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Posted: 2002-11-07 11:24pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
"You may fire when ready."
(Superlaser charges up.)
Posted: 2002-11-07 11:30pm
by Kuja
This girl was on something, I know it.
Posted: 2002-11-07 11:52pm
by The Dark
If it is true that ignorance is bliss, then she is a very happy person.
Posted: 2002-11-08 12:55am
by Guest
Harrison Ford's perpetual unwillingness to get involved and goodhearted cynisim still saves the day from the corny binary oppositions set up in the film (in general, British accents=bad/silly/Empire, American=good/rebels; White=good ; Black=bad)
I don't know about the other "binary opposisitions" but......
Weren't the Storm Troopers white?
Wasn't Luke dressed in Black in ROTJ?
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:04am
by The Dark
King Cosmos wrote:
I don't know about the other "binary opposisitions" but......
Weren't the Storm Troopers white?
Wasn't Luke dressed in Black in ROTJ?
[bad British aristocratic accent] Ah, yes, but you see, the Stormtroopers were duped into believing they were good people, and their armor symbolizes their misguided attempts to keep order in the Galaxy. And really, what plebian couldn't recognize that the black worn by Luke Skywalker in the Return of the Jedi was foreshadowing of the temptation of the Dark Side he would face when confronting Emperor Palpatine? Truly, those costumes were binary oppositions, you just have to look deeper within the film. [/bad British aristocratic accent]
Personally, I agree with you, Cosmos. The binary opposites sort of exist, but Solo messes around with them, Luke messes around with them, Vader/Anakin messes around with them. They're there, but not as blatantly as this person would claim.
Posted: 2002-11-08 02:25am
by Dalton
I think she has a point. Last time I watched SW it did seem a little corny...but that was the fuckin' point.