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Funny things you've read in novels that have come to pass...

Posted: 2002-11-20 03:05am
by MKSheppard
One time I was skimming through the in(famous) TURNER DIARIES,
which I had downloaded for free off some white power site, to see
what the hell was so bad about it, and basically, in the novel, the
Underground blows up the FBI building to destroy the FBI's new
computer system that can track Americans everywhere they go...

The rest of the book then quickly descended into crap, especially
where they take over Californa and begin a mass ethnic cleansing

One of the funniest moments is the ending of the novel, when Nat
Turner takes off in a Stearman Biplane with a nuke under it to destroy
the Pentagon....which is eerily like the early draft of Independence Day
that you can see in the ID4 novelization.

No wonder they changed the ending in which that old guy flys a Stearman
into the alien death ray (TM) into one where he flies a F-18 into it :twisted:

Anyway, the FBI computer system depicted in the TURNER DIARIES
does sound a LOT like the one that they want to set up to track us
all "for our own good" and to "protect" us from terrorist attacks.

This has been your FREE review of the TURNER DIARIES, which was crap,
pure crap. Don't waste your time reading it.

I however recommend it for members of the Wong family, as it shows
the Arabs wiping out Israel in a orgy of bloodsoaked violence as Nukes
fly :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2002-11-20 03:09am
by fgalkin
Interesting how a friend of mine was telling me about this book just yesterday. He also agrees the book was crap. Especially the bombing of/by the USSR part.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2002-11-20 09:20am
by Peregrin Toker
I was incapable of taking The Rats In The Walls by H.P. Lovecraft seriously, because the story featured a cat called Nigger-Man. (I swear, I'm not making this up!!!)

BTW, I have heard of the Turner Diaries, but I have never read it and I don't think it's that much worse than "Birth Of A Nation." (pure unadulterated KKK propaganda in silent movie form!!!!)