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Bach vs. Beethoven vs. Mozart
Posted: 2002-11-12 04:53pm
by haas mark
Three of the most prominent composers of classical music. Which is the better composer? Discuss.
Posted: 2002-11-12 04:54pm
by Kuja
Beethoven. His 5th and 9th hit me like nothing else.
Posted: 2002-11-12 04:56pm
by kheegster
Bach...don't really know why...I just prefer his music to Beethoven or Mozart.
Posted: 2002-11-12 04:58pm
by haas mark
Personally, I liked his solo instrument music more than anything else....the only thing I can at this moment pin for Beethoven is the Brandenburg Concertos...and for Mozart, well, there's his "Requiem."
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:00pm
by irishmick79
Beethoven. His "eroica" 3rd Symphony is my personal favorite piece of music.
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:00pm
by Kuja
I just remembered: Beethoven's Feur Elise (sp?) That's good, too.
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:01pm
by Raptor 597
I dom prefere Betthoven, though Mozart's Reqium is good, in facts it's great. I like Bach too he's pretty good/
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:03pm
by haas mark
IG-88E wrote:I just remembered: Beethoven's Feur Elise (sp?) That's good, too.
Für Elise.
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:15pm
by Andrew J.
Beethoven. Now...which one would win in a no-holds-barred street fight?
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:17pm
by Kuja
verilon wrote:Für Elise.
Yeah, that's it.
I like Moonlight Sonata, as well.
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:19pm
by Next of Kin
I'm very partial to Bach's fugue in D minor (instrumental not organ).
Posted: 2002-11-12 05:43pm
by kheegster
verilon wrote:Personally, I liked his solo instrument music more than anything else....the only thing I can at this moment pin for Beethoven is the Brandenburg Concertos...and for Mozart, well, there's his "Requiem."
Uhh...BACH composed the Brandenburgs, not Beethoven.
Posted: 2002-11-12 06:17pm
by Zaia
Verilon wrote:Bach/Beethoven/Mozart: Three of the most prominent composers of classical music. Which is the better composer? Discuss.
All geniuses, first of all.
Ok, here's what I think about them:
Bach: brilliantly composed many, many works and made a huge impact on the world. Many of his pieces were written as educational aides for his students and not as a form of expression, which decreases the emotional response from the audience (read: me). As I am a very emotional person, this is an important point. Baroque music was not really supposed to be emotional, so it's not really Bach's fault; what he did he did well. His music doesn't speak to me like other composers' music.
Mozart: unbelievably gifted in terms of composition, wrote many pieces straight onto the page without a single error, and his Requiem is one of my favourite pieces of music. At times, the music seems almost too perfect and therefore lacks (or seems to lack) passion. Same issue as Bach in terms of an emtional connection between listener and song. Music from the classical era has some emotion, but generally not very much.
Beethoven: my choice for the best composer of the three. Beethoven masterfully took the emotionally stagnant typical "classical" sound and poured his soul into it (making him borderline Romantic-era). Many things in Beethoven's life went horribly wrong at around the same point in his life (he started to lose his hearing, he lost the woman he loved, and his nephew who lived with him attempted suicide). He used his music as an outlet to deal with the emotions he was feeling over these horrible events, and so doing, developed some of the most beautiful music ever created. Some of his most heartbreakingly gorgeous music was composed after he was entirely deaf (String Quartet No. 14), which to me is unparalleled genius.
Posted: 2002-11-12 06:21pm
by fgalkin
I'd say I like them equally. However, after careful consideration, I've decided that I'll say Beethoven.
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2002-11-12 06:56pm
by Guest
Definitely Beethoven.
Posted: 2002-11-12 06:59pm
by Warspite
It's a very tough decision, I like all of them, but in the end I voted for Bach. He contributed a LOT to music. There's this saying: God invented sound, Bach invented music.
Posted: 2002-11-12 07:57pm
by EmperorSolo51
Neither. My Favorite Composer would be Felix Mendelsohn.
Posted: 2002-11-12 08:09pm
by MKSheppard
RICHARD WAGNER, Ride of the Valkries, BABY!
Posted: 2002-11-12 08:25pm
by The Dark
I would have to say that out of those three I like Beethoven the best. His music is the most impassioned, and is the best at evoking moods. The others are equally technically proficient, but technicality is not everything in music.
Re: Bach vs. Beethoven vs. Mozart
Posted: 2002-11-12 08:42pm
by jegs2
verilon wrote:Three of the most prominent composers of classical music. Which is the better composer? Discuss.
I pick J.S. Bach only because I enjoy
Baroque music more than
Classical or
Romantic era music. All three were greatly talented composers.
Posted: 2002-11-12 09:16pm
by Kelly Antilles
I can't choose. They are all great composers. All of the Bachs, Beethoven and Mozart. However, Mozart is a personal favorite for first use of clarinet.
Posted: 2002-11-13 12:09am
by Guest
EmperorSolo51 wrote:Neither. My Favorite Composer would be Felix Mendelsohn.
Mendelssohn was an excellent composer.
Posted: 2002-11-13 12:28am
by Kuja
MKSheppard wrote:RICHARD WAGNER, Ride of the Valkries, BABY!
Hell, yes. I've got that one saved.
Posted: 2002-11-13 01:06am
by IRG CommandoJoe
Damn it, I can't decide. All three of them are geniuses. I think it's ironic how baroque music wasn't designed to evoke emotion, however it is always used in movies and such when underscoring aristocrats, arrogant people, snobs, pompous people, cold-hearted people, etc. Odd, isn't it?
Also, you need to listen to MORE MOZART if the Requiem is all you can come up with. I can go off on a tangent naming many great pieces of music which Zaia has described as perfect. But I have no time. Off to bed, for me.
Posted: 2002-11-13 02:43am
by Mr. B
It's a toss up between Beethoven and Mozart. I personally like Mozart's 4th symphony above all else.