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Name thingy

Posted: 2002-11-14 05:57am
by haas mark
Jedi Name: Patbr Chalb
Soap Opera Name: Carroll Redondo
Girly Name: Sweetie Loved Kitten (mew)
Rock Star Name: Party Crunk
Villain Name: Crazy Freak (If I reverse my first and last names, I get Evil Avenger :?)
Porn Name: Gordon Birch (Birch is the best sounding of all the streets I gre up on)


Your Jedi Name
first name:

use the 1st three letters of your first name &
then add the 1st two letters of your last name.

last name:

use the 1st two letters of your mothers maiden name &
then add the 1st three letters of the city u were born in.


Your Soap Opera Name
Use your middle name as your first name, and the street you live on as your last name.


Your Girly Name

Look for the first letter of your first,
middle and last names and you will get
your girly name!!!

First Name

A- Outgoing
B- Cutie
C- Popular
D- Smart
E- Shy
F- Nice
G- Different
H- Sweet
I- Hot
J- Sexy
K- Funky
L- Boyish
M- Cool
N- Cute
O- Groovy
P- Sweetie
Q- Freaky
R- Fast
S- Funny
T- Sporty
U- Slow
V- Stinky
W- Quiet
X- Pathetic
Y- slu*y
Z- Weird

Middle Name

A- Purple
B- Super
C- Loved
D- Glamour
E- Loveable
F- Ditzy
G- Sensetive
H- Loud
I- excellent
J- Popular
K- Prissy
L- Shimmery
M- Shy
N- Cool
O- Hyper
P- Cute
Q- Young
R- Sparkle
S- Hot
T- Pink
U- Right
V- Sassy
W- Glitter
X- Sick
Y- Sweet
Z- Enerjetic

Last Name

A- Angel
B- Kitten
C- Chick
D- Star
E- Prep
F- Babe
G- Lover
H- Butterfly
I- Girlfriend
J- Chickie
K- Sweetie
L- Princess
M- Pop star
N- Cutie
O- Queen
P- cutey pie
Q- Nerd
R- Girl
S- Hunnie
T- Flirt
U- Dance
V- Foxy
W- Bubbles
X- Daisy
Y- Hottie
Z- Chica


Your RockStar Name

1st Letter Of Your First Name:


now find the first letter of your middle name above,
and add it after your first name.


Your Villian Name

The first letter of your first name.
A,B: Mighty
C,D: Evil
E,F: Dr.
G,H: Mr.
I,J: Lady
K,L: Dark
M,N: Super
O,P: Crazy
Q,R: Lil
S,T: Iron
U,V: Masked
W,X: Freaky
Y,Z: Master

Find the first letter of your last name.

A,B: Freak
C,D: Drake
E,F: Devil
G,H: Freeze
I,J: Demon
K,L: Night
M,N: Spy
O,P: Avenger
Q,R: Giant
S,T: Fire
U,V: Evil
W,X: bandit
Y,Z: mind

Porn name

First name = Name of your first pet
Last name = Name of the street you grew up on.

Posted: 2002-11-14 06:26am
by weemadando
Jedi Name: Andru Rudaw

Soap Opera Name: Russell Davey, could also be Russell Cimitiere...

Girly Name: Outgoing Girl

Rock Name: Spunky Rockin'

Villain Name: Mighty Giant

Porn Name: Peanut (Butter) Cimitiere (fucking weird)

Posted: 2002-11-14 06:55am
by Dargos
Jedi Name: Davway Deone

Soap Opera: Andrew Hahn

Girly Name: Smart Purple Girl (strange...I like purple)

Rock Name: Demented Spunky (?!?!)

Villian Name: Evil Giant

Porn Name: Arni Park

Posted: 2002-11-14 07:55am
by Sparkticus
Jedi Name: Danhe Mirne

Soap Opera Name: Stephen Carroll

Girly Name: Smart Hot Butterfly (hmmm....)

