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Posted: 2002-11-13 03:44pm
by haas mark
Anybody you think here that is just an insensitive prick?
I have my own, and lets not name names. Just discuss.
I recently read some posts where someone was considering suicide and no less than two people told him to just do it. If that isn't insensitive, I dunno what is.
Posted: 2002-11-13 03:58pm
by Larz
I won't say that I'm completely insensitive, but I will admit that I'm rather numb and even cold and callouse to many things. I don't like the term prick, I prefer cynic.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:07pm
by NecronLord
You are talking about the thread I just locked?
You should not believe that said troll was contemplating suicide.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:11pm
by Lagmonster
Of course there are, verilon.
It's not that people are completely insensitive, it's that we're all insensitive to certain things to certain degrees.
That sounds like pansy-footing around it, but it's the truth. Me, I'm insensitive towards people who ask me for money, regardless of what for. I don't feel that makes me a prick.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:13pm
by Stormbringer
NecronLord wrote:You are talking about the thread I just locked?
You should not believe that said troll was contemplating suicide.
It was a thread in SLAM. And it was just as ridiculous as well though.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:13pm
by haas mark
NecronLord wrote:You are talking about the thread I just locked?
You should not believe that said troll was contemplating suicide.
Yes and no.
And I didn't really think that this person was seriously contemplating suicide, but that if that were the case, it seems that far too many people would be saying "fine" without thinking about the real repercussions that it might have.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:14pm
by Frank Hipper
Haven't read that thread yet, but, yah there be pricks about. I can be one myself, at times.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:17pm
by Larz
You think to much on tangent dynamics Verilon...
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:17pm
by haas mark
Larz wrote:You think to much on tangent dynamics Verilon...
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:19pm
by Larz
The basic human instinct is to survive, a tangent human dynamic would be jumping off a cliff as a testament to faith, its an extremely far and few probabilty. The mentally unstable would have done it no matter what was said and the stable wouldn't go through with it. Any who would deserves a grim call from reality because thats the only thing that can make them see the truth. Its easier to stick with human nature rather than dynamics, less to worry about.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:20pm
by Lagmonster
verilon wrote:And I didn't really think that this person was seriously contemplating suicide, but that if that were the case, it seems that far too many people would be saying "fine" without thinking about the real repercussions that it might have.
Hey, people have killed themselves over Everquest. Dumb people, but people nonetheless. People make dumb and selfish choices. Often, they desperately want to be acknowledged for those choices regardless of what it costs them. That's their shit and they're going to sit in it no matter what we do or say to them, positive or otherwise.
I do not believe that anyone here holds any responsibility for that kid's actions. It would be the equivalent of him cutting off someone in traffic and then driving sorrowfully off a bridge when the people he cut off give him the finger and yell at him to get off the road.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:21pm
by haas mark
Larz wrote:The basic human instinct is to survive, a tangent human dynamic would be jumping off a cliff as a testament to faith, its an extremely far and few probabilty. The mentally unstable would have done it no matter what was said and the stable wouldn't go through with it. Any who would deserves a grim call from reality because thats the only thing that can make them see the truth. Its easier to stick with human nature rather than dynamics, less to worry about.
Umm.....okay.....but you seem to be missing that that wasn't the only thread I'm pulling this from.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:21pm
by Larz
Those people are not mentally stable. They've lost touch with reality and become a dynamic statistic.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:22pm
by haas mark
Lagmonster wrote:verilon wrote:And I didn't really think that this person was seriously contemplating suicide, but that if that were the case, it seems that far too many people would be saying "fine" without thinking about the real repercussions that it might have.
Hey, people have killed themselves over Everquest. Dumb people, but people nonetheless. People make dumb and selfish choices. Often, they desperately want to be acknowledged for those choices regardless of what it costs them. That's their shit and they're going to sit in it no matter what we do or say to them, positive or otherwise.
I do not believe that anyone here holds any responsibility for that kid's actions. It would be the equivalent of him cutting off someone in traffic and then driving sorrowfully off a bridge when the people he cut off give him the finger and yell at him to get off the road.
