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Werewolves or vampires?

Posted: 2005-03-03 09:36pm
by Fuzzy
I just saw the movie Cursed. Werewolf movie. It wasn't terrible, so I was prompted to make this post.

Now we all know that Pirates > Ninjas, but what about werewolves and vamps?

Posted: 2005-03-03 09:37pm
by Gandalf
Vampires easily.

The full moon thing is kind of silly.

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:17pm
by Tinkerbell
Mmm...Vampires win. Every time.

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:25pm
by Enforcer Talen

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:28pm
by Zor
Vamps, but not by much.


Posted: 2005-03-03 10:32pm
by EmperorMing
Vampires easy.

Nice to have a fur coat you can grow but Vampires have better fashion sense. Vamp chix and bustiers... :twisted:

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:33pm
by Jason von Evil
Werewolves. Just for the cool factor. Vamps are too damn angsty.

Re: Werewolves or vampires?

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:35pm
by Stofsk
Fuzzy wrote:Now we all know that Pirates > Ninjas,
Um... yeah, sure. Whatever. :wtf:

Did you know that there were pirate ninja?
but what about werewolves and vamps?
Since a Vampire has a list of vulnerabilities, while the werewolf only has one that I know of, I give it to the werewolf.

Of course, depending on which mythology you read, a Vampire IS a werewolf. Or at least can transform into one.

Now, vampires are much sexier than werewolves. So if this was a "Who's Miss Sunnydale?" pagent, it's going to go to the vamp chick.

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:51pm
by Raxmei
Aya wrote:Werewolves. Just for the cool factor. Vamps are too damn angsty.
Depends on the individual. Larry Talbot was majorly angsty while Dracula seemed to keep it together most of the time.
Going by myth, werewolves often did it on purpose, so there must be something going for it.

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:56pm
by Chmee
Werewolves seem fairly stupid in their 'animal' phase (smart for a dog, but not for a person), and they can't fly .... gotta give the bloodsuckers a big advantage here.

But speaking as a member of the Van Helsing Bros. Vampire Exterminators, a group some friends and I have taken to the local sci-fi con for a decade or so, vamps are vermin that can be taken care of like any other vermin .... for a fee.


Posted: 2005-03-04 02:15am
by weemadando
It depends on the mythology/movie - Dog Soldiers werewolves are awesome, but can't hold a candle to WoD werewolves...

Vampires are consistantly more powerful throughout mythologies, but unfortunately they have more weaknesses and recently have turned into "goth-boi's".

Posted: 2005-03-04 09:27am
by Captain Cyran
One word. Arucard.

That means vampires win. As for the angst thing, that's really a more modern development, and a sad one at that. Damn angst, ruining a perfectly good myth.

Re: Werewolves or vampires?

Posted: 2005-03-04 09:29am
by Robert Walper
Fuzzy wrote: Now we all know that Pirates > Ninjas, but what about werewolves and vamps?
Definitely vampires. I'm certain vampires give great head. So long as they spare the teeth that is... :P

Re: Werewolves or vampires?

Posted: 2005-03-04 09:33am
by Captain Cyran
Robert Walper wrote:
Fuzzy wrote: Now we all know that Pirates > Ninjas, but what about werewolves and vamps?
Definitely vampires. I'm certain vampires give great head. So long as they spare the teeth that is... :P
As can be expected. Kuja and I have already discussed this very thing.

Posted: 2005-03-04 09:36am
by El Moose Monstero
I'm assuming vampires, with the truckload of diverse films and forms - but then I'm not an officianado of either, however, if a pig goes by castle dracula on a tuesday playing a banjo, then no werewolf can stand a chance.

Speaking of werewolves, I don't remember seeing IB around recently. But I'm older and more senile now than I was, so I might be imagining it.

Posted: 2005-03-04 10:00am
by Lindar
Vamps by far, more because i find them more appealing...
why I won't say but there's likely more than one reason...
Though were's....*ponders* naw...nm

Posted: 2005-03-04 10:18am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Depends on what 'verse the vamps are from, but on average, vamps take it.

Posted: 2005-03-04 10:25am
by Darth P44

Movie: Underworld

Actress: Kate Beckinsale

Clothes: Black-Leather Suit


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: miam!!!!

Posted: 2005-03-04 10:40am
by Dead_Ghost
Vamps are usually portrayed more powerfull. I'll go with vamps too. Just to think that, if a guy's morphed and he needs to pee, then he'll be copying the dogs, so... No, I rather prefere vamps.

Posted: 2005-03-04 10:43am
by Majin Gojira
Actually, there are several ways to kill a werewolf in myth. aside from silver, most of them revolve around the idea that the weak spot of a Werewolf is the Heart and Brain. Damaging these areas one way or another (even breaking their neck will do) can kill a werewolf.

And fire is an All Purpose Killer of the Supernatural.

I'd go with werewolves. Vamps from myth are little more than Shadows or Zombies with Teeth. The Gothic Wankery just ruins it for me.

Besides, there may be more Vampire movies, but Werewolf ones are more often entertaining (from what I've seen, at least).

Oh yes, I must mention Ginger Snaps in this thread. Just because.

Posted: 2005-03-04 11:14am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Of course, we need to know which vamps and which wolves. Say, buffy vamps would fall easily to American Werewolf in Paris wolves, but D&D vamps would pwn them utterly.

Posted: 2005-03-04 11:19am
by Stark
Vamps? The guys stopped by running water, afraid of wood, killed by the sun?


Werewolves! Weak only to silver. Werewolf smash!

Vampires have enough trouble avoiding getting killed by average people: you can kill them with a fucking pool cue. Werewolves are solitary predators of crazy power.

Although the full moon thing *IS* kinda silly :)

Posted: 2005-03-04 11:42am
by SirNitram
Let's see. A vampire from legend can't so much as say 'Boo' to you unless you consent to corruption and death. Oh. Wow. I'm so afraid.

Even an ancient werewolf, however(Roman-era), can withstand being nearly decapitated, and the next day he'll come up to you in the street with a crick in his neck and say 'Ow'.

Werewolves pwn the angsty little whiners.

Posted: 2005-03-04 11:43am
by Guy N. Cognito
Let's just say that if given the choice I would face a vampire over a werewolf. I know a shit load of ways to kill a vampire, a werewolf, well for them it's generally, apologizing to one of my friends before pushing him into the werewolf.

Posted: 2005-03-04 01:41pm
by Steven Snyder
In the old World of Darkness mythos....

An out-of-the-box Werewolf will almost certainly turn a neophyte vampire into kibbles and bits. As they progressed in power the scales got more even, but a werewolf will generally outperform a vampire in combat.

The social arena is where the vampires shine.