Rock Name: Demented Spunky (What sort of fucked up musician am I?)

Villian Name: Evil Freeze (Just doesn't have much of a ring to it, does it?)

Porn Name: Louis Newton (Feel the FORCE! Heh heh...)

I think Louis Newton is an awesome porn name. Might have to start waxing my chest and practice looking sexy...

Opions of board members on this point are neither required nor desired...

Posted: 2002-11-14 07:57am
by haas mark
Sparkticus wrote:Opions of board members on this point are neither required nor desired...
All the more reason for people to give them to you. ;) But I'll spare you, cuz I'm cool liek that.

Posted: 2002-11-14 08:15am
by Sparkticus
Duly Noted

*Re-engages safety on turret mounted GAU-8*

You be lucky, I was expecting something, and it's been a while since I've had the chance to let this thing rock and roll...

30mm of fun fun fun! :D

Posted: 2002-11-14 09:28am
by Crown
:oops: :oops: Ahh this is a little embarising but :oops: :oops: Um my last name as a Jedi is actually my mothers maiden name :oops: Hehe

Posted: 2002-11-14 09:59am
by Tsyroc
Jedi Name: Corto Giiow (someone call George and ask him how I pronounce this thing. :?

Soap Opera: Steven Roger Coool, I'm almost Captain America 8)

Girly Name: Popular Hot Flirt :?

Rock Name: Crunk Spunky :?:

Villan Name: Evil Fire :twisted:

Porn Name: Nikki Sommerset I had to adjust this one a bit since most of my early pets were female. :? This name could be a chick's name to but the others were definate.

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:00am
by haas mark
Tsyroc wrote:Jedi Name: Corto Giiow (someone call George and ask him how I pronounce this thing. :?
And mine is any better??? I got PATBR for crying out loud!

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:02am
by Tsyroc
verilon wrote:
Tsyroc wrote:Jedi Name: Corto Giiow (someone call George and ask him how I pronounce this thing. :?
And mine is any better??? I got PATBR for crying out loud!

How about Pat-bear Chalb?

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:04am
by haas mark
Tsyroc wrote:
verilon wrote:
Tsyroc wrote:Jedi Name: Corto Giiow (someone call George and ask him how I pronounce this thing. :?
And mine is any better??? I got PATBR for crying out loud!

How about Pat-bear Chalb?
How about Corto Gee-ee-oh?

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:15am
by Warspite
Jedi Name: Raule Souli (nice...)

Soap Opera Name: Manuel Infante (yeah, sounds cool)

Girly Name: Fast Shy Princess (and what's this supposed to mean???)

Rockstar Name: Rockin Mad (YEAH! :twisted: )

Villian Name: Lil Night (WTF is this????? :shock: :shock: )

Porn Name: I don't have pet's, so this one is nil.

Can somebody please explain to me what Lil Night means? What kind of sissy villian calls himself Lil Night. Is this a name capable of striking terror on my adversaries????? :!: :!: :!:

*EDIT - Speling errors

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:16am
by haas mark
Warspite wrote:Jedi Name: Raule Souli (nice...)
Soap Opera Name: Manuel Infante (yeah, sounds cool)
Girly Name: Fast Shy Princess (and what's this supposed to mean???)
Rockstar Name: Rockin Mad (YEAH! :twisted: )
Villian Name: Lil Night (WTF is this????? :shock: :shock: )
Porn Name: I don't have pet's, so this one is nil.

Can somebody please explain to me what Lil Night means? What kind of sissy villian calls himself Lil Night. Is this a name capable of striking terror on my adversaries????? :!: :!: :!:

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:18am
by Tsyroc
verilon wrote:
Tsyroc wrote:
verilon wrote: And mine is any better??? I got PATBR for crying out loud!

