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US Might deploy Military along borders....
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:01pm
by MKSheppard ... 1/7/235923
Lott Bombshell: Put Troops on U.S. Borders
Soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., shook up the homeland security debate Thursday afternoon by saying he supported deploying the U.S. military to guard America's borders.
Lott dropped the border bombshell during an interview with Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on O'Reilly's nationally syndicated "Radio Factor" program.
O'REILLY: Why not back up the Border Patrol with military, whether it's National Guard or straight troops - why not do it?
LOTT: Well, I think we should do it. And I would be for....
O'REILLY: Do you really?
LOTT: Oh, absolutely.
O'REILLY: You're the first politician I've heard....
LOTT: Well, look. Most politicians run around worried about civil libertarians and being sued by the ACLU. This is not only a porous border in terms of illegal aliens. It's also a porous border in terms of crime and drugs. (End of Excerpt)
O'Reilly noted later on his TV broadcast that 79 percent of Americans told a recent Fox News survey that they supported military deployment along U.S. borders, though leaders on both sides of the political fence - including President Bush - oppose the idea.
Now we can SMOKE those worthless Mexican's asses when they try crossing
the border with some 25mm cannonfire......the same way THEY smoke
CENTRAL AMERICANS trying to cross illegally into MEXICO...
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:10pm
by Mr Bean
Hell everyone else does it
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:13pm
by MKSheppard
Mr Bean wrote:Hell everyone else does it
Yeah. ...the mexican "rights groups" conviently never
mention the fact that the Mexican military ROUTINELY
SHOOTS TO KILL on Mexico's southern border....seems
they have a problem with South & Central Americans
wanting to get into mexico...
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:40pm
by Knife
MKSheppard wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Hell everyone else does it
Yeah. ...the mexican "rights groups" conviently never
mention the fact that the Mexican military ROUTINELY
SHOOTS TO KILL on Mexico's southern border....seems
they have a problem with South & Central Americans
wanting to get into mexico...
They never seem to mention that the Mexican army also takes pot shots at Border Patrol people as well.
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:49pm
by Guest
Knife wrote:MKSheppard wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Hell everyone else does it
Yeah. ...the mexican "rights groups" conviently never
mention the fact that the Mexican military ROUTINELY
SHOOTS TO KILL on Mexico's southern border....seems
they have a problem with South & Central Americans
wanting to get into mexico...
They never seem to mention that the Mexican army also takes pot shots at Border Patrol people as well.
The military should be used to protect our borders. It is the sane thing to do.
Posted: 2002-11-08 01:58pm
by Knife
Commander LeoRo wrote:Knife wrote:MKSheppard wrote:
Yeah. ...the mexican "rights groups" conviently never
mention the fact that the Mexican military ROUTINELY
SHOOTS TO KILL on Mexico's southern border....seems
they have a problem with South & Central Americans
wanting to get into mexico...
They never seem to mention that the Mexican army also takes pot shots at Border Patrol people as well.
The military should be used to protect our borders. It is the sane thing to do.
I whole heartitly agree, if our troops are good enough to defend other people's boarders, then they're good enough to defend ours.
Posted: 2002-11-08 02:03pm
by Galvatron
The US Coast Guard is a branch of the military and they patrol our shores. Why not have the US Army stationed along our land borders as well?
Posted: 2002-11-08 02:10pm
by Knife
Posted: 2002-11-08 02:31pm
by Sea Skimmer
I'd like to see some troops along the hotest areas, but the manpower is not on hand to cover everything. I'd say troops should be deployed in divisional strength and the US Border patrol greatly expanded.
It might make sence to just deploy military forces for there recon assests, ground and air based ground search radars while the guys who check things out on the ground remain US boarder patrol officers.
Hell the USAF already puts up E-3's and fighters to help cover the boarder in the air when the ballon monted radars that normaly do the job must be reeled in in bad weather.
