check this out, this is pretty interesting.
Posted: 2002-11-23 04:04am

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Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
i'm cuter than that guy. yeesh.Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:OMG THAT IS SICK!!!!
I hope that's not you and your girlfriend...
sorry, been there done that, got evicted for jacking up the heating bills too much. i enjoy it hot.Frank Hipper wrote:I HOPE THEY KEEP HELL HOT FOR YOU!!!!!
You leave my mom out of this, you son of a bitch!!!Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:It could be worse. Much much much worse.
You could be stalked by someone who looks like this...
Why not? I wanted an Avatar that was a person or thing, rather then just a cool effect shot. I like Starcraft, the Protoss are kick ass, the Dark Templar very cool, especially when crossed with the Sith as I plan..Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:And why did Sea Skimmer-san decide to become a DT?
WHOA.Frank Hipper wrote:You leave my mom out of this, you son of a bitch!!!
Wow. You must be one *UGLY* motherfucker.Frank Hipper wrote:You leave my mom out of this, you son of a bitch!!!Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:It could be worse. Much much much worse.
You could be stalked by someone who looks like this...
I bet she gives one hell of a blowjob...Hyperion wrote:
i'd rather go in a guy's output port than go in the input port on a friggin' gungan... yeep... frogslime... eeewwww... *btw, some frogs make you trip out if you lick'em, i have verifyed this*Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:You'd trust your dick to go in there?
My god, you're braver than I thought Iggy.
Well, calling that... thing a She-Monkey demeans the ladies of the BoTM board. I demand you retract that slur upon the beauty of our She-Monkeys before I call exterminatus down upon you and yours.Shinova wrote:ESB! How the HELL did you get your hands on the She-Monkey!???
(Regarding the horror pic)
I've seen uglier women, not that you'd want to think about it...Frank Hipper wrote:You leave my mom out of this, you son of a bitch!!!Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:It could be worse. Much much much worse.
You could be stalked by someone who looks like this...
OKayy.....calm down...and the MUJ pics were much worse than those'll ever be...Mike_6002 wrote:This one sick fucked up thread somebody delete before someone's has perament brain damage, and those pictrues were sick <Auughhhhhh....>
Those picturs of Micheal Jackson, even worse don't mention it again because are you nuts, and trying to kill us all verilonverilon wrote:OKayy.....calm down...and the MUJ pics were much worse than those'll ever be...Mike_6002 wrote:This one sick fucked up thread somebody delete before someone's has perament brain damage, and those pictrues were sick <Auughhhhhh....>
I still am trying to kill you, and yes I am nuts. But that's beside the point. And that wasn't me that posted those. You spam so much you can't keep things straight.Mike_6002 wrote:Those picturs of Micheal Jackson, even worse don't mention it again because are you nuts, and trying to kill us all verilonverilon wrote:OKayy.....calm down...and the MUJ pics were much worse than those'll ever be...Mike_6002 wrote:This one sick fucked up thread somebody delete before someone's has perament brain damage, and those pictrues were sick <Auughhhhhh....>