Alright, so you dismiss it on the grounds that there isn't a working version availiable (because it has not been developed) than the merits of the idea or the soundness of the concept, or any experimental data collected about advanced artiliery design? Sounds more like a religous beleif than an actual argument.
Money,money,money.Why would you spend money for a round that can be fired only from the guns of four ships with not all that much service life left while instead you could spend it for system that could be deployed on large numbers of current and future ships?
Alright so say we built and armoured a new battlebatleship design say with similar armour we put on a tank, except a few feet thick on a tramarian hull design.
It cannot be done,or at least it is highly impractical.The weight,without speaking about the cost,of the armor needed is too much.If you think that it is already difficult to protect a frontal section of a tank from small antitank missiles,to protect a modern battleship from much larger antiship missiles (many of them have a shaped charge warhead) is simply not worth,if it is not impossible.
The best thing is avoiding of being hit.If hit,containing the damage with damage control system,antisplinters armor and redundancy is the best thing to do.
You think that its going to be able to sail right through it? In reality it would just bounce right off. As for the hull, are there no modern materials, or plating we can use to reinforce the hull against a torpedeo attack?
Wrong.Modern torpedoes do not open a hole in the hull.They explode under the keel.They create with explosion a gas bubble that will leave the hull,damaged by the initial blast, without support from the water,causing horrendous structural damage.Small ships literally break in two.Armor does not help.Actually it makes things worse.
We can't design a Battleship to be a sub hunter killer as well?
Probably it will be inefficient.The propulsion systems for a ship of that size will make too much noise for the sonar to work well.
Or are all these tasks to be reserved for the aegis class ship?
"Yes I have seen clips of those missles. really huge, no longer in service anymore. Even more deadly against a carrier than a battleship. I don't think that becasue a ship is vulnerable to attack that it is outdated or useless. By that reasoning, since all navy craft escpeically carriers are vulnerable to attack we shouldn't have any ships? Reember the USS cole was almost sunk with relatviely small load of explosives. It wouldn't have scratched an Iowa class ship. Shouldn't we ahve a ship capable of delivering a steady stream of devestating fire, and capable of mixing it up with shore defenses it, giving and taking rather than let them have thier way with landing craft? Capable of tacking care of the mines as well without going to the button of the sea.
Shore defenses are often equipped with antiship missiles batteries,which will be a danger for your battleship like for every other ship.Minehunters are better suited for the minehunting job.
A big problem I see into todays force balance model is that there is almost no armour on ships anymore. How are we supposed to bring our present artilery supportt in littoral waters without adequate armour?
Armour against what?
Mines?Armor does not help.
SSKs?Again armor does not help.
Antiship missiles batteries?Armor does not help much.
A 155 mm battery?Mmm... What about eliminating it with a LASM?
Are we just going to fire multimillion dollar missles for a task thats better suited to artilery? takr the arsenal ship, it cost more to arm the dam thing than the ships costs. 1 hit on its hull from a light missle will send it to the button of the sea.
I am glad to inform you that the project is gone.
As for being manpower intensive, we can design artilery systems that are ciompletely automated, hence does not need constant live fire excerises instead of computer simulation.
The development cost of a fully automated 16 inches gun system will be prohibitive.
Next We can alss shield a battleship against radiation form a nuclear blast, and insulate it from an EMP attack.
To insulate a battleship against an EMP attack you will need electronic circuitry impervious to EMP.And with that you can build EMP impervious aircrafts and carriers.
hmm maybe if we ignored logistic expenses that would be a valuable comparison, but all your proposals require platofrms that cost signifaicantly more to operate than a battleship. SO that flight of F/A-18's really cost the money to buy and operate a carrier as well as well as train a crew which is billions more than a battleship.
Never mind that battleships can be armed with missles and could be designed with highly advanced point defense weapons such as solid state lasers, especially effective since we can put refigerating units on them and sustain fire for greater periods of time..
this is not tommorrows technology, this is stuff that we already can do.
Probably a laser is just a little better than a RAM.
Will EMP missles be very useful in the future in dsiabling planes, yes, does that mean that we should get rid of planes right now? no.
Are drones really useful? Yes, does that mean we get rid of all pilots? no.
Are Aegis Class Missle crusiers more effective than frigates? yes Do we get rid of frigates? No (but we are anyways for some strange reason)
The Perry class frigates decommissioned are replaced by destroyers.A destroyer is a multimission ship and it is felt that its flexibility is more useful than larger number of specialized frigates.
Spend a billion dollars on a ship, and you hgave to take it out of harms way whenever a liightly armed foe comes along. thats not true for a battleship. It can go places missle destroyers simply can't beacuse its too dangerous givien its armour.
Armor does not help much.Besides a battleship is an expensive capital ship.
Are you going to risk it to some stupid mine?I doubt.You will send a destroyer in anyway.
This reminds me of trhe earliest carrier designs, they were so focused on attack, that the ships were made of a great deal of wood, so they could put more planes on them. In ww2 if an enemy plane sneezed at one, it would have to go to port for repairs.
British carriers armored decks were not considered a success either.Wooden decks can be patched easily in anyway.
As for sicily there was very little resistance going on shore, there was a great deal of resistance inland, and sent the alies reeling. It was artilery fire that produced the area denial, that blunted thier attack, area denial we cannot match today. Planes come and go, but artilery in many cases on the ground an sea are still useful.
I think its really weird that people think that missles are wonderful thing, which indeed they are, but make the leap and say they are the best for every situation. When in fact srtilery is indeed very useful.
For this reasons they are working on the ERGM for the 127 mm gun.
Maybe the fire support aassoctiation is biased on artilery, maybe its becasue they see a useful place for it in todays world.[/quote]
Yes like when they said that battleships would have been very useful for the war against terror.Maybe they could have put tracks under them in order to use them in Afghanistan...
Sorry,artillery IS useful.But a battleship is NOT.Her spectrum of missions is limited and its costs are high.You can field equivalent systems for an inferior cost.