Brotherhood of the monkey!
Posted: 2002-11-17 01:19pm
I'm corious what does it need to join the brotherhood
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
salm wrote:you´re austrian. you cant join!
You have to pass our new initiation tests of worthiness. Please take a number and stand in line behind the other brotherhood candidates.Lex wrote:I'm corious what does it need to join the brotherhood
it´s an austrian/german thing. you wouldnt understand.Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:salm wrote:you´re austrian. you cant join!That's cold LOL
BTW I like that Naboo Brew thingy ya got Lex...
SILENCE, FOOL. YOU'LL GIVE AWAY OUR PLAN!!!ArmorPierce wrote:Away for about 2 months and what do I come to find? Nearly everyone on the board is part of the brotherhood of the monkey using it to make the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. Post count wise that is
HeheheIG-88E wrote:SILENCE, FOOL. YOU'LL GIVE AWAY OUR PLAN!!!ArmorPierce wrote:Away for about 2 months and what do I come to find? Nearly everyone on the board is part of the brotherhood of the monkey using it to make the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. Post count wise that is
Quick, prep the distraction cannon!IG-88E wrote:SILENCE, FOOL. YOU'LL GIVE AWAY OUR PLAN!!!ArmorPierce wrote:Away for about 2 months and what do I come to find? Nearly everyone on the board is part of the brotherhood of the monkey using it to make the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. Post count wise that is
*wonders if secondary mod powers may be in there anywhere....?*Colonel Olrik wrote:Ask David for permission. PM Kelly or Verilon for references.
*nodnod* Yes, one must ask.....but for oyu I'll make a special exception.Zaia wrote:Does that mean that you always have to ask to get in? The Brotherhood doesn't go around recruiting at all?
*big smile* Really?! Or are you just teasin' me.... *suspicious look*verilon wrote:*nodnod* Yes, one must ask.....but for oyu I'll make a special exception.Zaia wrote:Does that mean that you always have to ask to get in? The Brotherhood doesn't go around recruiting at all?
Nope...the request's already in the outbox.Zaia wrote:*big smile* Really?! Or are you just teasin' me.... *suspicious look*verilon wrote:*nodnod* Yes, one must ask.....but for oyu I'll make a special exception.Zaia wrote:Does that mean that you always have to ask to get in? The Brotherhood doesn't go around recruiting at all?
Really?! *HUG* Thank you so much, sweetie!!! That is awesome! *kisses cheek* Vous êtes la personne la plus fabuleuse à vivre jamais et je t'aime! Merci tellement!verilon wrote:Nope...the request's already in the outbox.Zaia wrote:*big smile* Really?! Or are you just teasin' me.... *suspicious look*
I got: You are the most fabulous person to ever live. Many thanks.Zaia wrote:Really?! *HUG* Thank you so much, sweetie!!! That is awesome! *kisses cheek* Vous êtes la personne la plus fabuleuse à vivre jamais et je t'aime! Merci tellement!verilon wrote:Nope...the request's already in the outbox.Zaia wrote:*big smile* Really?! Or are you just teasin' me.... *suspicious look*