Posted: 2002-11-08 03:40pm
by Enlightenment
Sounds like a silly waste of resources unless the US is faced with a military threat from Canada or Mexico. (You can stop laughing now) Armed forces are trained to fight wars. They aren't specialized, trained, or adapted for what are fundamentally law-enforcement tasks. If the border patrols are understaffed then hire more people. Don't pull soldiers and marines away from places like Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bosnia and Kosovo just to use them as cheap rentacops.
Re: US Might deploy Military along borders....
Posted: 2002-11-08 04:33pm
by Ted
I see that everyone has conviently forgotten Canada. The border with Mexico is almost like the Berlin wall, its a shainlink fence with barbed wire and guards with MG's along it. YOu guys gonna do the same with Canada? Station troops and arty on the CDN/US border?
Another thing that gets me is the damn US policy with treating Canadians like criminals, fingerprinting them, photographing them, etc... Maybe when Bush next comes to Canada we'll do the same to him. Fingerprint him, ID him, search him, all because he came from the US. And we could send his SS gaurds back to the US for carrying weapons.
Re: US Might deploy Military along borders....
Posted: 2002-11-08 05:09pm
by Pu-239
Ted wrote:I see that everyone has conviently forgotten Canada. The border with Mexico is almost like the Berlin wall, its a shainlink fence with barbed wire and guards with MG's along it. YOu guys gonna do the same with Canada? Station troops and arty on the CDN/US border?
Another thing that gets me is the damn US policy with treating Canadians like criminals, fingerprinting them, photographing them, etc... Maybe when Bush next comes to Canada we'll do the same to him. Fingerprint him, ID him, search him, all because he came from the US. And we could send his SS gaurds back to the US for carrying weapons.
Dis I like

Posted: 2002-11-08 05:49pm
by Mr Bean
Sounds like a silly waste of resources
And where should we station them instead? Lousiaina?!
It makes good sense from a Military Stand-point, Having bases near the Boarders increases security much more than it will having the Marines Train at Quantaco Virginia when they could be 20 Miles from the Boarder in Neveda
Plus it helps build up this areas down there and empowers the local Economey, take the old locations and either scrap it or turn it over to other parts of the Goverment
Armed forces are trained to fight wars. They aren't specialized, trained, or adapted for what are fundamentally law-enforcement tasks.
Acutal I disgree with you here, The Armed Forces are trained to WIN Wars not fight them

Anyway its been done before and been succesful before, Bad image but how about the Iron Curtian of Berlin? There where troops stationed on both sides for nearly fifty years with very few problems
Another thing that gets me is the damn US policy with treating Canadians like criminals,
Deal with it, we are Parnoid now, it does not matter if your the fucking Pope we are still treating you like a Criminal till we know otherwise as a matter of secruity, I don't say I agree with it but thats the current method
Don't pull soldiers and marines away from places like Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bosnia and Kosovo just to use them as cheap rentacops.
Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bosnia and Kosovo use up less than 1/3 of our total armed forces NTM recruits in bootcamp and assundry Desk jokceys and where better to train the newest Recruits into the US Armed Forces then the god Awful hell-Holes of North Dakota and New Mexico?
Re: US Might deploy Military along borders....
Posted: 2002-11-08 05:52pm
by Sea Skimmer
Ted wrote:I see that everyone has conviently forgotten Canada. The border with Mexico is almost like the Berlin wall, its a shainlink fence with barbed wire and guards with MG's along it. YOu guys gonna do the same with Canada? Station troops and arty on the CDN/US border?
Another thing that gets me is the damn US policy with treating Canadians like criminals, fingerprinting them, photographing them, etc... Maybe when Bush next comes to Canada we'll do the same to him. Fingerprint him, ID him, search him, all because he came from the US. And we could send his SS gaurds back to the US for carrying weapons.
Diplomatic immunity covers all of them. Expect your embassy staff to be arrested for the swarms of parking violations they've no doubt run up over the years but gotten out of.
Posted: 2002-11-08 06:35pm
by Guest
How better to train our soldiers than by giving them target practice on the border with the illegals?
The military is supposed to defend the United States. If it has to defend the United States by serving on the borders so be it.
