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Master of Orion 3 is being released December 4th

Posted: 2002-11-26 05:48pm
by BlkbrryTheGreat
I noticed that Master of Orion 2 was on the "cool software" page that Mike has. Since he liked it, and since this site is devoted to Sci Fi, I thought I should mention that Master of Orion 3 is coming out on the 4th of December. Looks like quite a good game from what I've read and seen of it thus far.

Posted: 2002-11-26 05:49pm
by Sea Skimmer
"Warning Warning, redundant thread detected. All personal report to a several days and a page ago."

"Alert, all mods, emergancy thread lockdown.."

Posted: 2002-11-26 11:20pm
by Slartibartfast
Not true! The other thread says "Master of Orion 3 Ships on the 27th..."

As you can see, they are totally unrelated.

Posted: 2002-11-26 11:29pm
by Vympel
Not necessarily. I corrected Shep's erroneous release date with December 4th.