The Evil That is SafeDisc Continues
Posted: 2002-12-02 04:10am
New Scientist reports that the new anti-piracy feature on audio CDs (which TheRegister reported today had been cracked), has the potential to damage loudspeakers by introducing square waves into the amplified signal. Although the article does not mention it, many people copy their (legitimately purchased) audio CDs for use in their automobiles, to protect against theft. This raises further questions as to how much damage the industry is willing to cause to consumers to protect their 'property'.
From* by Nebob:
You probably know C-Dilla as the shitsucking cumgarggling vomitsnorkeling faggots who created safedisc, the protection that causes 5 minute load times, lost spots on servers and complete inability to use the software that you have paid for.
However, the people at C-Dilla weren't satisfied with merely unpleasant unlubed assrape. They had to have more. To this end, they have created safecast, a revolutionary new copy protection that:
- Installs a kernel mode driver without your knowledge or consent, which:
- Attempts to prevent copying of any copy protected CD on a kernel level
- Logs and transmits* all attempted CD burns, including their full file index
- Logs and transmits* copy protected CD burns, including personally identifiable system information
- Logs and transmits* all file downloads, including the server the file was downloaded from and the name of the file
- This kernel mode driver:
- Is not removed when the protected application is uninstalled
- Is reinstalled and reenabled each time you run the protected application
- Can not be uninstalled without a operating system reinstallation
- Causes your software to fail if it is not installed
I am personally aware of three software titles that come with this protection. If you know any others, please share. They are:
Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight expansion
Mechwarrior 4: Clan MechPack
Mechwarrior 4: Inner Sphere MechPack
To determine if you have been infected, search your system for CDAC11BA.EXE, CDAC15BA.SYS, and check your task manager to see if CDAC11BA.EXE is running. If it is, your system has been compromised and you should take corrective action immediately. To remove the infection, follow these steps:
(1) Kill the CDAC11BA.EXE process
(2) Delete CDAC11BA.EXE and CDAC15BA.SYS from \system32\drivers
(3) Reboot your machine
Since the infection will reestablish itself every time you use the protected program, you will need to do this immediately after each usage. I recommend writing batch scripts to automate the process as much as possible.
Important Note: Kernel mode drivers are not governed by software firewalls. Your firewall will not warn you if activity is taking place.
*clarification: Can be configured to. I don't think it actually is on the above products
Oh my god.
This is fascinating on so many levels. Apparently, in the minds of many software publishers, not only is your computer their personal domain within which to run free, but your safety precautions (such as ntfs, firewalls, and tight control of the kernel and kernel services within operating systems such as Windows XP) are theirs for the taking, manipulating, and general beshitting upon.
Just wow.
Dry Ice CO2
Is this even fucking legal?
I know that our Canadian privacy laws are much less opressive than the U.S. with their DMCA, CBDPTA, Patriot Act and other five-minute hack jobs of legislature, so I'm wondering if this would be legal according to Canadian law. I'm pretty sure the U.S. legal system welcomes this kind of shit because Congress is getting paid off by lobby groups and major industry representatives (RIAA, MPAA, etc.) to turn a blind eye to how blatantly unconstitutional this new "Big Brother legislature" is, but I really fucking hope there's some way the Canadian legal system and the legal systems of other countries don't allow these things.
If this "SafeCast" is illegal according to Canadian law, would a Canadian who bought these infected MW4 expansion packs in a Canadian store be able to take them to court for this, or would the U.S. get jurisdiction so C-Dilla can get the case dismissed because their DMCA-powered force field is protecting them?
Honestly though, I'm absolutely DISGUSTED that freedoms and rights like YOUR OWN GOD DAMN PERSONAL PRIVACY are allowed to be intruded upon with this "Everyone's guilty of being a pirate until proven innocent" mindset, and I'm even more appaled at the fact that governments are supporting this shit instead of taking a stand against it. I pity you people in the U.S. who have to live with this shit on a daily basis, and I hope that this shit doesn't spread into Canada and the rest of the world.
I'm just surprised that nobody has got a bunch of people who are as equally pissed off at this shit as I am and formed a vigilante terrorist group in the U.S. to bomb the head offices of places like C-Dilla, the RIAA, the MPAA and the big fat-cat mansions which the congressmen who support these opressive laws reside in and purchased with the money they got from lobby groups representing the RIAA, MPAA and other such conglomerate shitmolesters. You'd think by now that someone would've created such a group, seeing as writing letters to congress and other non-violent forms of protest are obviously not working at all. If I were a U.S. citizen, I'd have formed a group like this long ago. Take a fucking stand, people
New Scientist reports that the new anti-piracy feature on audio CDs (which TheRegister reported today had been cracked), has the potential to damage loudspeakers by introducing square waves into the amplified signal. Although the article does not mention it, many people copy their (legitimately purchased) audio CDs for use in their automobiles, to protect against theft. This raises further questions as to how much damage the industry is willing to cause to consumers to protect their 'property'.