Posted: 2002-11-08 07:59pm
by TrailerParkJawa
The military is not a solution for closing the borders to illegals. If we want to do this, we need to buff up the Border Patrol and increase the Coast Guard too.
There is not very much political will in our govt to deal with the problem of illegals coming across the border from mexico. It has a lot to do with economics. I personally would like to see illegals deported the second they are found, but too many people fight against it.
If the Mexican Army is taking potshots at the US Border Patrol then we should send a helicopter across the border to kill em.
I heard a rumor that there was a firefight between the Border Patrol and the Mexican Army? Can anyone confirm this? Or is it a urban rumor.
Posted: 2002-11-08 08:20pm
by Stormbringer
Use the military until we can beef the Border Patrol up to the necessary levels. We need to secure our borders and this is a good first step.
Posted: 2002-11-08 09:24pm
by Tsyroc
A lot of people who were Border Patrol agents quit and took the new jobs working security in airports. It's safer and lot less of a hassle.
If you speak Spanish and don't mind carrying a gun there are plenty of Border Patrol jobs available here in Southern Arizona.

Posted: 2002-11-08 09:31pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Enlightenment wrote:Sounds like a silly waste of resources unless the US is faced with a military threat from Canada or Mexico. (You can stop laughing now) Armed forces are trained to fight wars. They aren't specialized, trained, or adapted for what are fundamentally law-enforcement tasks. If the border patrols are understaffed then hire more people. Don't pull soldiers and marines away from places like Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bosnia and Kosovo just to use them as cheap rentacops.
Actually, our military forces do very little fighting of wars. The modern army is actually more geared toward fighting insurgencies and police actions. Also the military in our country is specifically charged by the Constitution to protect the border.
What about the troops in Germany? I think they'd better serve protecting America's borders. We're speaking about 1000s of troops there alone who are not needed.
America currently has 13 million illegal aliens within its borders. This is unacceptable. This porus border could yield terrorists and has yielded drugs for decades.
The military's mandate is to protect the nation. The INS (which the Border Patrol is part of) is impotent and has failed. The INS needs an official inquiry conducted into its operation and the higher-ups need to be fired. Now. The INS can't account for or deport anyone anymore. They filed extended visas for the 9/11 hijackers 6 months after the attack.
All other venues have failed and tens of billions of state and federal money has been poored into this problem.
Our oft-wasteful defense budget has place troops in places like Germany, etc, where they're not needed. They have a mandate to secure the border.
In addition, Mexican Federal Agents have been corrupted and regularly cross the border to exchange fire with the Border Patrol to cover for drug shipments. This is a violation of American soveriegnty.
All options except military deployment have been exhausted. The INS/Border Patrol has proven impotent to stop the problem. We need the military to secure the border now.
Re: US Might deploy Military along borders....
Posted: 2002-11-08 09:44pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Ted wrote:I see that everyone has conviently forgotten Canada. The border with Mexico is almost like the Berlin wall, its a shainlink fence with barbed wire and guards with MG's along it. You guys gonna do the same with Canada? Station troops and arty on the CDN/US border?
*sigh* Yes, generalize Americans as uncultured fascists, what a suprising melodramatic political opinion.

What do you know about the border with Mexico? Americans have no delusion of being aware of internal Canadian affairs but you're suddenly intimately aware of our security problems with our southern border? Need I remind you that nearly anyone can cross the border and this crucially important in a nation that suffered terrorist attacks killing nearly 3,000 people and the impotent INS failed to improve even afterward, allowing one of the Beltway Snipers (one of which is an immigrant) to remain in this country and renewed the hijackers visas 6 months after the attacks? We're not allowed to defend our borders now? We must answer to Canadian superiority? Jump off your horse please.
Ted wrote:Another thing that gets me is the damn US policy with treating Canadians like criminals, fingerprinting them, photographing them, etc... Maybe when Bush next comes to Canada we'll do the same to him. Fingerprint him, ID him, search him, all because he came from the US. And we could send his SS gaurds back to the US for carrying weapons.
