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"Freedom Force" game
Posted: 2002-11-17 03:15am
by Lord Poe
Quick question: Is it any good? What can you do?
Posted: 2002-11-17 03:20am
by Ghost Rider
Basically it's an okay RTS done 60's comic book hero can do some fun stuff like throw things(cars, small chairs what not) and use flashy powers...has a classic 60's storyline and some cool intro ala 60's Marvel comics stylings, and the dialogue is just as cheesy.
Unfortunatly some missions are a bitch and a half because they require that pre-cog that most us normal beings just don't have(ie save person on the other side of the map to succeed...thank you for NOT telling me this...fuck twits)
But if you can find it for around $20 it's worth a romp through.
Posted: 2002-11-17 03:55am
by weemadando
Freedom Force is quite a lot of fun.
And it retails for Aus $50. So it can't be THAT much in the US.
Its worth it just for the ability to create your own hero called "The Spoon!" or to recreate the ASVS Lump Club for multiplayer, complete with "Tremor!" attacks.
Posted: 2002-11-17 05:00am
by Vympel
It's spectacular. I heartily recommend it.
While some of the missions are really hard, I never found myself pulling my hair.
There's a massive array of powers and you can make your own custom hero if you want- you can pick up pieces of the landscape and use them in fights etc ... thwacking someone with a telephone pole and watching them get thrown across a city block is immense fun

Posted: 2002-11-17 05:49am
by Hendrake
Good game, with a lot of very good mods (both single player and multiplayer) around the 'net. If you can find it cheap, it's worth it.
Posted: 2002-11-17 08:45pm
by Slartibartfast
The game itself is okay (the RTS engine isn't very spectacular and could use some AI for your heros - if you don't tell them to breathe they basically die from oxygen deprivation

) but the mood and the voiceovers are great & funny! And you get complete freedom to create your own superhero. There are generic models that you can skin, and extra models and skins that you can download. Plus it's cheesy 60's-70's comic style.
It's worth it, even just for the character intros.
Posted: 2002-11-17 11:02pm
by Lord Poe
Thanks, all. Because of your recommendations, I picked it up today. It was only $19.99 at Best Buy- not bad!
Posted: 2002-11-18 04:36am
by EmperorMing
Hhmmm, I might have to snag this...
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:14am
by Lagmonster
I couldn't help myself when I got it. I immediately plugged in the 'uber-money' cheat code, then proceeded to build a nigh-omnipotent and indestructible god of a superhero with more ways to blow up the universe than...umm...some other guy...who...could blow up the universe.
And that, friends, was fun.
Posted: 2002-11-18 09:36am
by Pablo Sanchez
I made a character called "Bullet-Tooth Tony", who had a punch attack, no jumping or flying, but high toughness and a godlike range weapon, the Desert Eagle Point Five Oh. I let the Bullet and other folks take care of beating people up with their fists, while Tony plinked them all to shit from range.
Posted: 2002-11-18 10:10am
by Utsanomiko
Yeah, it's a fun game. I love just puttering around with the create-a-hero options, especially when using skins I made/retooled in Photoshop. I made a team of five superheroes: Mathemagician (black bodysuit and red cape with 'pi' symbol on it, had mind-warping skills like 'use math', 'add that!' and 'calcuseless'), The Exploding Wonderboy (his only power, other than 'bitch-slap', was a large radial ignite power that blos up any object aroung him. He's very suicidal.), Cable Sattelite Girl (files aroung and shoots radiation beams. That's about it.), Electric Man (guy in an aluminum suit, obviously has electric powers), and Joey The Lemur (big guy in a brown ape suit with black gloves and boots, his face is exposed, ala the TV's The Tick). It's hard to run on my comp, but going through the campaign farily well with The Flash and Green Lantern. It's quite fun.