College Application question (University of California)

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College Application question (University of California)

Post by Shinova »

This particular month is well known to us residents here in california as the month when all seniors across the state rush like mad to get their UC applications finished, UC = University of California. I'm one of them :cry:

Anyhow, I have a question:

I've taken martial arts for a few years but stopped about four years ago. Should I still put down martial arts in the extracurricular activities section, without mentioning that I quit?
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Post by Alferd Packer »

Just give the dates. If you did it in high school at all, it's valid.
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Post by Beowulf »

Yes, put it down, even though you did stop 4 years ago. It's an importan part of how you developed as a person. It's a great thing to put in your UC essay, as I should know... :wink:

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Post by Mike_6002 »

Yes, it will look good on a application plus it a form of intamadation which is good
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Post by Kuja »

Alferd Packer wrote:Just give the dates. If you did it in high school at all, it's valid.
This is true.
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