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Movie/TV phrases that have entered your life

Posted: 2005-03-08 03:41pm
by RogueIce
Have you ever found yourself unknowingly just uttering some phrase or word from a character in a movie or TV show without truely realizing it?

I discovered I tend to say "Crap." quite a bit now when something unexpected and unpleasent comes up, in much the same manner as Officer John Sullivan from Third Watch (in other words, about as close to his tone of voice as I can be). I don't even really think about it, it just comes out. And I didn't even realize it until probably about a half a month of doing it.

So, anything that's entered your everyday life?

Posted: 2005-03-08 03:48pm
by LadyTevar
This has been in my vocabulary since the late 70's.

"I love it when a plan comes together" Yes, I watched A-Team as well.

I may have others that I'm unaware of when I'm saying them.

Posted: 2005-03-08 03:53pm
by Tommy J
For me:

"I've got a bad feeling about this...."

"What'sssssssssss uppppppppp"

"Would you like to take the green pill or the blue pill"

Posted: 2005-03-08 03:58pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
I picked up a bit of an accent from AJ Chegwidden on JAG.


Posted: 2005-03-08 03:58pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Frak and felgercarb, from Battlestar Galactica, but hardly everyday.

I'm sure there's a bit more, but for the life of me I can't think of anything whatsoever.

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:39pm
by Batman
I love it when a plan comes together.
I have a bad feeling about this.
I'm getting to old for this shit.
It's not my fault !!!(in my best Han Solo voice)
When asked 'Are you/you are/your name is (insert name)', I tend to answer 'Most of the time' a lot. But I guess that comes with the territory.

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:42pm
by LadyTevar
Batman wrote: When asked 'Are you/you are/your name is (insert name)', I tend to answer 'Most of the time' a lot. But I guess that comes with the territory.
What... no "I'm BATMAN"?

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:44pm
by SirNitram
'I got nothing.'
'Are you pondering what I'm pondering?/What are we going to do tonight?'
'I gotta go blow something up. British thing.'(Butchered from SG-1)

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:46pm
by Firefox

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:49pm
by aerius
"it's because you touch yourself at night" - Family Guy

The universal to almost every "why?" question.

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:49pm
by Rogue 9
"Look you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left!"

What? :P

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:53pm
by Darth Wong

Homer Simpson rules.

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:59pm
by Tinkerbell
"Yes, but thats not important right now"
That ones used when I'm being offered something simply by the person stating what they're giving me in the form of a question.


"Yes it is, but that's not important right now."

Posted: 2005-03-08 05:20pm
by Singular Quartet
LadyTevar wrote:
Batman wrote: When asked 'Are you/you are/your name is (insert name)', I tend to answer 'Most of the time' a lot. But I guess that comes with the territory.
What... no "I'm BATMAN"?
Actually, it's "I'm the BATMAN," as I recall. Depends on which Batman Batman is. Is he Frank Millar? Or is he Kia Asamiya? Or is he someone else?

As to myself:

"Hit the button, Frank." - When playing Myst/Riven with my Dad.
"MEAT!" - occasionally used as swear in presence of children.

Posted: 2005-03-08 05:38pm
by Chmee
Useful in daily office life, and frequently used ....

"I have a cunning plan ...."

"Impressive ... most impressive."

"Wake up! Time to die ..."

"Just wait 'til I get going!"

"Dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria!"

"We're on a mission from God."

Posted: 2005-03-08 05:49pm
by Coriolis
In conjunction with Darth Wong,

"Worst, _______, Ever"
Fill in the blanks with any object

Posted: 2005-03-08 06:09pm
by Civil War Man
Some phrases I use:
1. People in glass houses sink ships.
2. A penny saved is worth two in the bush.
3. Don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.
4. Why don't you make like a tree and get the fuck out of here?
5. Fuck! Ass! (Yes, I use lots of phrases from Boondock Saints)
6. Well, not every single syllable, but yeah, I basically said it.

Though one of my favorite TV scenes to reenact:
Me: I got something for you.
Someone: What is it?
Me: A book.
Someone: What's the book?
Me: A Modest Proposal.
Someone: Who is it by?
Me: Jonathan Swift.
Someone: And what's the book about?
Me: ...Eating babies.

Posted: 2005-03-08 06:18pm
by Batman
LadyTevar wrote:
Batman wrote: When asked 'Are you/you are/your name is (insert name)', I tend to answer 'Most of the time' a lot. But I guess that comes with the territory.
What... no "I'm BATMAN"?
Not only is Batman ambiguous, as it's a job description as well as a name, but I've come to notice over the years that the worst 'Most of the time' garners me is a few raised eyebrows and confused looks, while 'Actually I'm (the) Batman' tends to have people sic psychotherapists at me. Do the math.
NTM that I still haven't found out how to talk in capitals.
@Singular Quartet: Bite me :P
I'm me, of course.

Posted: 2005-03-08 06:20pm
by Rye
xBlackFlash wrote:"Yes, but thats not important right now"
That ones used when I'm being offered something simply by the person stating what they're giving me in the form of a question.


"Yes it is, but that's not important right now."
"We need to get this man to a hospital!"
"It's a big building with patients in it, but that's not important right now."

Airplane = wins.

My speech is fucking repleat with obscure TV movie and computer game references, as well as constant irony, sarcasm and "zaniness".

Like, when someone asks me what CPU i've got, they'll get a terminator response "my CPU is a neural net processor, a learning computer," or if someone passes me a pen, "Are you asking me to be a cop again, Walter?" (Die Hard With A Vengeance) "Psychos do not EXPLODE when sunlight hits them!"(From Dusk Till Dawn) " "MAAAAAAAAARDY!" (Back To The Future)

Posted: 2005-03-08 07:01pm
by Chmee
Used frequently in sports, especially after a good blocked shoot in basketball ....

"No soup for you!"

Posted: 2005-03-08 07:14pm
by Civil War Man
"I think this man needs medical attention!"
"God dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a...oh."

Posted: 2005-03-08 07:26pm
by Big Phil
But I don't even believe in Jeebus!

I'm addicted to ragehol.

Possibly (pronounced possib-lie)

Why don't you just shut yer yapper!!!

Posted: 2005-03-08 07:33pm
by Trytostaydead
Damn you vile woman!

Posted: 2005-03-08 07:40pm
by El Moose Monstero
Do I even need to mention the Holy Grail and Life of Brian? No. Thought not. I just wanted to say good luck, we're all counting on you.

Posted: 2005-03-08 07:46pm
by Gandalf
My standard way of talking is riddled with references/quotes.

Waaay too many to list. :D