From* by Nebob:
You probably know C-Dilla as the shitsucking cumgarggling vomitsnorkeling faggots who created safedisc, the protection that causes 5 minute load times, lost spots on servers and complete inability to use the software that you have paid for.
However, the people at C-Dilla weren't satisfied with merely unpleasant unlubed assrape. They had to have more. To this end, they have created safecast, a revolutionary new copy protection that:
- Installs a kernel mode driver without your knowledge or consent, which:
- Attempts to prevent copying of any copy protected CD on a kernel level
- Logs and transmits* all attempted CD burns, including their full file index
- Logs and transmits* copy protected CD burns, including personally identifiable system information
- Logs and transmits* all file downloads, including the server the file was downloaded from and the name of the file
- This kernel mode driver:
- Is not removed when the protected application is uninstalled
- Is reinstalled and reenabled each time you run the protected application
- Can not be uninstalled without a operating system reinstallation
- Causes your software to fail if it is not installed
I am personally aware of three software titles that come with this protection. If you know any others, please share. They are:
Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight expansion
Mechwarrior 4: Clan MechPack
Mechwarrior 4: Inner Sphere MechPack
To determine if you have been infected, search your system for CDAC11BA.EXE, CDAC15BA.SYS, and check your task manager to see if CDAC11BA.EXE is running. If it is, your system has been compromised and you should take corrective action immediately. To remove the infection, follow these steps:
(1) Kill the CDAC11BA.EXE process
(2) Delete CDAC11BA.EXE and CDAC15BA.SYS from \system32\drivers
(3) Reboot your machine
Since the infection will reestablish itself every time you use the protected program, you will need to do this immediately after each usage. I recommend writing batch scripts to automate the process as much as possible.
Important Note: Kernel mode drivers are not governed by software firewalls. Your firewall will not warn you if activity is taking place.
*clarification: Can be configured to. I don't think it actually is on the above products
Oh my god.
This is fascinating on so many levels. Apparently, in the minds of many software publishers, not only is your computer their personal domain within which to run free, but your safety precautions (such as ntfs, firewalls, and tight control of the kernel and kernel services within operating systems such as Windows XP) are theirs for the taking, manipulating, and general beshitting upon.
Just wow.
Dry Ice CO2
Is this even fucking legal?
I know that our Canadian privacy laws are much less opressive than the U.S. with their DMCA, CBDPTA, Patriot Act and other five-minute hack jobs of legislature, so I'm wondering if this would be legal according to Canadian law. I'm pretty sure the U.S. legal system welcomes this kind of shit because Congress is getting paid off by lobby groups and major industry representatives (RIAA, MPAA, etc.) to turn a blind eye to how blatantly unconstitutional this new "Big Brother legislature" is, but I really fucking hope there's some way the Canadian legal system and the legal systems of other countries don't allow these things.
If this "SafeCast" is illegal according to Canadian law, would a Canadian who bought these infected MW4 expansion packs in a Canadian store be able to take them to court for this, or would the U.S. get jurisdiction so C-Dilla can get the case dismissed because their DMCA-powered force field is protecting them?
Honestly though, I'm absolutely DISGUSTED that freedoms and rights like YOUR OWN GOD DAMN PERSONAL PRIVACY are allowed to be intruded upon with this "Everyone's guilty of being a pirate until proven innocent" mindset, and I'm even more appaled at the fact that governments are supporting this shit instead of taking a stand against it. I pity you people in the U.S. who have to live with this shit on a daily basis, and I hope that this shit doesn't spread into Canada and the rest of the world.
I'm just surprised that nobody has got a bunch of people who are as equally pissed off at this shit as I am and formed a vigilante terrorist group in the U.S. to bomb the head offices of places like C-Dilla, the RIAA, the MPAA and the big fat-cat mansions which the congressmen who support these opressive laws reside in and purchased with the money they got from lobby groups representing the RIAA, MPAA and other such conglomerate shitmolesters. You'd think by now that someone would've created such a group, seeing as writing letters to congress and other non-violent forms of protest are obviously not working at all. If I were a U.S. citizen, I'd have formed a group like this long ago. Take a fucking stand, people