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Who has the most rockin' national anthem?

Posted: 2005-02-24 09:13am
by weemadando
I'm tempted to go with France, because "Les Marseilles" is fucking awesome, but there are some good historical ones out there too, "Internationale" is pretty good and I can say that its a huge pity that "Rule Britannia" isn't an official anthem...

As for our very own Australian anthem - alright, but it doesn't really make me feel that patriotic or uplifted.

Posted: 2005-02-24 09:17am
by Gandalf
The USSR had a decent sounding anthem. I don't understand a word of it, but it sounds cool.

As for the Australian anthem, how many anthems have "girt" in it? :P

Posted: 2005-02-24 09:25am
by Rogue 9
The anthem is the one thing the Soviet Union got right. :twisted:

Posted: 2005-02-24 10:08am
by Jim Raynor
USA's my favorite. I also heard Romania's during the Olympics, and thought it was pretty good.

Posted: 2005-02-24 10:16am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Ah, yes, the USSR's was good. But I'll always be a sucker for that star-spangled banner.

Posted: 2005-02-24 10:17am
by wautd
yeah USSR is pretty good

Posted: 2005-02-24 10:32am
by Stormbringer
I like the Star Spangled Banner.

Posted: 2005-02-24 10:40am
by Col. Crackpot
I'm very fond of the Irish National Anthem myself, also the USSR had a cool sounding one (even if i don't know the words) but even they can't top the Star Spangled Banner!

Posted: 2005-02-24 10:49am
by Ubiquitous
USSR and Germany. I have them both on my playlist [seriously!].

Posted: 2005-02-24 10:57am
by xcr
Russia usses the same tune, diffrent words now...

The US anthem is not all that good.
Not that Canada's is. The maple leaf forever would be better, but it is not politically correct.

God save the Queen is spiritless and drab.

Posted: 2005-02-24 11:05am
by El Moose Monstero
Always been rather partial to La Marseilles, but the Star Spangled Banner has a lot to say for itself too. And I can't stand our national anthem, we've got hundreds of patriotic songs which sound damn good, we're the nation that invented the national anthem - but that doesnt stop ours from being shite.

Posted: 2005-02-24 11:18am
by Psycho Smiley
What ALI_G said, word for word. USSR & Germany.

Posted: 2005-02-24 11:59am
by Falkenhayn
Germany for sheer audacity.

USSR for intimidation.

Star Spangled Banner, because I'm an American, and it used to be a drinking song. I also like the fact that it dosen't mention US, USA, United States, America, or any othe name for the country in it.

O, Canada. It's the one I hear most often besides the SSB, and once upon a time at a Hockey game the lady singing the anthems forgot the words after "Our home and and native land."

Posted: 2005-02-24 12:35pm
by wautd
"Blame Canada" wasnt bad also :P

Posted: 2005-02-24 12:51pm
by Falkenhayn
wautd wrote:"Blame Canada" wasnt bad also :P
Still trying to figure out what the best line in that song was.

Posted: 2005-02-24 12:53pm
by Admiral Valdemar
If we had Jerusalem as ours, it'd kick everyone's arses and then some.

Or maybe we can just use Mars the God of War or the Imperial March.

Posted: 2005-02-24 01:12pm
by NeoGoomba
Gotta go with the old USSR anthem myself.

Loved the scene in The Hunt For Red October as the crew sings it as the sub puts out to sea.

And though I hate the movie, Rocky IV's scene where the USSR's anthem plays as Drago and Balboa stare each other down is great. Plus in

Posted: 2005-02-24 01:18pm
by Tinkerbell
Col. Crackpot wrote:I'm very fond of the Irish National Anthem myself

My vote :D

Posted: 2005-02-24 01:18pm
by Dahak
I really like the Russian one, has this pomp and impressiveness I associate with an anthem.
The Italian one is also pretty nice, a bit more light-footed than most.
Though, if Rule Brittania was a "real" national anthem, it would be it. Even is my mobile ring tone :D

And, well, German one just because I'm German :)

Posted: 2005-02-24 02:00pm
by frigidmagi
I've always enjoied the Star Spangled Banner.

I have to agree that the USSR athem kicked lots of ass though.

Posted: 2005-02-24 02:17pm
by Mange
Well, my favorite national anthem is "O, Canada" followed by "The Star Spangled Banner" and the Swedish national anthem "Du Gamla, Du Fria (Thou Old, Thou Free)"

Posted: 2005-02-24 02:41pm
by Damaramu
USSR, an awesome piece.

Posted: 2005-02-24 02:48pm
by Pick
USSR's. Sounds cliche to say at this point, but god damn, that was a fucking amazing piece of music. It made your heart beat in line :)

Posted: 2005-02-24 03:00pm
by Falkenhayn

United Forever in Friendship and Labour,
Our mighty Republics will ever endure.
The Great Soviet Union will Live through the Ages.
The Dream of a People their fortress secure.

Long Live our Soviet Motherland, built by the People's mighty hand.
Long Live our People, United and Free.
Strong in our Friendship tried by fire. Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,
Shining in Glory for all Men to see.

Through Days dark and stormy where Great Lenin Lead us
Our Eyes saw the Bright Sun of Freedom above
and Stalin our Leader with Faith in the People,
Inspired us to Build up the Land that we Love.


We fought for the Future, destroyed the invader,
and Brought to our Homeland the Laurels of Fame.
Our Glory will live in the Memory of Nations
and All Generations will Honour Her Name.


Could fgalkin or someone else supply the newest incarnation?


1. Germany, Germany above all
Above everything in the world
When, always, for protection and defense
Brothers stand together.
From the Maas to the Memel
From the Etsch to the Belt,
Germany, Germany above all
Above all in the world.
Germany, Germany above all
Above all in the world.

2. German women, German fidelity,
German wine and German song,
Shall retain, throughout the world,
Their old respected fame,
To inspire us to noble deeds
For the length of our lives.
German women, German fidelity,
German wine and German song.
German women, German fidelity,
German wine and German song.

*3. Unity and Right and Freedom
For the German Fatherland!
After these let us all strive
Brotherly with heart and hand!
Unity and Right and Freedom
Are the pledge of happiness.
Bloom in the splendour of this happiness,
Bloom, my German Fatherland!
Bloom in the splendour of this happiness,
Bloom, my German Fatherland!

Is it true that the 4th and 5th verses are illegal?

Posted: 2005-02-24 03:01pm
by Jon
The UK's is possibly one of the worst national anthems in existance... Hopefully they'll change that sometime soon, not that I care much for National Anthems but that's another thread ;)

I like the USSR's best, indeed. Great piece. Germany's next I gues.