It's time to tell the House of Saud goodbye.
Posted: 2002-11-27 02:12am ... 112602.asp
Important section of note:
Important section of note:
That's where all the money goes that could be improving the lot of the Saudi people - To converting people in other countries to the fanatical branch of Islam we call Wahhabism.While exact figures on this spending are hard to come by, it is clear from what we do know that this is the largest worldwide propaganda campaign ever mounted. Official Saudi sources indicate that between 1975 and 1987, Riyadh's "overseas development aid" averaged $4 billion per year, and there is evidence that this level was maintained in the 1990s. While some of this aid did go to legitimate development-assistance activities, Saudi data show that at least half ($50 billion over two and a half decades) and perhaps as much as two-thirds financed strictly "Islamic activities." Compared to these numbers, the massive Soviet external-propaganda budget (estimated at $1 billion annually at the peak of Moscow's power) looks modest indeed.