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How Pure are you?
Posted: 2002-11-19 03:56am
by MKSheppard

"Back off, lady. I'm NOT afraid to use this."
You are 71% Pure!
(Very interesting.)
Here's how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
people less pure than you (73%)
people like you (2%)
people more pure than you (25%)
Posted: 2002-11-19 04:03am
by Faram
You are 43% Pure!
(Very interesting.)
Here's how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
people less pure than you (13%)
people like you (1%)
people more pure than you (86%)
Based on the 11,927,123 submissions before you.
You're missing the best part!
Enter your name and email address below to gain access to your friends' scores! Think of the power! If your friends haven't taken the test yet, we'll send them and e-mail and let you know when they do.
Vital statistics:
93% held hands
92% kissed
86% french kissed
74% cheated on an exam
57% had sex
53% smoked marijuana
42% cheated in a relationship
23% intentionally burned oneself
20% slept with a married man or woman
18% slept with someone without knowing his/her name
Hmm guess im a freak
Posted: 2002-11-19 04:06am
by haas mark
You are 56% Pure!
(Very interesting.)
Here's how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
people less pure than you (36%)
people like you (2%)
people more pure than you (62%)
Posted: 2002-11-19 04:18am
by Shinova
You are 88% Pure!
(Very interesting.)
Here's how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
people less pure than you (98%)
people like you (0%)
people more pure than you (2%)
Once again, I'm apparently a goody-two-shoes

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:20am
by Zaia
60% PURE?!?!?!!!!
Hahhahaha. Ok.

Nah, J/K, where's my halo?
46% people less pure than you
2% people like you
52% people more pure than you
Posted: 2002-11-19 05:45am
by weemadando
You are 22% Pure!
(Very interesting.)
Here's how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
people less pure than you (2%)
people like you (0%)
people more pure than you (98%)
What really scares me is that those 2% lower than me probably took the test and gave the bad answers to everything just to get an evil score. I answered honestly. I'm afraid.
Posted: 2002-11-19 07:16am
by Xenophobe3691
70% Pure!
people less pure than you (71%)
people like you (2%)
people more pure than you (27%)
Posted: 2002-11-19 07:20am
by Frank Hipper
Took it a couple months ago.......47% pure
Posted: 2002-11-19 08:40am
by Mr Bean
You are 65% Pure!
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:08am
by XPViking
You are 55% Pure!
people less pure than you (33%)
people like you (2%)
people more pure than you (65%)
Based on the 11,927,629 submissions before you.
*Hangs head*

Posted: 2002-11-19 09:27am
by EmperorMing
I guess I'm no angel...

Posted: 2002-11-19 09:38am
by Darth Wong
58% pure!
My score was probably so high because a lot of the questions dealt with substance abuse, which I don't do.
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:41am
by EmperorMing
Darth Wong wrote:58% pure!
My score was probably so high because a lot of the questions dealt with substance abuse, which I don't do.
There were a few other questionable activities listed there...

Posted: 2002-11-19 09:42am
by Ghost Rider
Damn only 43% pure...amazing I do have limits.
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:44am
by Darth Wong
EmperorMing wrote:Darth Wong wrote:58% pure!
My score was probably so high because a lot of the questions dealt with substance abuse, which I don't do.
There were a few other questionable activities listed there...

Yeah, some of the latter questions were pretty fucked-up.
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:45am
by haas mark
Darth Wong wrote:EmperorMing wrote:Darth Wong wrote:58% pure!
My score was probably so high because a lot of the questions dealt with substance abuse, which I don't do.
There were a few other questionable activities listed there...

Yeah, some of the latter questions were pretty fucked-up.
ie, about the last HALF of them...
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:46am
by EmperorMing
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:56am
by Kuja
I'm 47% pure. Jeez, I figured I'd get a single-digit answer...
Man, some of those questions are FUCKED UP!
Posted: 2002-11-19 11:10am
by aerius
29% Pure, thanks to various mis-adventures in my mis-spent youth. The various criminal activities contributed heavily to this, and 1st year university and living in a co-ed res worked wonders as well. I refuse to comment further since it may tend to incrimminate me.
Posted: 2002-11-19 11:19am
by Larz
64% yay...
Posted: 2002-11-19 12:03pm
by Thunderfire
You are 45% Pure!
Posted: 2002-11-19 12:57pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Dammit! Only 54%. I hoped it'd be lower.
Posted: 2002-11-19 01:09pm
by The Dark
73% pure. Only Shinova is more pure than I am.
Posted: 2002-11-19 01:13pm
by Damaramu
You are 51% Pure!
(Very interesting.)

Posted: 2002-11-19 01:20pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Forgot about some stuff I did, make that 48% pure. That's better