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What Hypocricy
Posted: 2002-11-21 09:45pm
by Johonebesus
I just saw Rush on Fox. He said, among other things, that nobody wants to see people beat up on the president for political reasons and put acquisition of power over national interest. He also said that democrats can only use personal attacks. I nearly choked to death. It makes me fear for the future of our country that so many people seem to be able to take this hypocrite seriously.
Posted: 2002-11-21 10:09pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I think a lot of what he does is for entertainment. Several people here on the radio where I live say he is a very courteous and nice guy in person.
So, some of it is an "act". But I do agree that for him to say such a thing is hypocritical.
Posted: 2002-11-21 10:10pm
by Stormbringer
He's an idiot and a hypocrite but in this case, he's got a point.
Democrats have simply mindlessly attacked rather than making any constructive
The Republicans, and Bush in particular have encouraged the notion that they're not to be critisized or it's un-patroitic. They've used it and sadly the American people have bought it.
And Bush has put the aquisition of personal power over the national best interests. Look at the bills he's introduced. Laden with McCarthy era bull shit. He and Ashcroft are up to no good, mark my words.
Posted: 2002-11-21 10:31pm
by Mr Bean
I just saw Rush on Fox. He said, among other things, that nobody wants to see people beat up on the president for political reasons and put acquisition of power over national interest. He also said that democrats can only use personal attacks. I nearly choked to death. It makes me fear for the future of our country that so many people seem to be able to take this hypocrite seriously.
Thats because Senator Tom Dasahal was up accusing old Rush of inciting Violance aginst people(In so many words), specificly himself
As for Hypocracy notice the diffrence, Lets say Rush Calls some-one a Useless hat-fucking liberal(I don't think anyones used that before
) now then when it is just an Ad-Homean attack?
When its not backed up and thats the diffrence in-between the middeles personal attacks and the simply pissed of people who have a point
Posted: 2002-11-21 10:31pm
by Pu-239
Bush is too stupid. Its really Cheney and Ashcroft
Posted: 2002-11-21 10:36pm
by Mr Bean
Cheney and Ashcroft
FYI Cheney was aginst Asscroft and there have been all sorts of whispers of next election that he will be steping down(They would now but they are trying to grap up as much Democrat Teritory as possible and it could turn into scandel, he must stay Mr Golden Monkey as far as Cheney is concered)
Posted: 2002-11-21 10:46pm
by Stormbringer
Mr Bean wrote:Cheney and Ashcroft
FYI Cheney was aginst Asscroft and there have been all sorts of whispers of next election that he will be steping down(They would now but they are trying to grap up as much Democrat Teritory as possible and it could turn into scandel, he must stay Mr Golden Monkey as far as Cheney is concered)
Bean, what are you talking about? I can't follow that.
Posted: 2002-11-21 10:48pm
by Mr Bean
Bean, what are you talking about? I can't follow that.
In Ebonics eh?
Well its rumored that next election Cycle that Bush will be hunting for a New AT as Asscroft is steping down,
Cheney did not want Asscroft to begin with and had another guy he wanted to but the Demos said No to(I'll try and find that name later)
Simple enough?
Posted: 2002-11-21 11:00pm
by Stormbringer
Yes, much better. I hope Ashcroft goes, the jack booted prude.
Posted: 2002-11-21 11:13pm
by Johonebesus
Mr Bean wrote:As for Hypocracy notice the diffrence, Lets say Rush Calls some-one a Useless hat-fucking liberal(I don't think anyones used that before
) now then when it is just an Ad-Homean attack?
When its not backed up and thats the diffrence in-between the middeles personal attacks and the simply pissed of people who have a point
I have never listened to his radio shows much, but I remember his T.V. show from about ten years ago. He spread the "troopergate" rumor that turned out to be completely bogus. He insinuated that what's-his-face, the fellow who killed himself, was murdered by Clinton. He repeated and spread any and all rumors that cast Clinton as a villain. I am no fan of Clinton, but Linbaugh did not have a point in his attacks. He hated Clinton, and joyfully did everything he could to convince America that the president was the most deplorable, despicable, rotten piece of filth ever elected to public office. If he had simply said "this Clinton has a reputation as a womanizer, maybe he isn't trustworthy," then the would have had a point. His frothing hysterics seem to me baseless personal attacks.
Posted: 2002-11-21 11:28pm
by Mr Bean
He repeated and spread any and all rumors that cast Clinton as a villain. I am no fan of Clinton, but Linbaugh did not have a point in his attacks. He hated Clinton, and joyfully did everything he could to convince America that the president was the most deplorable, despicable, rotten piece of filth ever elected to public office. If he had simply said "this Clinton has a reputation as a womanizer, maybe he isn't trustworthy," then the would have had a point. His frothing hysterics seem to me baseless personal attacks.
Acutal the problem was Clinton pretty much WAS the worst pieace of filth to ever grace the White-House, Besides the Womanising he TOOK BRIBES(Though its not called as such, "Gifts" from Businessmen is what they call it when he recvices STOCK OPTIONS)
Besides the Playing around behind his wife's back he lied, maaaaaaaaanny times, switched his postions so many times one could tell what he would do next better with a wiggen board than by listening to what he says
And thats Ten Years ago, I never saw the TV Show, I first cautch his show in 2001 when I was fliping through AM in a mad scramble for anything while Driving through Virgina Mountians and stumbled on his station listen to half his show then picked it up a few times after that
Now I listen to it maybe twice a week, no more than an hour as I'm driving around and to be Honset, if your most recent experance with somone is TEN YEARS OLD?
Belive me Supersized Rush is alot diffrent then modern "Medium" sized Rush, most of the time on his show he's laughing when I catch it(Few supass him in Radio Parodys gotta give him that one)
Posted: 2002-11-22 10:20pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
My dad subscribes to his newsletter, and in one article, Rush said his point in life was to "express his opinion on things". Thoughts on that?
Posted: 2002-11-23 01:27am
by Master of Ossus
I treat Rush as being entertainment, but here in California we have an even funnier guy named Michael Savage. For short bursts, he's funnier than David Letterman ever is. Then you realize that he's serious and need to take some time off.
Incidentally, I also find it hilarious that Daschle is blaming his death threats on Rush. EVERYONE in politics gets threats. EVERYONE. We've simply stopped reporting them, because they would be in the news every day. Even a section similar to the obituaries for each threat would have literally hundreds of entries every single day. We just don't have the time or the space to report them all. I'm sorry, but Daschle isn't just getting threats because of Rush. If Rush turned around tomorrow and (for whatever reason) decided that Daschle was the greatest Senator since the Roman Republic, Daschle would STILL get threats. As one of the most influential people in the largest party in America, it would be impossible for him NOT to get threats.