Excuse America for recognizing that Canada isn't exactly putting border security on the top of its priorities and is a easy venue for potential terrorists? If Canada won't be precautionary toward immigrants in a post-9/11 world, then the U.S. is forced to be precautionary toward the Canadian border. It is very simple. We're not searching people because their Canadian, don't be ignorant. We're searching people coming from Canada because America feels Canada's borders are too porus to trust implicitly. I care more about American security the placating the tastes of our cousins to the North, thank you very much.
And knock-off the fascist crap. I don't criticize Canada and make dumb generalizations that it's so dependent on America that its virtually not its own country or any of that 51st state shit, so cut the tired old cliches.
Posted: 2002-11-08 09:46pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I'll try to find the report, but it IS TRUE that Mexican Army forces under corrupt command have crossed the border line to engage Border Patrol units, likely in order to cover the entry of drugs.
Posted: 2002-11-08 11:30pm
by MKSheppard
TrailerParkJawa wrote:The military is not a solution for closing the borders to illegals. If we want to do this, we need to buff up the Border Patrol and increase the Coast Guard too.
It's really simple.......Station Machine Gun Nests every x miles of the border
with interlocking zones of fire, and give them .50 Cal HMGs... that should
seal off an area for SEVERAL MILES......and if anyone tries to cross,
kill them, after warning them, of course
Posted: 2002-11-09 12:00am
by Mr Bean
It's really simple.......Station Machine Gun Nests every x miles of the border
with interlocking zones of fire, and give them .50 Cal HMGs... that should
seal off an area for SEVERAL MILES......and if anyone tries to cross,
kill them, after warning them, of course
Yes the Soviets did it quite well it was called the Iron Curtian but that was not in thier country per say so it was a bad thing, the only people who ever made it over the wall did so in Citys
However you idea of a sort of Exclusion Zone has good merit, Especilly given the nature of the board it leads itself well to a flat double guard system
Ie Regular Boarder Fence Say only 4 Feet Tall made of chain-link a Mile over the boarder with Signs 500 Feet in front of it warning people in a few languages that this is a free-fire zone and don't try and cross illeagly, then the Fence, then a 800 Yard Warning zone yet agian then the last warning zone, bury Pressure sensors under a four feet wide slab of concreate with a three foot agian chain-link fence, electrify it maybe(Not kill but stun only)plus the Sensors in the slab tied it in to control stations evey ten miles and towers every 100 Yards or 100 Meters which are BEHIND the MG position BTW, simple Sand-bag wall with emplacements every 50 should handle it excellently and BEHIND the Towers is the Final true wall a nice eleven footer toped with razor wire five feet from the boarder.
Of course I'm looking at this in the perspective of if I wanted to keep people out how would I do it
As a problem rather than a policy in other words
Posted: 2002-11-09 09:43am
by Tsyroc
We have all kinds of border problems here in Arizona.
In the last few years a lot more illegals have been crossing the border here because of beefed up Border Patrol in Southern California and Texas.
Because of that we've had a lot of illegals die trying to cross the desert in the summertime. People don't realize how much open desert there is without water. They'd rather risk death than risk being caught and sent back.
Since people have been dying, despite a large campaign on Mexican TV and billboards warning of the dangers people, certain humanitarian groups have been placing water stations in the desert. That was a problem for awhile because the sun would make the water too hot.
Another problem is coming from citizen groups who are forming their own "border patrol" groups. They have a lot of "off the shelf" high tech equipment as well as firearms. These groups are partially a response to the US government not protecting the property of people near the border. Anyone who has lived near a lot of homeless and despearte people can understand what has pushed these people into near vigilantism.
Property has been destroyed, several instances of dogs and other animals being killed, plus houses being broken into. If you were a single person or a couple living out in the stix of Arizona you'd be very concerned too.
Personally, I think we need to be much harsher in how we protect our borders from illegasl, but I also think we need to make it easier for more Mexicans to come into our country legally.