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Dumbest fucking movie review ever ...
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:32pm
by Darth Wong
Check out this steaming pile of crap: ... ArtID=1502
This guy says that "Black Hawk Down" was
racist, because ... (drum roll please) ... the Somalis are all black!
Look at this fucking quote:
Scott has reduced the complexities of a notorious foreign policy blunder to what happens when a bunch of clean-cut white boys venture into the wrong side of town and get roughed up by some giant, scary niggers.
Question: what the fuck are they putting in the goddamned water in Philadelphia, and is there an antidote?
He hates the film because it does precisely what it sets out to do: make you feel what it's like to be a soldier. He hates the film because it treats the enemy as a faceless enemy, which is exactly how the soldiers see them by necessity. He hates the film because the protagonists are mostly white and the enemy is black (gee, I guess we should just rewrite history and make the Somalis into fucking blonde blue-eyes Aryans, just to be politically correct). He hates Ridley Scott and says that he's a terrible action choreographer; this is a bit like saying that Einstein was a crappy physicist. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:34pm
by Shinova
He protests against racism against blacks and calls them niggers in the same sentence. How wonderful.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:35pm
by Joe
Well, this mentality is not unique to this guy; the New York Times gave Black Hawk Down a crappy review also and used the race card similarly.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:36pm
by Kuja
Darth Wong wrote:What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
I don't know, but I bet it's hard to pronounce.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:38pm
by Joe
This is almost as bad as the Detroit cretins who called George Lucas a racist and said that Jango Fett was an Arab terrorist (or a Mexican, they were not unanimous in their slander of poor GL).
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:38pm
by Ghost Rider
Gotta love what happens when a PC minded fool think he can use his opinion as a fool proof system to judge things.
I mean damn in that one sentance he already shows ignorance and racist tendancies and a good streak of regular PC moronitude all in one stroke.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:43pm
by Stravo
He is not the first to say this. There were others that mentioned the same thing. It made many liberals extremely uncomfortable to see that on screen without lookig past the surfcae and trying pathetically to ignore the facts.
One critic, Joel Siegel mentioned that you had a bunch of white soldiers and a token black, what kind of message does this send? Well, asshole, if you bothered to read facts you would know that at that time, the special forces of the US were 98% white. The special forces deployed in Somalia were nealry 100% white with one hispanic (not black Joel, but I guess all dark skinned guys must be black and us hispanic folks HAVE to be brown right?) This is the height of PC bullshit that pisses me off when we're supposed to whitewash and alter a real historical event because it might clash with their comfortable liberal ideas with race relations.
Its the same bullshit that had the media ignore the trial of the two black kids that raped and murdered some of their white friends...but because its black on white crime and feeds into the worst stereotypes about blacks the media chose to ignore it. Who made them the guardians and bastions of what the truth is?
BlackHawk Down is without a doubt one of the finest war movies I have ever seen and it deserves, hell teh guys that fought and died desreved better than getting shit about things that they could not change and had nothig to do with.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:44pm
by TrailerParkJawa
He didnt give us a reason why it is racist. I thought the movie was good, but the book is where its at. But still, Im fucking tired of movie critics asking where is the BIG PICTURE? Guess what guys? PFC's and Corporal's dont get the BIG PICTURE and this was about their struggle. Not a statement against facism, not a statement against Bush's NWO, not a statement about Clinton's poor relations with the military, etc.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:49pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Whew... that was dumb.
(Deep breath)
Emptyheaded? No visual direction? Ridley Scott can't place his actors?
There WAS no fucking point after the mission went FUBAR except to survive! What did you think they'd do, settle it over tiddlywinks and luncheon?
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:50pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
In CRs local paper, back when Godzilla 2000 Millennium was released in the US, they printed this national review by some woman who obviously didn't give a shit about the Daikaiju genre, and she trashed it. Many things she ragged can be blamed on the US distributors.
That pissed me off. I was looking forward to maybe seeing Ebert review it, since he'd actually respect the genre, and he's a favourite critic.
It still pisses me off, actually.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:52pm
by Vympel
This reminds me of the 9/11 incident where the firefighters put up a flag on the ruins- a monument was being made to commemorate it but it was altered to make 1 firemen white and the other 2 black and hispanic respectively. This is not what happened- it was 3 white/anglo/whatever the hell they are guys. Was it right to do that?
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:53pm
by Joe
Vympel wrote:This reminds me of the 9/11 incident where the firefighters put up a flag on the ruins- a monument was being made to commemorate it but it was altered to make 1 firemen white and the other 2 black and hispanic respectively. This is not what happened- it was 3 white/anglo/whatever the hell they are guys. Was it right to do that?
