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Who's your Favorite Trekky?

Posted: 2002-07-24 09:17pm
by Mr Bean
On the board we have quite a few Pro Treckys, Some smarter than others
We also have some smarter than Other Waries, and a Dumb one or two

But ignoring all that Which Trekky so Far has Made the Best Impression?

The list is Short so far I hope that will change

Note if you have less than fifty posts(with one excpetiton)
I don't count you :D
The one exception I am making is some-one whos Avatar amuses me greatly

Please note I added personal comments to help you remeber them

Posted: 2002-07-24 09:29pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
What about John Clark, or User099, or that moron Sith God?

Posted: 2002-07-24 09:37pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Guess what I voted?

Posted: 2002-07-24 09:47pm
by Mr Bean
Yes Bunny I to enjoy voting

Oh and I inteinaly keep know idiots off the list these are Currant as opposed to former Trekkys

Posted: 2002-07-24 09:48pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Darkling. Quartlet and Romulan I don't know, Shadow repeats and argument over and over and DarkStar well...

Posted: 2002-07-24 10:34pm
by fgalkin
Me likes to vote. And me has over 50 posts!

Posted: 2002-07-24 10:36pm
by VF5SS
You guys are calling Singular a Trekkie :D Cripes man, I know this guy in real life and he ain't a Trekkie. Least when he's insulting the actual Trekkie I know.

Posted: 2002-07-25 12:20am
by David
Darkstar, cause he is an ass who likes to make trouble.

Posted: 2002-07-25 07:59am
by Mr Bean
Hmm people enjoy voting

This is a intresting turn of events :D

Posted: 2002-07-26 08:39am
Darkling is by far the best Trek debater on the boards.

Posted: 2002-07-26 12:11pm
by Cpt_Frank
Yep, and he is not extreme. He wins that one with ease.

Posted: 2002-07-26 05:26pm
by David
Ohhhhh, favorite, i though it was the one we liked least. I goota learn to read.