Then why do we have people
encouraging them to do these things on this board?
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:22pm
by haas mark
Larz wrote:Those people are not mentally stable. They've lost touch with reality and become a dynamic statistic.
you have taken psychology whereas I have not. THink about it *just* for a sec.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:24pm
by Larz
Human dynamic = not of normal socially accepted parameters... anyway, you won't see that in psych 105 course, its from reading in my hobby
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:25pm
by haas mark
Larz wrote:Human dynamic = not of normal socially accepted parameters... anyway, you won't see that in psych 105 course, its from reading in my hobby
Okay. Try not to be so over-the-head to people next time though. Define it in your first post.

Posted: 2002-11-13 04:29pm
by Larz
I didn't learn such from psychology, I learned it from my hobby. Human dynamics = such that is far from the parameters of social norms. The threads where we would kill people is a moral choice. No man can be a judge of character or morals for somewhere another man doesn't agree with the first mans morals.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:29pm
by RedImperator
For a long time, I took people seriously when they said they wanted to kill themselves. I ended up with a collection of emotional lampreys attached to me. I realized much later they were people with a load of self-inflicted problems desparately looking for people to tell them that it wasn't their fault their life sucked. Verlion, I know from reading a few of your posts you contemplated it yourself, but you also had REAL PROBLEMS which actaully WEREN'T your fault, and you went and GOT HELP for them. I don't have any sympathy for people who tell everybody they want to die and refuse to get help for it anymore, because it's nothing but selfishness--hijacking other people's emotions and taking advantage of their better nature for attention.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:30pm
by Larz
Damn, didn't realize the thing posted my first one since the browser crapped. But a question, what is your moral standing Verilon?
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:32pm
by Lagmonster
verilon wrote:Then why do we have people encouraging them to do these things on this board?
We don't, actually. We specifically encourage him to sit on a spike for his ploy, and few if any of us believe that we would be the impetus for him to kill himself.
Now, you'll say, he might be seriously screwed up and one more taunt could 'push him over the edge'. But as I said, if he's that far gone then he'll find another reason to kill himself, and would have even if he'd never come here. That's just how people work. Most people who actually kill themselves don't do a publicity stunt, and certainly don't do it as revenge against a bunch of strangers who turned them away for being too immature.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:36pm
by haas mark
RedImperator wrote:For a long time, I took people seriously when they said they wanted to kill themselves. I ended up with a collection of emotional lampreys attached to me. I realized much later they were people with a load of self-inflicted problems desparately looking for people to tell them that it wasn't their fault their life sucked. Verlion, I know from reading a few of your posts you contemplated it yourself, but you also had REAL PROBLEMS which actaully WEREN'T your fault, and you went and GOT HELP for them. I don't have any sympathy for people who tell everybody they want to die and refuse to get help for it anymore, because it's nothing but selfishness--hijacking other people's emotions and taking advantage of their better nature for attention.
Okay, I don't have too much sympathy for people that just randomly say they're going ot kill themselves. All my friends know it....and they know that I will not keep them as friends if they're going to say it and act childish about it. Now, I have a bunch of emotional lampreys, I am a bleeding heart, sometimes. But it IS my turn to vent, I have been having a really stressful time as of late. I digress. Again, it is not so much that people are being apathetic/sympathetic, but insensitive to what repercussions it *might* have. Some people take literally everything to heart. Most don't.
Larz wrote:But a question, what is your moral standing Verilon?
You've got a lot of questions to ask there, my friend. That's one broad topic.
Lag: I see your point, but it just
seems like there are those encouraging it.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:41pm
by Larz
What is your moral standing on life, human, plant, and animal to narrow it down.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:42pm
by haas mark
Larz wrote:What is your moral standing on life, human, plant, and animal to narrow it down.
haha very funny try again.
Posted: 2002-11-13 04:43pm
by Larz
Whats so funny about Verilon. To determine why you put up this topic one must understand how you stand on the three forms of life. I don't find it as an ammusing question.