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What was your first computer system?
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:31pm
by jegs2
Many of us can remember the first computers with which we tinkered, and so that leads me to this post. What was the first computer you had the pleasure (or displeasure) to own?
Mine was the
Timex Sinclair 2068:
My system boasted an awesome 48K of RAM, a 3.58MHz Zilog Z80A microprocessor, a cartridge slot, and programs were loaded by cassette tape:
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:33pm
by Mike_6002
A 386/20SX with DOS and you had to boot up Windows as a sperate OS, had games such as Secert Agent Man, Major Stryker, 3 1/2 Disk drive, around 50-60MB of space at most, RAM was 640K got it first in '94 or '95
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:35pm
by Faram
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:37pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
A 286 that didn't even have Windows but it did have Wolf3D, Scorched Earth, and Wordperfect...
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:38pm
by jegs2
Very nice!

Posted: 2002-11-20 05:38pm
by Dalton
Didn't own it, it was a loaner from my elementary school (my mother worked there as a secretary/monitor). It was....*drumroll* an Apple ][e.
The first system we owned was an old Gateway 2000. Pentium 1 133, 750MB hard drive, 16MB RAM, 14.4 modem, 8x CD-ROM and Windows 3.1.
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:40pm
by RadiO
I too was introduced to the wonders of computing via the Spectrum.
The first computer game I ever saw running was Manic Miner, and the first shoot-'em-up I ever played was Harrier Attack (which was fairly topical at the time, since this was 1983).
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:43pm
by Larz
The first computer that I owned personally was a 386. 100 MB hard drive with 3.5 and 5.25 disk drive. MS-DOS operating system. But I did play around with a commador as my oldest computer ever used.
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:48pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Some slow PoS. But it had some old game that I enjoyed.
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:52pm
by Colonel Olrik
It's still running. Once in a long while, I put a game, just to see the old kid work.
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:55pm
by Hyperion
386sx-16 8mb ram, unknown vid card, 60mb RLL drive. made by gateway, one of the first they built, ran for nearly 5 years before dying at the hands of my experimentation.
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:56pm
by Mike_6002
Colonel Olrik wrote:
It's still running. Once in a long while, I put a game, just to see the old kid work.
Ah a real classic, used to use them at school, I once had use one in like Grade 7
Posted: 2002-11-20 05:57pm
by Stravo
Ah....the good old Commodore 64, how I miss her. She was an amazing machine and introduced me to the wonders of computer gaming. Wrote my first short story on that thing and I was in love with computers ever since.
Posted: 2002-11-20 06:04pm
by haas mark
Packard Bell with Windows 95. It died a few months ago.
Posted: 2002-11-20 06:07pm
by neoolong
An old 286. Real PoS. Ah well, at least I got a 386 now.

Posted: 2002-11-20 06:15pm
by Patrick Degan
The first computer I owned was the old Macintosh IIci, which was about up to the standard of the machines in the graphics lab at the community college I was going to back in '92. It was a decent enough system for its day; 64MB RAM and a whopping 100MB hard drive. It died on me after four and a half years, and though I could have simply replaced the HD, I decided to go to a PowerMac at that point. These days, I tool on the iMac.
The first computer I had any experience with, however, was the old Radio Shack TRaSh-80, at my high school.
Posted: 2002-11-20 06:17pm
by Larz
Mac... I'm sorry...
I'm thinking about getting an old PC just to play some of my old games that are still on 5.25 floppys and to possess foggy bragging rights...
Posted: 2002-11-20 06:57pm
by TrailerParkJawa
The first computer my dad bought me was a TI-99/4a. I was able to make some simple BASIC programs and artwork.
When they went defunt my dad bought me a Commodore 64. All I ever did with it was play games. He wanted me to learn more programming and type papers but that never happened.
I did not own any more computers until 1996 when I bought my first computer with my own money. It was a Pentium 133.
Posted: 2002-11-20 07:05pm
by Oberleutnant
Commodore 64 was the first computer I owned...
Posted: 2002-11-20 07:23pm
by Datana
My first "true" computer was a Tandy 1000-SX. It served me pretty well for about two years until it was stolen in a break-in; after that, I went to a 386-based system built by a local shop.
Posted: 2002-11-20 07:32pm
by Patrick Degan
Larz wrote:Mac... I'm sorry...
You're sorry I have a wholly superior computer system?
That's a "unique" point of view.

Posted: 2002-11-20 07:36pm
by Dralan
My first computer was a 286 with Dr Dos v 1.4
I really loved that computer... And she is no longer alive.

Posted: 2002-11-20 07:37pm
by Dalton
Patrick Degan wrote:Larz wrote:Mac... I'm sorry...
You're sorry I have a wholly superior computer system?
That's a "unique" point of view.

"Superior" isn't saying much when compared to Windows.
Posted: 2002-11-20 07:40pm
by Drewcifer
Oh boy. The first computer my parents brought home was a...
Radio Shack Color Computer, the famed Trash-80 CoCo
YEAR 1980
CPU 6809E
VIDEO 256 x 192 (16 colours)
Keyboard 53-keys (damn Chiclet gum keys)
IO Cassette interface
Printer interface
2 joystick ports
Later it was a Commodore64. That was an awesome computer. It still boots, I played Wizard of Wor for hours one night last year!
Later it was a Mac 512Ke. That still boots too. In fact, I still use MacPaint for some art projects, I love brush mirrors!
I still haven't ever bought a new computer, just keep bartering up the food chain. My current machine is an ancient Mac (Performa 6400) that has been upgraded (G3 card, USB/Firewire card etc.) Although it's really starting to show its age, it's still a good machine that suits my purposes.
Posted: 2002-11-20 07:44pm
by The Dark
The first one I owned was a 486dx, 66mHz, ran from '95 to '00. Got a PenII 233 after that, now is at home with my parents, and I use a Dimension L800CXE Copperhead (Celeron III) 866. Only problem is the CD drive is not working, and the computer freezes every time I put in a disk

First one I used was some Tandy, the kind where it was text-only, and written in either green or orange (depending on which work station in the computer lab I was at).