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Israeli Troops Kill UN Official
Posted: 2002-11-24 12:59am
by Damaramu
They mistook his CELL PHONE for a friggin gun. ... nians_8148
Good shooting, guys.

Posted: 2002-11-24 01:02am
by MKSheppard
What the fuck did the UN let the PLO inside their building for?
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:04am
by neoolong
Damn. And during the funeral it already gets political.
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:06am
by Stormbringer
Oh fucking wonderful. This is only going to make it so much worse. If it turns into open season we're never going to have peace there now.
Re: Israeli Troops Kill UN Official
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:09am
by Sea Skimmer
Hold a handgun in one hand and a black cell phone in the other. Have a friend a 100 meters away try to tell which is which. Be sure to add smoke, gunfire and muzzel flashes to the mix as well.
When there is a battle going on civilians get hurt and killed. The fact that more UN personal have not been killed is surprising to say the least.
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:10am
by HemlockGrey
Oh, glorious. Another nice fuckup to notch on the collective belt of the Middle East.
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:14am
by Damaramu
Oh, and get a load of
THIS shit!
Late Saturday, the Palestinian leadership decided to award Hook its highest medal, the Al Quds Sharif medal, or the Noble Jerusalem medal, and declared him a "martyr" of the Palestinian people, Palestinian officials said.
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:17am
by Damaramu
Oh, and:
Israel Army Radio reported Saturday that an initial investigation into Hook's death showed that an Israeli soldier shot him as he came out of an alley from where Palestinian gunmen had been firing earlier, mistaking a cell phone he was carrying for a hand grenade.
An army statement released late Saturday said two soldiers fired at Hook inside the U.N. compound because he had "an object that appeared to be a gun."
Posted: 2002-11-24 03:08am
by Sokar
Fog of war fellas , get into a fire fight for 20mins , and your ready to shoot anything or anyone that isnt flying your colors. Not that this excuses the soilders responsible, but more how nasty things like "friendly fire" and "collateral casualties" happen.
Posted: 2002-11-24 03:12am
by AdmiralKanos
Or so the Israeli army has been saying for years. Usually, it's the Israeli army saying "fog of war, confusion of battle, fierce firefight", the Palestinians saying "what? The soldiers were in no danger at all, they were just trigger-happy!" and Americans discounting the Palestinian accounts as lies. This time, the UN is saying what the Palestinians usually say ... and the Americans are still believing the Israelis.
Posted: 2002-11-24 09:46am
by Mr Bean
Indeed Mike, I mean look
For years the news went like this
Palestinians claim 17 dead and eight wounded
Israeli Army reports 3 Wounded
Hmmmmmmm, of course what the Pro-Isreal press never reports is when people have 17 casketes a week later to be buried and medical records of the eight wounded, They never follow up to see if its true, that particlar example happened in October 01 when in Decemeber 60 mintues did a follow-up and found that the Palestinians were telling the truth and when they confronted Isreali offical with it, they dogglyed stuck by the 3 wounded figure
ONE FACT however you can not ignore is EVERYONE from CNN, to ABC and CBC ALWAYS says "Palestinians CLAIM" and "Isreal REPORTS"
Always, they always say that(Because a claim is not nessary factual and a report is normaly true they always use that lanugage to report ANYTHING over there)
Posted: 2002-11-24 09:51am
by consequences
The U.S. is too tied to maintaing Israel regardless of the costs and morality involved. Why the hell did we have to put the official Jewish nation in the middle of the Middle East, couldn't we have just carved a chunk out of nebraska or something? I understand the guilt felt over the Holocaust, but it was a bad frickking decision, which we should have tried to correct decades ago.
Posted: 2002-11-24 10:00am
by Lex
it simply would cost the USA too much to change their point in the conflict...they will always go witht he isreals
Posted: 2002-11-24 10:02am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I say kill a PLO bastard to show them not to fuck around with others. Accidents don't happen to people who treat them personally.
Posted: 2002-11-24 10:24am
by consequences
The trouble is that just creates a martyr, and a fair number of the PLO are already ready to sacrifice themselves, or at least some brainwashed dupe in retaliation.
Posted: 2002-11-24 10:28am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
consequences wrote:The trouble is that just creates a martyr, and a fair number of the PLO are already ready to sacrifice themselves, or at least some brainwashed dupe in retaliation.
Then you have to kill him in a way that lets only the PLO know. Like say Have him show up dead in bed, of what seems to be natural causes. And go after someone in charge.
Posted: 2002-11-24 10:43am
by consequences
The trouble is that they can then publicise how the filthy American pigs tried to murder one of their heroes and hush it up. Short of an absolute restriction of travel to and from the area or genocide, there really aren't any easy solutions.
Posted: 2002-11-24 10:47am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
consequences wrote:The trouble is that they can then publicise how the filthy American pigs tried to murder one of their heroes and hush it up. Short of an absolute restriction of travel to and from the area or genocide, there really aren't any easy solutions.
I was thinking of that myself. As logn as they get to speak first they'll claim a rhetorical victory. Being that I believe in do unto them before they do unto us, I am at a loss here.
Maybe you just keep killing them off until there aren't any left to make noise or you scare them into submission.
Posted: 2002-11-24 12:13pm
by Dahak
It simply is irrelevant what you do, on both sides.
They're so deep in their mental trenches, you'll never get to them, whatever you do.
The best thing would be to completely ignore both sides, and let them rot in their own miserable world of hatred...
Posted: 2002-11-24 12:16pm
by Stormbringer
Dahak wrote:It simply is irrelevant what you do, on both sides.
They're so deep in their mental trenches, you'll never get to them, whatever you do.
The best thing would be to completely ignore both sides, and let them rot in their own miserable world of hatred...
I say give both sides the guns, tell the world to leave them alone and watch them wipe each other out if they won't make peace. Frankly. they both deserve the misery they've inflicted on each other. Neither side will make peace, instead they want to win at all costs. Fools.
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:08pm
by Tosho
consequences wrote:The U.S. is too tied to maintaing Israel regardless of the costs and morality involved. Why the hell did we have to put the official Jewish nation in the middle of the Middle East, couldn't we have just carved a chunk out of nebraska or something? I understand the guilt felt over the Holocaust, but it was a bad frickking decision, which we should have tried to correct decades ago.
The reason is simple, as it turns out the jews just happen to claim the stretch of land known as Isreal as their territory because of a promise the jewish deity made them a few thousand years ago.
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:14pm
by Soulman
consequences wrote:The U.S. is too tied to maintaing Israel regardless of the costs and morality involved. Why the hell did we have to put the official Jewish nation in the middle of the Middle East, couldn't we have just carved a chunk out of nebraska or something? I understand the guilt felt over the Holocaust, but it was a bad frickking decision, which we should have tried to correct decades ago.
Mind, palestine had been suggested as a Jewish homeland since WW1 where the promise of a Jewish homeland was given by us to rally Jewish support for the war. Not much happened after the mandate for palestine was given to us (it was Turkish), Jewish emigration to palestine increased during the inter-war period and unrest within both the Arab and Jewish communities increased with bouts of violence. Things really got bad after WW2 with increasing Zionist terrorist attacks many of them at least as bad as what the Palestinians have been up to.
Posted: 2002-11-24 01:56pm
by ArmorPierce
and at first they were trying to put the blame on Palestinian gunmen like they often do when someone gets shot.
Posted: 2002-11-24 02:03pm
by Newtonian Fury
The UN worker that got killed was helping Palestinian refugees. No wonder the Israeli soldiers hated him.