The Connserbalist Mannifesto
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:28am
[Ed. Note: Yes, this is more or less my personal philosphy. Add in a bunch of Dune and Wing Commander stuff and you're set. Also, I made this BEFORE the WCOTC stuff, odd as it may seem - look at SB if you don't believe me (or rather, don't!) I may have to change it because of them. Damn donkeyraped :~(]
Slightly disturbed by the recent trend in liberalism towards the establishment of a neo-classical totalitarian post-communist state, I decided it was time I established my own short plan of self-government, The Conseberalist Mannifesto. As you can see, it is somewhat incomplete. Response welcome. (Note the Mannifesto is misspelled on purpose)
[q]Conseberlist Mannifesto
When in the course of history it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the social and economic connection between the worker and the state, that all are created equal, but that some are more powerful than others, and that might makes right, except when silence is a virtue, and freedom the last remaining obligation. For when a spectre is haunting, where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of the ignorant in droves, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
Two things result from this fact:
I. Conseberalism is already acknowledged by all to be itself a power.
II. It is high time that Conseberalists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the spectre of conseberalists with a manifesto of the party itself.
To this end, Consebalists of a majority of one have unanimously agreed on a new plan of self-government, to be by The Six Inevitabilities.
The Six Inevitabilities
I. Freedom to fuck.
II. Freedom to not give a fuck.
III. Freedom to fuck when the fucker deems it responsible and adequate - the only alternative
IV. Freedom to assume full responsibility for consequences of said fuck.
V.No freedom is to be infringed upon unless that said freedom infringes upon another's right to infringe upon freedom.
VI. Freedom of protection.
Section I. Hyprocrisy is the one true crime, and the one true crime is hypocrisy.
Clause I. This law may be invalidated when deemed necessary and proper, while invoking the Fourth Inevitability.
Clause II. There is no Clause II.
Section II. Supreme Dictators of Will are delegated the authority to move posthaste with complete and utter disregard for circumstance, providing said Dictator has minimal precautionary physical or mental protection.
Post Addendum
i. When all Six Inevitabilities (and said thereof) have been met, they shall combine to form Mecha-Inevitablity, champion of justice and nemesis of hypocrisy, and so is bestowed the Sartre Condemnation of Freedom, the highest honor.
ii. A majority of one is the highest state in the citizen can hold. Awarded is the office of Supreme Dictator of Personal Will.
iii. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe. All faiths of all faith hold Power of the Will and are to be abided by*.
iv. Diversity is to be respected, commended, and upheld, except when in violation of the Five Inevitabilities.
I. All Conseberalists have a moral obligation to fight Common Sense™ where-ever it may be. Common Sense™, once the finest and most respected institution in the State, has become blasphemous and corrupt, anacronistic in regard to modern circumstance.
II. To this end, all Conseberalists are to institute Moral Law, effective upon ratification by the Legislature of the Will. Moral Law advocates logic and disinterest in regard to circumstance, to be tempered by emotion and intuition in accordance with the Five Inevitabilities. Violations of Moral Law are subject to prosecution by the Morality police and a C25 fine.[/q]
*Even when they're obviously wrong and its holders are a bunch of crack-smoking donkeyf*ckers. But I digress.
Slightly disturbed by the recent trend in liberalism towards the establishment of a neo-classical totalitarian post-communist state, I decided it was time I established my own short plan of self-government, The Conseberalist Mannifesto. As you can see, it is somewhat incomplete. Response welcome. (Note the Mannifesto is misspelled on purpose)
[q]Conseberlist Mannifesto
When in the course of history it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the social and economic connection between the worker and the state, that all are created equal, but that some are more powerful than others, and that might makes right, except when silence is a virtue, and freedom the last remaining obligation. For when a spectre is haunting, where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of the ignorant in droves, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
Two things result from this fact:
I. Conseberalism is already acknowledged by all to be itself a power.
II. It is high time that Conseberalists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the spectre of conseberalists with a manifesto of the party itself.
To this end, Consebalists of a majority of one have unanimously agreed on a new plan of self-government, to be by The Six Inevitabilities.
The Six Inevitabilities
I. Freedom to fuck.
II. Freedom to not give a fuck.
III. Freedom to fuck when the fucker deems it responsible and adequate - the only alternative
IV. Freedom to assume full responsibility for consequences of said fuck.
V.No freedom is to be infringed upon unless that said freedom infringes upon another's right to infringe upon freedom.
VI. Freedom of protection.
Section I. Hyprocrisy is the one true crime, and the one true crime is hypocrisy.
Clause I. This law may be invalidated when deemed necessary and proper, while invoking the Fourth Inevitability.
Clause II. There is no Clause II.
Section II. Supreme Dictators of Will are delegated the authority to move posthaste with complete and utter disregard for circumstance, providing said Dictator has minimal precautionary physical or mental protection.
Post Addendum
i. When all Six Inevitabilities (and said thereof) have been met, they shall combine to form Mecha-Inevitablity, champion of justice and nemesis of hypocrisy, and so is bestowed the Sartre Condemnation of Freedom, the highest honor.
ii. A majority of one is the highest state in the citizen can hold. Awarded is the office of Supreme Dictator of Personal Will.
iii. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe. All faiths of all faith hold Power of the Will and are to be abided by*.
iv. Diversity is to be respected, commended, and upheld, except when in violation of the Five Inevitabilities.
I. All Conseberalists have a moral obligation to fight Common Sense™ where-ever it may be. Common Sense™, once the finest and most respected institution in the State, has become blasphemous and corrupt, anacronistic in regard to modern circumstance.
II. To this end, all Conseberalists are to institute Moral Law, effective upon ratification by the Legislature of the Will. Moral Law advocates logic and disinterest in regard to circumstance, to be tempered by emotion and intuition in accordance with the Five Inevitabilities. Violations of Moral Law are subject to prosecution by the Morality police and a C25 fine.[/q]
*Even when they're obviously wrong and its holders are a bunch of crack-smoking donkeyf*ckers. But I digress.