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Big Mac, extra fry, you want a supersized lawsuit with that?

Posted: 2002-11-19 03:46pm
by Guest
Fat people.

Gone are the days of innocence where I thought all fat people were jolly. Common sense? Personal responsiblity? What are those? I'm sick, I'm hurt, now where do I sign? Yes, no matter what your ailment, you too can sue till your hearts content because nothing is ever your fault. God bless America.,2933,58652,00.html

Any thoughts?

Posted: 2002-11-19 03:49pm
by Kuja
Oh, God BLESS America. *shakes head* People like this make me want to hurl.

Posted: 2002-11-19 03:51pm
by Faram
Hmm think I saw an old post about this.


Dumbass American Laws that allows this sort of lawsuits.

WTF is ppl thinking? Fires, Cola and fatburgers ain't healthy. any kid knows this.

Posted: 2002-11-19 03:54pm
by Mike_6002
Faram wrote:Hmm think I saw an old post about this.


Dumbass American Laws that allows this sort of lawsuits.

WTF is ppl thinking? Fires, Cola and fatburgers ain't healthy. any kid knows this.
Well no shit, sherlock

Stupid Americans you get into lawsuits over everybloody little thing, ohhh..I broke a nail on this container give me a million dollars, I got a scratch from the scratch'n'win ticket give me ten million and so and so on to ad inifinem

Posted: 2002-11-19 03:59pm
by Darth Wong
The American legal system is fucked. OJ proved this quite clearly.

Posted: 2002-11-19 03:59pm
by Faram
Mike_6002 wrote:
Faram wrote:Hmm think I saw an old post about this.


Dumbass American Laws that allows this sort of lawsuits.

WTF is ppl thinking? Fires, Cola and fatburgers ain't healthy. any kid knows this.
Well no shit, sherlock

Stupid Americans you get into lawsuits over everybloody little thing, ohhh..I broke a nail on this container give me a million dollars, I got a scratch from the scratch'n'win ticket give me ten million and so and so on to ad inifinem
Hmm one small thingiy I ain't an american.

PROUD TO BE SWEDISH (Svensk) Here you would be laughed out of court.

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:02pm
by neoolong
Ach. And people wonder why America gets no respect.

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:03pm
by Kuja
Darth Wong wrote:The American legal system is fucked. OJ proved this quite clearly.
Yeah, but it's the CIVIL cases that really make me sick. How about that woman who sued McDonalds because the coffee burned her? :roll:

I want a law like in Britain (IIRC) where if you sue and fail, you must pay all the defendant's legal bills. THAT would slow things down and free up the courts from all this bullshit.

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:03pm
by Mike_6002
Darth Wong wrote:The American legal system is fucked. OJ proved this quite clearly.
That it so true, it's not funny

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:04pm
by Vendetta
Hmm.. Someone orders a burger called the 'King Sized Artery Fucker' and wonders why they aren't healthy any more....

What a surprise

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:04pm
by Mike_6002
Faram wrote:
Mike_6002 wrote:
Faram wrote:Hmm think I saw an old post about this.


Dumbass American Laws that allows this sort of lawsuits.

WTF is ppl thinking? Fires, Cola and fatburgers ain't healthy. any kid knows this.
Well no shit, sherlock

Stupid Americans you get into lawsuits over everybloody little thing, ohhh..I broke a nail on this container give me a million dollars, I got a scratch from the scratch'n'win ticket give me ten million and so and so on to ad inifinem
Hmm one small thingiy I ain't an american.

PROUD TO BE SWEDISH (Svensk) Here you would be laughed out of court.
The first part was to state the obvivius, the second part was against the Americans not the Sweds

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:07pm
by Faram
Mike_6002 wrote:ZIP / ZAP

The first part was to state the obvivius, the second part was against the Americans not the Sweds
Ohh sorry

Happy again :D :D :D

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:07pm
by Darth Servo
Its not as bad as a case I once heard about where a woman sued her ob/gyn because she had pain during labor. :roll:

I personally can't see haw anyone could get addicted to MickyDs food. Tub-o-lard anyone?

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:10pm
by Faram
Darth Servo wrote:Its not as bad as a case I once heard about where a woman sued her ob/gyn because she had pain during labor. :roll:

I personally can't see haw anyone could get addicted to MickyDs food. Tub-o-lard anyone?
Probebly a fuddie. Just give her a bible and say GOD wants you to have pain.

Genesis 3:16

That would keep her quiet!

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:11pm
by Mike_6002
Faram wrote:
Mike_6002 wrote:ZIP / ZAP

The first part was to state the obvivius, the second part was against the Americans not the Sweds
Ohh sorry

Happy again :D :D :D
That hurt You Little Gay-Ass Bitch

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:11pm
by Sea Skimmer
Unlike you puny wannbies, America with half the entire worlds GDP can afford to throw away hundreds of millions on fucking stupid shit like this. Undeniable proof of our prosperity and inherit superiority over the backwards savages of the unAmerica lands.

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:12pm
by Kuja
Faram wrote:
Darth Servo wrote:Its not as bad as a case I once heard about where a woman sued her ob/gyn because she had pain during labor. :roll:

I personally can't see haw anyone could get addicted to MickyDs food. Tub-o-lard anyone?
Probebly a fuddie. Just give her a bible and say GOD wants you to have pain.

That would keep her quiet!
HA! I like that!

