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Posted: 2002-11-24 07:52pm
by Stormbringer
I've been sing the previews for Solaris for a while now and watched a couple of making of teasers on it. I've got to say it looks intriuing and I think i'm going to go see it. Who's doing likewise?
Posted: 2002-11-24 08:09pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I probably wont. So far from what Ive seen it looks like a love story.
Nothing wrong with love stories, I just dont feel like seeing one now. Not too mention I dont have any money.

Posted: 2002-11-24 08:40pm
by Patrick Degan
I'll probably see it out of curiosity. I want to see how it compares with the original 1972 Russian film directed by Andre Tartkovsky, which was one of the most beautiful SF films ever made.
Posted: 2002-11-24 08:40pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
What is Solaris?
Posted: 2002-11-24 09:11pm
by Patrick Degan
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:What is Solaris?
Solaris was a 1960s SF novel by Stanislaw Lem. In it, Earth dispatches an investigator to discover why contact with the crew of a space station orbiting the distant planet Solaris has been lost. He finds the crew alive and well, but discovers that they have been experiencing hallucinatory episodes in which they've met people from their own pasts, long dead or particularly beloved. The investigator himself ends up encountering what seems to be the ghost of his fiancee, who died before the two of them were to marry. As I recall the plot, the entire planet is a living intelligent being, and that in actuality, the hallucinations are the result of the intelligence on planet Solaris trying to prevent the Earth people from colonising.
The first movie of this intriguing novel was made in the Soviet Union in 1972 and directed by Andre Tartkovsky, considered one of the premier directors of world cinema. Turner Classic Movies ran a whole festival of Tartkovsky films many months ago and they were all artfully composed masterpieces. Tartkovsky could be likened as the Russian Kurosawa.
It will be a challenge for this movie to stand up with the original.
Posted: 2002-11-24 09:15pm
by Cal Wright
I'm just going to have to say yes. I've seen Wing Commander and Pitch Black. I doubt it could be worse than those two.
Posted: 2002-11-24 09:20pm
by Hyperion
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I'm just going to have to say yes. I've seen Wing Commander and Pitch Black. I doubt it could be worse than those two.
WC sucked, Pitch Black kicked ass. i loved the ending music on that one as the ship made for deep space.
i may just have to see "Solaris" sounds interesting.
Posted: 2002-11-24 09:21pm
by Stormbringer
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I'm just going to have to say yes. I've seen Wing Commander and Pitch Black. I doubt it could be worse than those two.
You compare a pair of crappy hack jobs to something that just might qualify as high art? Man, the decline of western civilization continues.
How To Tell That You're A Geek
Posted: 2002-11-24 09:58pm
by Crayz9000
If you see "Solaris" and immediately think of Sun Solaris.
Posted: 2002-11-25 12:37am
by Frank Hipper

Oh man, I thought this was Dune related.
I'd like to see it,BTW.
Re: Solaris
Posted: 2002-11-25 01:30am
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Stormbringer wrote:I've been sing the previews for Solaris for a while now and watched a couple of making of teasers on it. I've got to say it looks intriuing and I think i'm going to go see it. Who's doing likewise?
Ohhhh, the movie. . . Shit, when I first saw this thread, I immediately thought Solaris the flavor of UNIX put out by Sun. But, if the movie is a love story, then I don't plan to see it.
Oh yeah, and Solaris the OS actually isn't too bad.
Posted: 2002-11-25 02:46am
by Rathark
I left the tattered paperback in Australia unread, and I haven't seen the original film. I'm aware of the concept, though (a planet covered by a living primordial ocean with godlike abilities). I'm interested in seeing what Hollywood does with it ... hhmmmm ...
Posted: 2002-11-25 02:47am
by haas mark
I saw the thread and thought about the star Solaris. *shrug* Guess I was wrong.
Posted: 2002-11-25 02:59am
by neoolong
I'll probably watch it. I read a script review about a year ago and it seemed to be a decent movie.
Posted: 2002-11-25 04:01am
by Cal Wright
Ah, get your dick out of your eye Stormbringer and put it back in your ass where it belongs. I'm just saying I have no clue what the fuck this Solar panel is, but that it cannot be worse than either of those two movies listed. Hell, it couldn't be worse than Star Trek the fucking motion picture. Besides the only thing in decline is what little intelligence Shep has left.Sorry Mk, you were just there man.I had the shot, there was no danger, so I took it.
Posted: 2002-11-25 04:10am
by Raxmei
I also thought of Sun Solaris when I saw the thread title, even though I didn't know what it was.