulnerable!!
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:43am
by Darth Wong
So he likes physical mismatches? OK, let's invent a new sport for him: GRIZZLY BEAR WRESTLING. Let's see how he does.
Posted: 2002-11-07 09:56am
by PeZook
So he likes physical mismatches? OK, let's invent a new sport for him: GRIZZLY BEAR WRESTLING. Let's see how he does.
I'd pay money to see that. Lots of money.
There was a similar case not long ago here. A cop hit a 16 year old in the head with a baton, the boy died as a result. What's worse, the aforementioned boy was simply walking home from a volleyball game with a bunch of friends. The cop said they threw insults at the radio car.
What's even worse than that, the court let him go.
Things like that seem to happen just a little bit too often

Posted: 2002-11-07 10:17am
by Kelly Antilles
GAH!!! Would a Mod please be so kind as to FIX this stupid poll? It wouldn't let me submit it and I HAD two options. *grumble*stupidpieceofshit*grumble*
Posted: 2002-11-07 10:22am
by Mr Bean
Hmm seems the board is !@#!$ up as I see only 2 as well when I edit the poll
Posted: 2002-11-07 10:27am
by Kelly Antilles
Good fucking god, this is rediculous. Goddamn IE. Last time *I* try posting with that piece of shit. Look what it did!!! ARUGH.
Anyway, back on topic.
Posted: 2002-11-07 10:28am
by Ted
Theres 5 options, hmm, interesting, well, I say give the marine a dishonourable discharge, manslaughter, plus some other things.
Posted: 2002-11-07 10:38am
by Knife
Ted wrote:Theres 5 options, hmm, interesting, well, I say give the marine a dishonourable discharge, manslaughter, plus some other things.
Small nitpick, according to the article he was in the ARMY not the Corps. Regardless the fucktard should die a horrible death. I also see that he has a deserter status on him from the military. HMMM, perhaps I see a pattern. Child abuser, deserter, probably beats his wife too. I hope he gets the double whammy by having the civilian courts ass rape him, then have the military courts give him some loving too.
However, not saying he doesn't deserve being fucked up but I was under the impression that manslaughter was for murder without intent. And unless he was hitting the kid in the hopes to kill him, he is commiting manslaughter. And not to deminish his part in it, but WTF was mom thinking with being with this slime!
Re: Involuntary manslaughter my ass!
Posted: 2002-11-07 10:42am
by phongn
Kelly Antilles wrote:A 3-yr old boy was killed from a blow to the head by his mother's current boyfriend, who just happens to be a marine as well. They're charging him with involuntary manslaughter.
In a purely legalistic sense it's probably easier to convict him of involuntary manslaughter. The evidence required to prove the he
intended to kill the child would be more difficult than simply using involuntary manslaughter.
And yes, that guy should burn.
Posted: 2002-11-07 11:07am
by ElBlanco
Isn't man slaughter by defenition involuntary? You hit someone and accidentaly kill them? Or am I mixing it up with something else?
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:28pm
by Kuja
It should be 2nd-degree murder, since the intent to kill wasn't there, but he was still taking actions that could probably kill the child.
Time to light up Ol Sparky, I say.
Re: Involuntary manslaughter my ass!
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:29pm
by Guest
Kelly Antilles wrote:A 3-yr old boy was killed from a blow to the head by his mother's current boyfriend, who just happens to be a marine as well. They're charging him with involuntary manslaughter.
I'm sorry. This fucking idiot should know that you can't hit a kid like you can hit an adult. Anyone who strikes a child and the child either dies from the wounds or is left physically or mentally damaged for the rest of their lives should be brought up on murder charges. They should know better. Of course, I mean child as in from infancy to 10 or so. I know there are some kids who can beat their parents up by the time they're 8, so there would be a limit, however if they're killed, the adult must have beaten the crap out of them.
anyway... your thoughts?
To be totally objective about it, I would have to say I leave the charges up to the police. That article said nothing about a blow to the head, and basically nothing else. Until we get the facts I don't see why one can pass judgement so quickly, unless you want to make assumptions.
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:37pm
by David
I tried to fix the poll and ot won't work. It must just be a glitch. Sorry.
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:40pm
by David
Poll fixed. If you already voted, re-vote.
Re: Involuntary manslaughter my ass!
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:41pm
by Kelly Antilles
King Cosmos wrote:
To be totally objective about it, I would have to say I leave the charges up to the police. That article said nothing about a blow to the head, and basically nothing else. Until we get the facts I don't see why one can pass judgement so quickly, unless you want to make assumptions.
Bingo, they finally posted it. It was blunt trauma to the head. ... ii/1381637
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:41pm
by Kelly Antilles
*kisses David* Thanks muchly!!
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:45pm
by David

Anything for the Kitsune

Posted: 2002-11-07 12:45pm
by Kuja
Autopsy results showed a 3-year-old boy in Reidsville died as a result of blunt force trauma to the head.
Manslaughter. You hit a kid in the head, they're not going to take it like a full-grown adult.
Posted: 2002-11-07 12:49pm
by Slartibartfast
I don't think asking people to involuntarily manslaughter your ass is very tactful...