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Mexico gvt to ask U.S. to stop vigilantes...

Posted: 2002-11-21 12:29pm
by MKSheppard

TUCSON, Arizona - The governor of the Mexican state of Sonora plans to ask the U.S. government at the Arizona-Sonora Commission's upcoming annual meeting to stop vigilante groups "hunting" for undocumented immigrants along the border, he said in a press release Tuesday.

Sonora Gov. Armando Lopez Nogales said he will ask his U.S. counterpart, Arizona Gov. Jane Hull, to put an end to the militia groups patrolling the border during the meeting set to begin Friday in Puerto PeƱasco, Sonora.

"We want to address respect for the rights of our countrymen," Lopez Nogales said in the press release, calling on the U.S. federal government to reign in armed groups that take the law into their own hands.

Lopez Nogales cited the Barnett brothers of Douglas, Arizona, who for three years have detained at gunpoint undocumented migrants trying to cross into the United States through their lands.

The Mexican governor's statement comes in response to an editorial published last week by The Tumbleweed of Tombstone, Arizona, which billed itself as "a public call to arms" and urged local residents to join a "Citizens Border Patrol Militia."

The Citizens Border Patrol Militia would be the third U.S. vigilante group to operate along the Arizona border, after units of Texas' Ranch Rescue and California's American Border Patrol were formed in the area to track down undocumented migrants in the name of protecting ranching interests.

High-level officials from both sides of the border, including Arizona Governor-elect Janet Napolitano, who takes office Jan. 6, are expected to attend the bi-national conference.


More proof the War On Terror is a sham directed towards getting us to
give up our liberties.....

Our own government doesnt give a flying fuck about the southern border,
and when a bunch of Citizens get together and do the job the government
should be doing in the FIRST place, the gov't starts bringing heat down
onto them...

Posted: 2002-11-21 12:51pm
by Stravo
Unfortunately there seems to be a tacit understanding between the governments of Mexico and the US. Mexican illegals are good for the Mexican economy because they send dollars back to Mexico and their families. In fact, it has been stated by many Mexican officials in private that they depend on the illegals to help bolster their economy. The vehemently oppose any strict patrolling of the border and turn a blind eye to the flood of illegals coming from their country, YET in an irony that can only be natural and not written, the Mexicans patrol their southern borders with their even poorer Central American neighbors vigilantly and have been known to routinely shoot and even kill illegals trying to get into Mexico.

Mexican illegals are good for the US in some ways, such as taking menial jobs Americans won't do, day laborers and migrant farmers. So in a way its beneficial for both sides, but for the US it is also done to secure our southern flank dimplomatically, Mexico always makes noise whenever we have crackdowns on the border that they will oppose US actions in the UN and in other diplomatioc arenas (such as their recent opposition to us going into Iraq until recently in reponsse to crackdowns on the border.) Otherwise Mexcio is usllay in lockstep with the US Diplomatically.

It's an odd symbiotic relationship that we have always had back all the way to the Wild West days.

Posted: 2002-11-21 12:58pm
by Knife
The politicians who turn a blind eye too and the companies who hire illegals are USING THEM. Sure the illegals help the economey both ours and Mexico's but as a result the illegal workers get screwed on workers rights and pay, and because they are illegal they feel they do not have a place to turn to adress wrongs.

If the powers that be really gave a shit about these people, they would close down the boarder and continue with legal imigration. As for the "Citizens Boarder Patrol", their land, their rights, their guns, their problem, and their solution.

Posted: 2002-11-21 01:03pm
by TrailerParkJawa
There is no political will among the leadership to better seal the border.

Also, as long as Mexico is so poor, the border will remain pourous.

I feel sorry for the ranchers that live along the border in CA, AZ, NM, and TX.
They have to deal with a lot of crap.

Posted: 2002-11-21 01:18pm
by Stormbringer
"We want to address respect for the rights of our countrymen," Lopez Nogales said in the press release, calling on the U.S. federal government to reign in armed groups that take the law into their own hands.
Since when is it there fucking right to come into our country? They don't belong here and boo fucking hoo if they want to come here. They're doing it illegally and should be stopped at the border. And even worse are the drug trafficers.

Posted: 2002-11-21 01:27pm
by nechronius
If you cross illegally you risk crossing private land and risk the possibility of being shot at, detained, and/or killed.

If you don't cross illegally the risk drops to zero since last I checked armed private groups aren't patrolling INS checkpoints looking for legal immigrants to cap.

While I don't necessarily condone armed groups patrolling private borders, I can't imagine letting people walk across my front and back lawns just so they can have a shortcut.

Posted: 2002-11-21 01:27pm
by neoolong
That is stupid as hell. If some illegals want to risk coming illegally into a country and to do it over someone's property, they give up their right to respect.

Posted: 2002-11-21 09:26pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Perhaps Mexico should do something about it. If we deport the illegal immigrants back to Mexico, they'll just come back. I say we deport them to Canada. There's a lot of empty space up there, and in Quebec, they'll fit in, because nobody there speaks English either.

Sure, it makes no sense, but I think it would be better than spending billions on welfare and medicare programs for them, and starting all this bilingual education nonsense.

Posted: 2002-11-22 09:34am
by Tsyroc
Guess where illegal aliens get airlifted for traumas in Southern Arizona. They get sent to University Medical Center (University of Arizona) and the hospital I work at, Tucson Medical Center. We get the traumas for all of southern Arizona. :x

We get lot of people who get toasted in the desert and last year we had several truck roll-overs where trucks full of illegals rolled on the highway. A couple of times there were so many traumas from one roll-over that the ERs in both hospitals were nearly overwhelmed.

The private citizen groups who are patrolling the southern border are doing it because of all the damage that illegals have done. These people are mostly just trying to protect their property and their sense of safety.

So far I haven't heard of any citizens harming any illegals. We did have some drug smugglers kill a Park Ranger in one of the southern National parts/monuments. In that case the Mexican authorities who were chasing the smugglers came across the border and smoked them but not before the ranger was killed.