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Fandom, Symbolism within and one crazy idea

Posted: 2002-11-10 11:19pm
by Majin Gojira
Every fandom has a core to it. they symbolize something that we identify with: an Ideal, a Concept, a whatever (like Gonzo).

A while back, I had a "Spooky Idea"(tm) that involved this Core Concept of various Fandoms.

Basically, it was this: several "fan" people for some uber-contrived reason (the presense of a "Dark Nexus of Chaotic Energy" known as a Plot Hole) gain powers based on their favorite fandom.

they each gain 3 abilities in total.

1. A Gaudy Power - Something Flashy and showy. something a Fan would expect to get. IE: a Warsie might gain SW weapons or Boba-Fetts Armor.
2. A 'Goofy' Power - a draw back or a weird power of little use. IE: a Trekkie might gain Super-Techno-babbly skills.
3. The Fandom Power - the power of what their fandom represents, it's symbolism. IE: a G-Fan might gain 'Uber-ness' of atomic weapons, becoming a rageing, uncontrolable, unstoppable juggernaut.

My chalange to you is to think of various fandom's and come up with at least the 'Fandom Power' of that genre.