Yeah, altering history is OK as long as it's in the name of diversity.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:54pm
by Wicked Pilot
That asshole is just trying to get attention. In response, I would like to quote Private Joker:
"Don't listen to any of Payback's bullshit, he thinks he's John Wayne"
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:55pm
by Kuja
Vympel wrote:This reminds me of the 9/11 incident where the firefighters put up a flag on the ruins- a monument was being made to commemorate it but it was altered to make 1 firemen white and the other 2 black and hispanic respectively. This is not what happened- it was 3 white/anglo/whatever the hell they are guys. Was it right to do that?
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:56pm
by TrailerParkJawa
The same guys like this are the ones that try to find racism in every Disney cartoon. I remember some critic stating that the Hyena's in Lion King were urban blacks.
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:56pm
by jegs2
Durran Korr wrote:Vympel wrote:This reminds me of the 9/11 incident where the firefighters put up a flag on the ruins- a monument was being made to commemorate it but it was altered to make 1 firemen white and the other 2 black and hispanic respectively. This is not what happened- it was 3 white/anglo/whatever the hell they are guys. Was it right to do that?
Yeah, altering history is OK as long as it's in the name of diversity.
Hey, I know it's off-topic, but if Miami can find a way to lose this weekend, Georgia may have a shot at the Fiesta.
ps- Do NOT lose to those hawgs...
Posted: 2002-12-02 11:59pm
by Cal Wright
where the fuck did that come from!
Man I tell ya, that fucktard did not even WATCH the god damned movie. I haven't seen it since it came out, and I knew where he was fucking wrong or just did not pay any god damned attention to the screen. I guess that's what happens when you review a movie when your head has been up your fucking ass for two hours.
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:02am
by Joe
jegs2 wrote:Durran Korr wrote:Vympel wrote:This reminds me of the 9/11 incident where the firefighters put up a flag on the ruins- a monument was being made to commemorate it but it was altered to make 1 firemen white and the other 2 black and hispanic respectively. This is not what happened- it was 3 white/anglo/whatever the hell they are guys. Was it right to do that?
Yeah, altering history is OK as long as it's in the name of diversity.
Hey, I know it's off-topic, but if Miami can find a way to lose this weekend, Georgia may have a shot at the Fiesta.
ps- Do NOT lose to those hawgs...
I don't think we will; ya gotta be able to throw the ball to beat Georgia, and Arkansas can't throw the ball (nevermind the last two passes in the LSU game, only four passes were completed by Arkansas the entire game). If the offense is as explosive as it was during the ritual slaughter of the Jackets, we should have no trouble.
As for Fiesta, well, I can only hope. Even if Miami loses to Va. Tech, it may not fall out of the top two in the BCS. But the SEC championship would be good enough for me.
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:02am
by beyond hope
Oh, where to begin with this Tard?
I will admit that I have not read the book: I've seen the movie repeatedly, and somehow managed to come away from it with a *completely* different opinion of it. Only the most terminally brain-damaged on the far left could see this movie and consider it a glorification of that conflict. Let's start with "it ignored all the policy decisions surrounding this notorious blunder" and look at the opening of the film, where they're commenting on the pressure from Washington to "get results." From there you can go on to look at the bad intel, the inadequate armor and support for dealing with the mission, the soldiers left behind on the field...
But my head is starting to hurt, and I'll stick with "he's a window-licker on the short bus."
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:07am
by Shinova
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:21am
by TrailerParkJawa
Thats cool. Here I found this its a clip from the website linked below:
Do I shatter their innocence by disclosing what Carolyn Newberger of Harvard University said? According to the Associated Press, she complained in the Boston Globe that "the good-for-nothing hyenas are urban blacks; the arch-villain's gestures are effeminate, and he speaks in supposed gay cliches." And another Harvard professor worried that the characters achieve goals "through violence." ... column.htm
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:34am
by weemadando
Black Hawk Down was the best war film since Full Metal Jacket.
How dare he slander it like that!
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:37am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
KIll the fool, Cthulu man...
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:37am
by CmdrWilkens
Quite frankly I think that the neccessary points ahve already been raised about this kind of moronity but I thought I'd chime in with my two cents. Certainly the guy has a right to an opinion but I wonder if he ever stopped to consdier that hsi right to this opinion has been bought and paid for by men just like those portrayed in the movie? Has he ever taken the ten seconds in his life neccessarry to think about the fact that his, most likelyy, nice suburban home is made possible through generations of deaths by thousands of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen most of whom have been white, many of whom have been other races, and ALL of whom have had a story to tell that has only recently been shown to others outside of the military community. There is a story behind almost every person who puts on the uniform and despite gripes and thoughts I have about the actual action in Somalia and minor points about the movie itself I think there is nothing better that could have come out than a story about the men whose lives go on the line.
I just wonder if this guy has ever thought about it btu my bet is he never has...that would require self-examination and an ability to reduce his ego.
Posted: 2002-12-03 12:39am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
The problem with society is that we cannot understand the extremem pressures war puts on soldiers, and we condemn their actions. Fact is, most of us would probably have done alot worse in their shoes and the only reason why such bullshit can be said is because some guy sacrificed his life for the rest of us.