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What cures are there for writer's block?

Posted: 2002-11-17 07:59am
by Rathark
Apart from "Get on with the bloody story!"

Come to think of it, that is the only solution that has worked for me in the past.

Another option would be to spend some time away from the monitor screen and take a lie down. So long as I don't return to the terminal pissed like the last time, in which I actually started losing focus and nodding off at the keyboard.

Any more ideas?

Re: What cures are there for writer's block?

Posted: 2002-11-17 08:00am
by haas mark
Rathark wrote:Apart from "Get on with the bloody story!"

Come to think of it, that is the only solution that has worked for me in the past.

Another option would be to spend some time away from the monitor screen and take a lie down. So long as I don't return to the terminal pissed like the last time, in which I actually started losing focus and nodding off at the keyboard.

Any more ideas?
Get away from it entirely. Wait until inspiration hits. Write.

Posted: 2002-11-17 08:01am
by Lex
or let someone inspirt(spelling?) you

Posted: 2002-11-17 08:03am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Sleep. Do stuff. Let it come.

Posted: 2002-11-17 08:07am
by weemadando
I'm having real trouble getting back into the swing of all my fics.

It just takes time and inspiration.

I find that watching Monty Python gets me into a fic mood.

Posted: 2002-11-17 09:37am
by Rathark
OK, I'm back, and I've just posted the Alien Escort Agency thread-starter. I have no idea whether that's a good sign or a major step backward. :twisted: