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Name Title

Posted: 2002-11-11 02:29pm
by Guest
Who/How/Why do you change your title under your name i.e. Padawan Learner ect?

Posted: 2002-11-11 02:30pm
by Larz
you post a lot... duh

Posted: 2002-11-11 02:31pm
by Kuja
If you want a cusomized title, either ask Wong about it or set up a poll.

Posted: 2002-11-11 02:33pm
by Guest
Larz wrote:you post a lot... duh

Posted: 2002-11-11 02:34pm
by Kuja
See my above post.

Posted: 2002-11-11 02:34pm
by Tsyroc
The specific information can be found in the Announcements Section
Admiral Kanos wrote: 0-50 posts: Newbie
50-150 posts: Youngling
150-500 posts: Padawan Learner
500-1000 posts: Jedi Knight
1000-1500 posts: Jedi Master
1500+ posts: Jedi Council Member

There are numerous special titles as well:

* Sith Lord: This rank is reserved for Darth Wong (me). There can be only one.
* Lex Animata: This rank (which means "living law", or "law incarnate") is reserved for the site admin, AdmiralKanos (also me). Once again, there can be only one.
* Sith Apprentice: This generally signifies that someone has helped with my site in some way, either by helping administer this board or in some other fashion.
* Village Idiot: This rank is reserved for morons. It is generally used as an indicator that someone habitually refuses to debate rationally (ie- makes the same point over and over again, ignores rebuttals rather than addressing them, etc). I don't like to ban people just for being dense, so the "Village Idiot" ranking is this board's way of punishing bad debaters without banning them.
* Fundamentalist Moron: Obviously, this rank is for fundie morons.
* Racist Donkey-Raping Son of a Whore: This rank is used for white-supremacists. It was coined during an invasion from a white-supremacist board in which around a half-dozen of them tried to spew their hate literature here in a search for new recruits.
* Tough-guy Wannabe: This rank is used for about a dozen steroid-using tough-talking dumb-jock types from Elite Fitness who came here to "make fun of the nerds" as they put it.

Posted: 2002-11-11 02:36pm
by Larz
you ask wong after you post a lot... it all still works. That or you do something special and ask wong.