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Bond James Bond...How many women has he been with?

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:04pm
by guyver
On TNN today they are running a James Bond Marathon. Just how many women has he been with???

This guy must eat oysters by the boat load.

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:11pm
by Warspite
Well, considering just the Bond girls, 19, insert 5 or 6 "baddies" and a few flirts around, and you got... oh, about 243... Just kidding, at least 24.
Oh, and Moneypenny! (We don't know if he ever... Boing! :wink: )

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:14pm
by Anarchist Bunny
3 more than I'll even see just topless in my entire life.

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:14pm
by Colonel Olrik
Warspite wrote:Well, considering just the Bond girls, 19, insert 5 or 6 "baddies" and a few flirts around, and you got... oh, about 243... Just kidding, at least 24.
Oh, and Moneypenny! (We don't know if he ever... Boing! :wink: )
I heard that in the next film Moneypenny is finally going to have her wish fulfilled :twisted:

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:25pm
by Warspite
She's still around???? The woman must be way over 60 by now. Didn't know Bond would be that kinky. :wink:

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:29pm
by Colonel Olrik
Warspite wrote:She's still around???? The woman must be way over 60 by now. Didn't know Bond would be that kinky. :wink:
Remember the new movies. The actress has changed. And she is quite nice now, IIRC. Much better than the "old" Moneypenny.

Anyway, if it moves and is a female, James Bond wil be on it.

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:31pm
by Ted
Colonel Olrik wrote:
Warspite wrote:She's still around???? The woman must be way over 60 by now. Didn't know Bond would be that kinky. :wink:
Remember the new movies. The actress has changed. And she is quite nice now, IIRC. Much better than the "old" Moneypenny.

Anyway, if it moves and is a female, James Bond wil be on it.

So true that.

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:54pm
by Exonerate
I'm suprised he hasn't contracted a STD yet... :roll:

Posted: 2002-11-28 06:57pm
by Ted
Exonerate wrote:I'm suprised he hasn't contracted a STD yet... :roll:
Q's probably invented a super-condom that deploys from the watch. :shock:

Posted: 2002-11-28 07:00pm
by Warspite
Character shield? After all, the man faced death, many times, in many ways...

Posted: 2002-11-28 07:05pm
by Ghost Rider
Like it matters given that he's drinken more martinis then most men ever will...his Liver is so far the only thing to have suffered any ill effect in his life.

I mean 3-4 per movie...multiply that by 20(is it) get about 60-80...and that's what is shown on screen...they always have dialogue of possible off. So the number get's nuttier.

Posted: 2002-11-28 07:07pm
by Sea Skimmer
Several hundred at least

Posted: 2002-11-28 07:41pm
by salm
and most of them of fine quality as well.

Posted: 2002-11-28 07:43pm
by Warspite
salm wrote:and most of them of fine quality as well.
That can explain why Bond doesn't get STD's!

Posted: 2002-11-28 07:45pm
by salm
Warspite wrote:
salm wrote:and most of them of fine quality as well.
That can explain why Bond doesn't get STD's!
oh, that´s because STD´s are an invention of television.

Posted: 2002-11-28 07:56pm
by Lord Sauron-Tyranus-Vader
Ted wrote:
Colonel Olrik wrote:
Warspite wrote:She's still around???? The woman must be way over 60 by now. Didn't know Bond would be that kinky. :wink:
Remember the new movies. The actress has changed. And she is quite nice now, IIRC. Much better than the "old" Moneypenny.

Anyway, if it moves and is a female, James Bond wil be on it.

So true that.
I dunno, the one in Goldfinger was cute.

Posted: 2002-11-28 08:00pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
In TWINE, he made out with Dr. Warmflash, Electra King, and Christmas Jones. In TND, he did the professoress, Wai Lin, and Paris Carver. In Goldeneye, he flirted with Xenia, kissed the evaluator, and slept with Natalya. That's 8 so far, in only 3 movies.

In Dr. No, there was Honey Ryder, and Sylvia Trench. From Russia With Love, Tanya, and Sylvia again. Goldfinger, that exotic dancer in the beginning, Jill Masterson, and Pussy Galore. Not to mention Dink, in the beginning of the Miami scene.

Three more, and we have a total of 15 women. I'm getting tired.

Even after you count them all, you have to cinsider the possiblity of women between movies.

As for Moneypenny, Lois Maxlwell did the role until A View to a Kill. By then, she was far too old for the role. The next one, Caroline Bliss, ooked like a nerd. The one now, Samantha Bond, seems good for now.

Posted: 2002-11-29 01:25am
by C.S.Strowbridge
Warspite wrote:Well, considering just the Bond girls, 19, insert 5 or 6 "baddies" and a few flirts around, and you got... oh, about 243... Just kidding, at least 24.
Oh, and Moneypenny! (We don't know if he ever... Boing! :wink: )
He's never done Moneypenny, we learned that in Goldeneye. Although, I hear he kisses her in DAD.