How about Pat-bear Chalb?
How about Corto Gee-ee-oh?
:lol: My Jedi name could almost be made into a Star Wars version of BINGO

and Gee-ee-oh was his name-o :D

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:24am
by David
Soap Name: Charles 253CR693?

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:29am
by Warspite
David wrote:Soap Name: Charles 253CR693?
What, a Borg in the soap operas? :wink:

Posted: 2002-11-14 10:53am
by Zaia
Warspite wrote:
David wrote:Soap Name: Charles 253CR693?
What, a Borg in the soap operas? :wink:
LOL :D Awesome.

'K, just to warn you, I'm really not cheating--I do have 2 middle names.

Jedi: Krisw Dupat
Soap: Veronica Armistice (I used the better of my two middle names--hope y'all don't mind :D )
Girlie: Funky Shy Sassy Hunnie (err, thanks?)
Rock: Killer Mad Verocious
Villian: Dark Fire :twisted:
Porn: Cecily Lorraine

I like both my soap opera and my porn names. Heh heh... :twisted:

Posted: 2002-11-14 11:00am
by Kelly Antilles
*reads through, finds answers for my name*
Ain't no way in HELL I'm going to tell you.

Posted: 2002-11-14 11:03am
by Stravo
Note: I don't have a middle name so I just used the one I always wanted to have: Michael.

Jedi Name: Frafo Venew

Soap Opera: Michael Broadway

Girly: Nice Shy Babe (Which applies to me now!)

Rockstar: Funky Mad

Villain: Dr. Devil (Yesssss)

Porn: Morris Broadway

Posted: 2002-11-14 11:03am
by Tsyroc
Kelly Antilles wrote:*reads through, finds answers for my name*
Ain't no way in HELL I'm going to tell you.

:shock: I know, KELLY ANTILLES is your Porn Name!?! :D

Posted: 2002-11-14 11:04am
by Zaia
Kelly Antilles wrote:*reads through, finds answers for my name*
Ain't no way in HELL I'm going to tell you.
Awwww. :( Why not?

Posted: 2002-11-14 11:21am
by Knife
Jedi Name: Codcr Dunogd (sure and you thought yours was hard to say)

Soap Opera: Keith Main (200 east just don't have a ring to it)

Girly Name: Popular Prissy Chick (Can't be any further from the truth)

Rock Star: Crunk Killer (Watch out all you crunk's out there)

Villian: Evil Drake (Whoooo Hoooooo)

Porn Name: Ambush Quincy (I hide in closets?)

Posted: 2002-11-14 11:30am
by Warspite
Knife wrote:Jedi Name: Codcr Dunogd (sure and you thought yours was hard to say)

Soap Opera: Keith Main (200 east just don't have a ring to it)

Girly Name: Popular Prissy Chick (Can't be any further from the truth)

Rock Star: Crunk Killer (Watch out all you crunk's out there)

Villian: Evil Drake (Whoooo Hoooooo)

Porn Name: Ambush Quincy (I hide in closets?)


What's a crunk??? :lol:
You hide in closets and strike when everyone is asleep. :wink:

Posted: 2002-11-14 02:04pm
by Slartibartfast
Jedi Name: Serle Otlim
Soap Opera Name: *censored*
Girly Name: Funny Purple Princess... hm what a coincidence... did I say that out loud?
Rockstar Name: Spunky Spunky???
Villain Name: Iron Night
Porn Name: I honestly have no idea, I was only a few months old, see?

Ok the Jedi name is an interesting way to make up names, the others are basically "choose a random word" :P

Re: Name thingy

Posted: 2002-11-14 02:09pm
by Larz
Jedi Name: Corha Esque
Soap Opera Name: Dean Park
Girly Name: Popular Glamour Butterfly (puke...)
Rock Star Name: Crunk Demented (:WTF:)
Villain Name: Evil Freeze
Porn Name: Harold Manana

... I could have thought of better ways to burn time... I only like my Soap and Jedi names, the rest sorta sucks