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Stupid Ideas your mother/father believes in
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:11pm
by Pu-239
My mother believes in alternative medicine crap, is a quasi-fundamentalist, and is a homophobe. Apparently she has been listening to too much conservative vietnamese propaganda on 'viet radio'/. Why do us minority groups always have to have our own private media? UGh!!!!
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:12pm
by haas mark
I'm sorry.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:19pm
by Raptor 597
My parents are Catholic Fundies too the highest, degree, probably homophobes atleast I think they are I only remember then vaguely critcizing gay people once, Racist, Whie Supremacist, and Ultra Creatonist with attak I could knock down in a minute. But they'll only tell me oo shut up or go "Lalalala, go too Church now, learn some faith" Oh, and hypocrites. Anyway, many reasons I haven't tld them I'm atheist.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:20pm
by Darth Wong
My mother believes that Jews control the government and are generally dishonest. You wouldn't believe some of the heated arguments we've had over this.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:22pm
by HemlockGrey
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:23pm
by ArmorPierce
Darth Wong wrote:My mother believes that Jews control the government and are generally dishonest. You wouldn't believe some of the heated arguments we've had over this.
Same with both my parents believing that they are trying to take over the world and they also have something against blacks from the city to a lesser degree stereotyping them.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:33pm
by fgalkin
My grandmother was judophobic. My father is Jewish. You do the math.
My other grandmother beleives that every Muslim should be shot. That is after she saw here parents killed by Stalin. Go figure.
My father does not believe that life originated on Earth. He thinks it was brought in from space.
Other than that, they are all pretty much normal people.
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:34pm
by HemlockGrey
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:35pm
by haas mark
Cyril wrote:Bizarre.
To say the least.

Posted: 2002-11-16 09:36pm
by Raptor 597
Looks like my family was run of the mill Fundies, Fgalkin's family are a bunch of physcos cool
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:37pm
by Kuja
fgalkin wrote:My grandmother was judophobic. My father is Jewish. You do the math.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:41pm
by haas mark
My mom's dad is full-blood native American. My mom's mom is white. His current wife is Vietnamese. My mom's first husband (my biological father) was white. He was also Presbyterian. She's a semi-Catholic. Her current husband (my step-dad) is in the Navy (thus homophobe),a dn a true blue Catholic. All his brothers and sisters are Catholic. His parents are Catholic. His dad was in the Army.
I am pagan, but haven't told anyone in my family, but my mom knows I read Tarot. My dad doesn't know I'm gay, but the rest of my family does.
You figure it out.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:42pm
by Kuja
My family's normal, except for four total and complete psychos:
me and three of my cousins.
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:44pm
by Raptor 597
IG-88E wrote:My family's normal, except for four total and complete psychos:
me and three of my cousins.
Thats what with the Hadoken Icon?

Posted: 2002-11-16 09:46pm
by Kuja
[Thread hijacking attempt put down, and two pages of useless off-topic shit deleted by popular request- DW]
Posted: 2002-11-16 10:10pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Before this thread is closed because it's just a chat room now, I would like ot bring up my family.
When my brotehr got a D, my dad decided to take the TV sets away. I dodn't wtch TV for a year, and his grades didn't go up at all. My dad promised he's give them back if my brother got a B average. He never did, but we got them back anyway after a year. Now, my broter has all 3 of my houses' TV sets in his room, and last grading period, he got an 85.7 average, which rounds up to a B.
Besides that, and my brother being a moron, my family is pretty normal.
Posted: 2002-11-16 10:12pm
by haas mark
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Before this thread is closed because it's just a chat room now, I would like ot bring up my family.
When my brotehr got a D, my dad decided to take the TV sets away. I dodn't wtch TV for a year, and his grades didn't go up at all. My dad promised he's give them back if my brother got a B average. He never did, but we got them back anyway after a year. Now, my broter has all 3 of my houses' TV sets in his room, and last grading period, he got an 85.7 average, which rounds up to a B.
Besides that, and my brother being a moron, my family is pretty normal.
So for your brother, TV = good grades!?

How the fuck does that happen!?
Posted: 2002-11-16 10:12pm
by Durandal
My parents believe in ghosts, and my dad thinks that science proves there is a god.
Other than that, they're pretty reasonable people.
Posted: 2002-11-16 10:18pm
by Mike_6002
<Summons Bathumat to crush and eat the off topic people>
Topic: My dad a bit homophobic, other than that my family is normal
Posted: 2002-11-16 10:20pm
by Crown
WTF? Why are 2 pages of this thread hijacked? Keep it real people.
My dad believes that there is a triumptive of people who sit in as yet undisclosed location, know everything that there is to know about you and control/influence your life.
My mum believes that my dad is slightly paranoid.

Posted: 2002-11-18 03:41am
by Enlightenment
My father suffers from a prolonged inability to realize that bringing home an annual income that's several thousand dollars below his minimum required cost of living is Not Good. 'Stupid fucking idiot' is too kind.
My family is full of psychoceramics, as anyone who's read many of my posts will attest....
Posted: 2002-11-18 03:59am
by Frank Hipper
My dad can go off the deep end in praise of anything republican, he feels Nixon was wronged, Reagan was the "Great Communicator", and that Dubyah is leading us to glorius victory and a great golden age. At leat he believes the bible is allegory, to a certain extent. Mom was raised southern Baptist and harbors a deep resentment for them. Mom does have some superstitions, though. Like that a bird flying into a window pane is an omen of death.
Posted: 2002-11-18 04:00am
by haas mark
My dad believes (in addition to the Catholic thing) that I MUST be Democratic "because
was raised Democratis." Yet I am supposed to vote on what the issues mean. Can someone make sense of this for me, please? 
Posted: 2002-11-18 04:42am
by His Divine Shadow
I think my parents are perfect given this.
I'm not sure about how religious they are, seems more like it's a lip-service kinda thing, we never talk about religion either, I haven't been to church in years.
Their the most sensible people I know looking at all my uncles(I got one who's making moonshine and selling it, he did that in the 70's too, got thrown into jail, now he's at it again, because my cousin, his son, got interested in home-brewing himself and so built a destilator and his dad found it and started using it itself

) and aunts and whatnot they are the most hardworking and logical people.
Posted: 2002-11-18 09:46am
by Pablo Sanchez
My Dad is great, being a logical fellow and very rational (so rational, in fact, that I believe he the conscious decision to 'believe' in God to please mom).
My mother is a good catholic. She's no longer a young Earth creationist, because the Pope said it was okay to believe in limited evolution. Besides this, she doesn't believe in birth control (my dad does, but still I have a lot of siblings), she thinks I'm going to go to hell (she doesn't know I'm an atheist, but just being an agnostic is enough) and wants me to come back to church now. She's basically a conformist to Catholic fundamentalism, so you can just cut and paste that to her.