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Michael Moore taking suggestions for his next move!
Posted: 2005-04-18 11:25am
by Rogue 9
At Moore's
website, he's asking advice on what his next move should be.
Saturday, April 16th, 2005
How's it going? Ready for the next step?
Let me know what you've been up to and any ideas you have about what our next move should be (write me at the addresses below).
Meanwhile, I'll be in conclave this week handing out goodie bags and running for pope. Wish me well!
Michael Moore
*Ponders whether to tell him his next move should be fat camp or North Korea.*
Posted: 2005-04-18 11:27am
by Petrosjko
'Crash test dummy' pays quite well.
Posted: 2005-04-18 11:29am
by Gandalf
I got the email about this a few days ago.
I want to see him enter politics, but that's just me.
Posted: 2005-04-18 11:32am
by Stravo
Frankly he should do a nice expose on the Schiavo's parents and their brutal smear campiagn they conducted against the husband add in the political bullshit from the Bushes and the Republicans and you have a great little documentary.
Posted: 2005-04-18 11:33am
by Gandalf
Stravo wrote:Frankly he should do a nice expose on the Schiavo's parents and their brutal smear campiagn they conducted against the husband add in the political bullshit from the Bushes and the Republicans and you have a great little documentary.
Something tells me that would get more crap on him than his last 2 docos combined. Sounds brilliant.
Posted: 2005-04-18 01:28pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Ah, but then he'd fill it with misinformation and such, so that any valid points he might make are forever tarnished by him.
Posted: 2005-04-18 01:39pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Team up with the guy from supersize me, and get moore down to a reasonable body mass index.
Posted: 2005-04-18 01:51pm
by Zoink
Immigration crisis in america and the export of jobs overseas. How big business is shapes gov't policies.
I never watch Lou Dobbs, really!!!! lol.
Posted: 2005-04-18 01:59pm
by Vertigo1
I'd rather see him team up with the Jackass crew and do some crazy shit.

Posted: 2005-04-18 01:59pm
by Pablo Sanchez
The Yosemite Bear wrote:Team up with the guy from supersize me, and get moore down to a reasonable body mass index.
Seriously. That would be an awesome documentary: Michael Moore's
Don't be Such a Fat Bastard!. The main story would be him losing his extra 150 pounds, and the sideline would be about the American obesity "epidemic."
Posted: 2005-04-18 03:03pm
by Master of Ossus
Watching him do a documentary on the American culture of obesity would be hilarious--much better than any of his other work.
Posted: 2005-04-18 03:49pm
by The Yosemite Bear
It was obvious....
Posted: 2005-04-18 03:49pm
by Durandal
I'd like to see him do a nice exposé on Terri Schiavo's parents and hopefully dispel a lot of the bullshit that's come from the Christian Right about her husband. That's something that moderates on both sides would be able to appreciate.
Posted: 2005-04-18 03:57pm
by Darth Wong
Master of Ossus wrote:Watching him do a documentary on the American culture of obesity would be hilarious--much better than any of his other work.
Already done with "Supersize Me", and I doubt Moore could do it any better than that.
Besides, I'd much rather see him take on the Religious Right, but I don't even know what his views on the Religious Right are. He may think they're not so bad for all I know. Moore has been singing a one-note song ever since he began his career; for him, it's all about the evils of corporatism. All of his movies, no matter what the ostensible subject matter, eventually go back to the evils of corporations and the people who are friendly to them.
I don't know if he would even be capable of doing an expose on the Religious Right unless he can find some way to tie it to Big Business, which is why I suspect that if he tried, he would end up focusing on the Mormons or on the fact that there are a lot of wealthy religious connections in the Republican Party.
Posted: 2005-04-18 07:19pm
by Uraniun235
I'd love to see him attack the Church of Scientology.
Posted: 2005-04-18 07:44pm
by Cabwi Desco
I got one for ya Michael.
its called 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!'
Its all about the people who think your a dumbass and tell you that your movies royally suck and told you long ago NOT TO MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE; and we're totally right! In fact at the end you pledge never to make one of your shitty 'documentaries', if you can call them that, ever again. I love it, and I think it would sell out in every theater in America.
Ah now that was cathartic.
but if you want a real plot heres one. 'Camilla, Horse, Whore, Queen.'
Posted: 2005-04-18 07:52pm
by Tzeentch
Darth Wong wrote:Besides, I'd much rather see him take on the Religious Right, but I don't even know what his views on the Religious Right are. He may think they're not so bad for all I know. Moore has been singing a one-note song ever since he began his career; for him, it's all about the evils of corporatism. All of his movies, no matter what the ostensible subject matter, eventually go back to the evils of corporations and the people who are friendly to them.
I don't know if he would even be capable of doing an expose on the Religious Right unless he can find some way to tie it to Big Business, which is why I suspect that if he tried, he would end up focusing on the Mormons or on the fact that there are a lot of wealthy religious connections in the Republican Party.
You might be interested in
The God Who Wasn't There; it's a documentary that aims to be a Super-Size Me for modern Christianity. The site text makes it sound like its primarily a critique of Christianity as a whole, but the trailer looks like an expose of the religious right.
The dvd will apparently have commentary from the likes of Richard Dawkins, Richard Carrier and Earl Doherty, which makes it sound quite legit, at least to me.
Posted: 2005-04-18 10:16pm
by Dalton
Master of Ossus wrote:Watching him do a documentary on the American culture of obesity would be hilarious--much better than any of his other work.
Awesome. Maybe the tagline can be "Fat People Suck!" Perhaps a product promotion where movie theaters hand out Slim Fast coupons. We'll really stick it to those fat fucking lardasses who've done nothing to offend us except be larger than everyone else.
Re: Michael Moore taking suggestions for his next move!
Posted: 2005-04-18 10:17pm
by Dalton
Rogue 9 wrote:*Ponders whether to tell him his next move should be fat camp
How very *big* of you. Will this be before or after "Douchebag", his documentary profiling people just like you?
Posted: 2005-04-18 10:29pm
by J
Stravo wrote:Frankly he should do a nice expose on the Schiavo's parents and their brutal smear campiagn they conducted against the husband add in the political bullshit from the Bushes and the Republicans and you have a great little documentary.
I'd rather see him use the Terry Shiavo fiasco as a lead in to examine the state of healthcare in America. He gets to rail against HMO's, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and of course government agendas and incompetance. Might be a bit long though...
Posted: 2005-04-18 10:32pm
by The Yosemite Bear
how about he goes after the insanity of humanity....
Posted: 2005-04-18 10:37pm
by Dalton
jmac wrote:I'd rather see him use the Terry Shiavo fiasco as a lead in to examine the state of healthcare in America. He gets to rail against HMO's, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and of course government agendas and incompetance. Might be a bit long though...