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:13pm
by Mike_6002
Sea Skimmer wrote:Unlike you puny wannbies, America with half the entire worlds GDP can afford to throw away hundreds of millions on fucking stupid shit like this. Undeniable proof of our prosperity and inherit superiority to the backwards savages of non United States.
You dumbfuck arrgoant American Asshole, you forgot Canada is in on it too :D :D :D

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:16pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mike_6002 wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:Unlike you puny wannbies, America with half the entire worlds GDP can afford to throw away hundreds of millions on fucking stupid shit like this. Undeniable proof of our prosperity and inherit superiority to the backwards savages of non United States.
You dumbfuck arrgoant American Asshole, you forgot Canada is in on it too :D :D :D
Canukistan you mean? I know not of this "Canada". Soon enough Canukistan will be fully civilized and ready for admittance into the glorious American Union of states.

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:20pm
by Mike_6002
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Mike_6002 wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:Unlike you puny wannbies, America with half the entire worlds GDP can afford to throw away hundreds of millions on fucking stupid shit like this. Undeniable proof of our prosperity and inherit superiority to the backwards savages of non United States.
You dumbfuck arrgoant American Asshole, you forgot Canada is in on it too :D :D :D
Canukistan you mean? I know not of this "Canada". Soon enough Canukistan will be fully civilized and ready for admittance into the glorious American Union of states.
All you think we're some backwater nation (Launch fighters and weapons free.....on Sea Skimmer location)

But I hate to say this Canada is America Junior :( :( :( (But that dosen't mean I not going to recall my TIE/D, TIE/S squads)

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:32pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mike_6002 wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Mike_6002 wrote: You dumbfuck arrgoant American Asshole, you forgot Canada is in on it too :D :D :D
Canukistan you mean? I know not of this "Canada". Soon enough Canukistan will be fully civilized and ready for admittance into the glorious American Union of states.
All you think we're some backwater nation (Launch fighters and weapons free.....on Sea Skimmer location)

But I hate to say this Canada is America Junior :( :( :( (But that dosen't mean I not going to recall my TIE/D, TIE/S squads)
That's nice. *Orders mobile Volcano brigades to cross the boarder and for three Dominator class orbital defense platforms along with a squadron of atmospheric capable Lancers to deal with the TIE's, and then Canukistan population centers*

Not that your weapon are any threat to my shielded super hardened fortifications and bases.

Posted: 2002-11-19 04:36pm
by Mike_6002
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Mike_6002 wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote: Canukistan you mean? I know not of this "Canada". Soon enough Canukistan will be fully civilized and ready for admittance into the glorious American Union of states.
All you think we're some backwater nation (Launch fighters and weapons free.....on Sea Skimmer location)

But I hate to say this Canada is America Junior :( :( :( (But that dosen't mean I not going to recall my TIE/D, TIE/S squads)
That's nice. *Orders mobile Volcano brigades to cross the boarder and for three Dominator class orbital defense platforms along with a squadron of atmospheric capable Lancers to deal with the TIE's, and then Canukistan population centers*

Not that your weapon are any threat to my shielded super hardened fortifications and bases.
Commence Primary Ignition (Unviles the "Iris" ala StarCrossed) You may fire when ready......<Fires at the Altantic Ocean and wipes out of North America in a Tusmani 5KM high> (The Tyrant II Now leaves Earth's Atmosphere and hypers it out of the Sol system)

Yet another hijacked the thread that has too far again!

Posted: 2002-11-19 05:15pm
by Mr Bean
The American legal system is fucked. OJ proved this quite clearly.
They are trying to fix that one now, Incase you don't know as it seems, The Biggest and most powerful contributiers to the Democrat Party are Lawyers, infact many of those who server as Senators and Representives ARE Lawyers, and you wonder how the US Legal System has gotten the way it is?

Well fokes Democrats have been in control of the last fourty years with a few on and off periods but the majoirty of the Bullshit Laws that let people sue companys for this shit were written and implaced by Democracitly controled Goverment(It makes sense who do you think reperesentives the's baffons? Lawyers... gotta come from somewhere and if they happen to spend two or six years in Congress don't think they will write themsleves some things to make live easier and them richer? Its human nature)

Anyway that was one of the things they tossed in the new Congomo-bill aka Homeland Security was that Drug Companys who made Vacccines for things like Smallpox and Anthrax where to be immune from Sueing for millions if they killed a person or two(One of the Talking Heads at CNN Said that if the Entire US popluas of 260 Million+ were injected that 20,000 would get sick and 4,000 would die or a .0000001% Chance you would die)

Anyway the Drug Companys where to be immune from the Lawsuits(They are making the Vaccines at the Request of the Federal Goverment) and required to pay a fixed amount(100k or close to that If I remeber the guy on CNN correctly) for every accidential Death

Coures the Democrats are fighting it tooth and nail so we will see how that one goes....

Be pepared for the Filestorm after that one fokes

Posted: 2002-11-19 08:58pm
by Vertigo1
Mike_6002 wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Mike_6002 wrote: You dumbfuck arrgoant American Asshole, you forgot Canada is in on it too :D :D :D
Canukistan you mean? I know not of this "Canada". Soon enough Canukistan will be fully civilized and ready for admittance into the glorious American Union of states.
All you think we're some backwater nation (Launch fighters and weapons free.....on Sea Skimmer location)

But I hate to say this Canada is America Junior :( :( :( (But that dosen't mean I not going to recall my TIE/D, TIE/S squads)
Thats ok, I'll just dispatched the GTD Hades to take care of them. ;)


Posted: 2002-11-19 09:06pm
by Raptor 597
IG-88E wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:The American legal system is fucked. OJ proved this quite clearly.
Yeah, but it's the CIVIL cases that really make me sick. How about that woman who sued McDonalds because the coffee burned her? :roll:

I want a law like in Britain (IIRC) where if you sue and fail, you must pay all the defendant's legal bills. THAT would slow things down and free up the courts from all this bullshit.
Not really with all the legal loppholes running around with their lawyers. Though it might put a dent in the smart law suits, the stupid people are arrogant enough not too care.