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Roleplaying Vampire: The Masqureade.
Posted: 2002-11-14 10:58am
by Kelly Antilles
I just had a thought (yes, very scary, I know). Vampire is very easy to play online. Most games hardly have any action in them anyway. It's more talking to people and interacting and such. I'm far from being a storyteller, but I might could come up with a little something online if anyone is interested. If there are any storytellers who'd like to help out, I'd appreciate it very much. So, basically what I'm asking is, who wants to start up a Vampire roleplaying session?
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:00am
by Knife
Never played, what does it take to play, and how do you do it?
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:02am
by Kelly Antilles
basically, it's just roleplaying as a vampire.
The official White Wolf page with all you need to know about Vampire.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:05am
by Stravo
Kelly, I'm in!! Just call me Jack Reece, Gangrel wanderer childe of Geoffrey D'Anjou famed Hunter of Assamites. (Geoffrey not me)
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:06am
by Kelly Antilles
Stravo wrote:Kelly, I'm in!! Just call me Jack Reece, Gangrel wanderer childe of Geoffrey D'Anjou famed Hunter of Assamites. (Geoffrey not me)
OMG! I know Geoffrey! Met him in London. My Ventrue is the childe of Nicholas Tudor.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:11am
by Lagmonster
For the benefit of us old fogies, what the hell?
Oh, wait, a link. Let's, requires too much imagination. I'd suck at it and probably be the first player in history to be erased from the space/time continuum, within about two minutes, due to stupid blundering.
But it looks interesting.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:14am
by Kelly Antilles
Lagmonster wrote:For the benefit of us old fogies, what the hell?
Oh, wait, a link. Let's, requires too much imagination. I'd suck at it and probably be the first player in history to be erased from the space/time continuum, within about two minutes, due to stupid blundering.
But it looks interesting.
"Too much imagination" says the man writing an awesome novel.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:19am
by Skelron
I'm in, now too decide what character, I'm tempted by my old favourite, Fr Pierce of the Clan Nosferatu, Scholar, Noddist, and erm pacifist... most of the time. But I'm unsure, maybe someone else... but I guarentee a Nossie and that I'll be more regualer on the net, I just need a good reason to leave the Flat and walk half an hour to Comps....
Having said all that expect my attendence for a while to stay bad, the Firemens Strike... (GO Firebrigade, good luck etc.) means the University can't keep the Computer rooms open all night, so comps are harder to get...
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:25am
by Lagmonster
Kelly Antilles wrote:"Too much imagination" says the man writing an awesome novel.
Har. I'm reading their FAQ. It looks interesting, but I can't grasp the *point* yet. I think I'm missing something, but then, I've never been exposed to even acquaintences that roleplay, let alone done it myself.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:29am
by Stravo
Kelly Antilles wrote:Stravo wrote:Kelly, I'm in!! Just call me Jack Reece, Gangrel wanderer childe of Geoffrey D'Anjou famed Hunter of Assamites. (Geoffrey not me)
OMG! I know Geoffrey! Met him in London. My Ventrue is the childe of Nicholas Tudor.
Keep in mind that my sire and I are estranged but I rememeber him speaking highly of your sire...thats quite an accomplishment considering that Geoffrey is a stuck up prick.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:31am
by Kelly Antilles
Stravo wrote:
Keep in mind that my sire and I are estranged but I rememeber him speaking highly of your sire...thats quite an accomplishment considering that Geoffrey is a stuck up prick.
Everybody speaks highly of Nicholas. He was a wonderful person all around. Quite different from his sire and the rest of the Tudor family in general.
So, how old is your character? (ie born when?)
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:37am
by Yogi
Do we need to buy a rulebook for this?
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:47am
by Kelly Antilles
Yogi wrote:Do we need to buy a rulebook for this?
Not at all. It'll just be mostly chatting in character.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:51am
by Slartibartfast
Knife wrote:Never played, what does it take to play, and how do you do it?
Well don't know about the computer version, but for the real version you have to dress up in funny costumes and play out all your moves (I think you roll a dice then have to swing a wooden sword at the opponent...) oh yeah and talk like you're from the time period.
Posted: 2002-11-14 11:55am
by Durandal
While I like Vampire (and White Wolf in general), I don't think I have the kind of time needed to role play it online.
Posted: 2002-11-14 12:04pm
by Stormbringer
I don't know what to do at all, but I'd like to learn and play. Count me in for sure.
Posted: 2002-11-14 12:05pm
by Kelly Antilles
Slartibartfast wrote:
Well don't know about the computer version, but for the real version you have to dress up in funny costumes and play out all your moves (I think you roll a dice then have to swing a wooden sword at the opponent...) oh yeah and talk like you're from the time period.
Misnomer. That's LARP, Live Action RolePlaying.
Roleplaying in general, table top version, does not require dressing up and shit like that.
Posted: 2002-11-14 12:24pm
by Oberleutnant
Vampire was the first roleplaying game I ever played. I really loved the setting, although I'm a sucker for everything related to Vampires, even Blade movies. If my schedule allows it -- what it probably does, since studying is over-rated anyway -- count me in!
BTW, for those who want more information about Vampire: you can download a Vampire beginner's kit from the White Wolf website for free.
Edit: To be exact, it is called "Vampire Quckstart"
Here's the HTML version: ... qs_p1.html
Posted: 2002-11-14 12:31pm
by Dahak
It sounds like real fun...
My experience is limited to D&D and Shadowrun, but I always wanted to play Vampire, even have a character ready for it

Posted: 2002-11-14 12:34pm
by Stravo
Jack was embraced back during the Gulf War. A member of the special forces he was on a mission of assainating an Iraqi official with extreme prejudice when he was stalked by Geoffrey who only embraces the finest warriors for his never ending crusade of eliminating the Assamites. Horrified by what he had become, Reece fled his sire and has tried to come to grips with what he is and at the same time protecting his wife and children from a distance. Geoffrey has labeled him a "prodigal" childe but believes that this may be his finest childe of this century and watches over Reece without Reece knowing about it.
Unfortunately, the Assamites hate Geoffrey precisely because he hunts them and they do everything they can to hurt him, including trying to destroy his childer. Reece has no idea about this and is constantly in danger when mentioning his lineage.
Posted: 2002-11-14 12:40pm
by Kelly Antilles
Ok, I'm scared. My Ventrue just recently found out who Nicholas's sire was and now she's in trouble for being related. Pretty scary. Sounds like a great character, Stravo.
Posted: 2002-11-14 01:02pm
by Slartibartfast
Kelly Antilles wrote:Slartibartfast wrote:
Well don't know about the computer version, but for the real version you have to dress up in funny costumes and play out all your moves (I think you roll a dice then have to swing a wooden sword at the opponent...) oh yeah and talk like you're from the time period.
Misnomer. That's LARP, Live Action RolePlaying.
Roleplaying in general, table top version, does not require dressing up and shit like that.
Sorry, my mistake. I thought that the Smurf: The Smurfing series of games used LARP rules.
Posted: 2002-11-14 01:30pm
by Lagmonster
Well, I'm at least willing to give it a listen. What would be required, Kelly?
Posted: 2002-11-14 02:01pm
by Kuja
Meh, RPGing isn't exactly my favorite time waster.
Posted: 2002-11-14 02:38pm
by Dargos
I would love long as the vampires are semi-Anne Riceish. Crosses and stakes.....bah......holy water your kidding me right? favorite seasoning. Only the sun and fire scare me buddy.