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Need examples of Animal Rights Activists Murderers

Posted: 2004-10-26 03:38pm
by Plekhanov
I need an example of an animal rights activists who has actually killed somebody with the express intention of furthering the cause of animal rights since the 60s.

I know Pim Fortuyn’s murderer was some kind of activist but it’s far from clear that he that was the reason became a killer. What I need is a clear-cut case of animal rights guy killing a fur farmer, vivisectionist or something. Can any of you guys help?

edit. damn forgot you could edit posts in OT deleted my double post and pasted it here instead.

Just to clarify slightly people killed by fire bombs, sabotage or any other circumstance where causing death may not have been the activists primary intention but where it was a predictable and likely outcome would also qualify.

Posted: 2004-10-26 03:57pm
by fgalkin
As far as I know, they have been avoiding killing anyone, and limited themselves to vandalism. However, they have began making death threats recently

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-10-26 04:21pm
by Dirty Harry
I carn't think of any animal rights murders. However, recently there has been atleast one case of a militant animal rights group, co-opting the help of members of local government. Have a look.
A vehicle registration official who gave drivers' addresses to animal rights activists has been jailed for five months.
Barry Saul Dickinson, 34, of Manor Forstal, New Ash Green, Kent, was convicted at Stafford Crown Court of misconduct in a public office.