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Rate the person above you

Posted: 2002-12-03 04:48am
by Shinova
Rate the name, title (if person has one), sig, and avatar of the person above you on a scale from 1-10. (Above meaning some who has posted before you).

Posted: 2002-12-03 04:58am
by Crown

I like the name, one word that doesn't require me to copy and paste it when I quote. 8

The Avatar is nice clear and distinctive, 8

Sig is non existant, 7 (for the courage not to have one)

EDIT: I am an easy marker, and I can't wait to see how long before David closes this!

Posted: 2002-12-03 05:01am
by MKSheppard
Crown, Nice easy name to remember 10:

Avatar: -10, as Walter Koenig is Pavel Chekhov, not some fucker on Babylon 5.

Sig: -5 as you have lots of multicolored crap

Posted: 2002-12-03 05:09am
by Shinova

Name : 8.5

Avatar : 8

Sig : 7

By the way, if you're going to rate me, here's the AV I normally use, since right now we're all in Christmas mode.


Posted: 2002-12-03 05:22am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Name: 9.0 for originality

Av: 9.0 for cuteness and it's anime

Sig: What sig?

Posted: 2002-12-03 05:24am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Einhander sn0m4n:

10 for name originality.

2 for avatar (Unless it's a chick or something else incredibly cool nothing gets above 3)

Sig: 7 pts. Well, I felt like it.

Posted: 2002-12-03 05:25am
by Dahak
Evil Sadistic bastard:
Name: 5
Avatar: 9 (cuteness factor :) )
Sig: 7

Posted: 2002-12-03 05:31am
by Raxmei

Name: 8
Is this after Weber's Dahak? It's short and distinctive, anyway.

Avatar: 6
I don't like the aesthetics, but it serves to identify you.

Sig: 4
Too big, draws no attention, tells little about you.

Posted: 2002-12-03 05:45am
by weemadando
Name: 8
Raxmei, interesting name, and I believe it is a (insert name of jumbled letter thingy).
Also fits with the whole Skaven thing.

Avatar: 9
Skaven rock. X-mas rocks. Your av is easily recognisable and stylish.

Sig: 6
Simple, perhaps too simple, but still nice.

(edit) for the sakes of continuity review both my stormie av and the plush santa cthulhu... (/edit)

Posted: 2002-12-03 06:52am
by Mr Bean
Name : 5 Weemando? Eh... ok I guess...

Avatar : 10! Nothing says Festive like Santa Cthulhu!

Sig : 6 Functional Sig, gets its job done nothing fancy, does not realy make me laugh

Mr Bean

Posted: 2002-12-03 06:58am
by Robert Treder
Name: 10 out of 10...excellent choice, especially concerning your personality.

Avatar: 10 out of 10...your avatars consistently produce laffs and good cheer, and your Festivus-inspired one is no exception. My personal favorite is Bean with the hand gun.

Sig: 10 out of 10...nothing flashy or distracting, and you can't go wrong with quotes, especially your own.

Mr Bean is the God of this message board, as he has just received a perfect 30 out of 30. Mike Wong still outranks him, because as we all know, there IS NO GOD.

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:00am
by His Divine Shadow
Name: I don't get it, so you get 5/10

Avatar: I don't get that one either, but hey 7/10

Sig: 8/10 for funny part about bible and trek.

Your score is 20

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:07am
by Robert Treder
I'll leave HDS for someone else to do, seeing as I just participated, but I think I should clear up the mystery apparantly surrounding myself:

Name: My real name.
Avatar: This is the Christmas-time version, but that's Cecil B. Demented. John Waters rocks. Demented forever!

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:12am
by Raxmei
As long as we're explaining things, my username is just my middle name. It's not an anagram or anything like that.

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:16am
by Robert Treder
Yeah, sorry to keep this off topic for one more post, but I think people should have the right to explain any misconceptions.

And let me just say that "Raxmei" is a kick-ass middle name. Mine's Nathaniel. How dumb is that? I actually had somebody tell me one time that my middle name was 'beautiful' because it's a name from the Bible. Criminy.

Anyhow, somebody had better do HDS real quick-like, before this thread dies or something.

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:19am
by His Divine Shadow
Waa! Nobody likes me!

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:20am
by HemlockGrey

Name: 8/10. It sounds cool.

Avatar: 6/10. Looks cool, but it's missing something.


Posted: 2002-12-03 07:20am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
[nelson]Ha ha.[/nelson]


Reviewing of Cyril.

Name: 4. Blah.
Avatar: 6. I like flaming skulls.
Sig: 4. Didn't get it.

His Divine Shadow

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:22am
by Robert Treder
Name: 10 out of, and a bonus for being a Lexx reference. Would have gotten docked for being so long, but HDS is a cool abbreviation, so it's saved.
Avatar: 09 out of 10...Dark Trooper action figure's a solid choice.
Sig: 10 out of 10...eye-catching, but not annoying. Cool quote, helpful link, and great Python reference.

EDIT: See, HDS? Turns out that TWO people like you. Quit it with the bad self-esteem. Oh yeah, and I think you should join Bean in the SD.N BBS pantheon, because I give you an extra point for having an EXTRA BADASS custom title.

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:25am
by His Divine Shadow
I am so great I blow my mind.

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:27am
by Robert Treder
C'mon, Bastard...Cyril's cool name.

Waitasecond...isn't St. Cyril the guy who introduced Christianity to Russia? Hmmm...can negative points be given?

EDIT: Turns out St. Cyril also stopped Emperor Julian from removing Christianity from the Roman Empire.

Posted: 2002-12-03 07:29am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
And thus the effort needed to retracvt my keystrokes is saved...

But Cyril's a decent guy despite what his score may be.

Posted: 2002-12-03 10:54am
by Zaia
Evil Sadistic Bastard:

Name: 8/10 I like the name (made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it, I think), but sometimes when you're being sweet, it doesn't quite fit. Thank goodness that doesn't happen all that often... :wink: J/K!

Avatar: 9/10 Definitely love the Christmas spirit! :D

Sig: 7/10 Quotes are good, and I especially like the one about the naked pictures thread. Rah! But no colour, which I happen to like.

24/30 :D

Posted: 2002-12-03 10:59am
by irishmick79
Ok, I'll play


Name-7/10: Nice ring to it, although the name doesn't carry any particular significance to me. Short and to the point.

Avatar-9/10: The anime drawing definitely fits the name and the personality. Well done

Sig-4/10: The colors are cool, but quoting gibberish from fellow posters doesn't strike me as all that funny. Maybe I need to track down the post quoted and get the proper context.

Posted: 2002-12-03 11:02am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Zaia wrote:Evil Sadistic Bastard:

Name: 8/10 I like the name (made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it, I think), but sometimes when you're being sweet, it doesn't quite fit. Thank goodness that doesn't happen all that often... :wink: J/K!

Avatar: 9/10 Definitely love the Christmas spirit! :D

Sig: 7/10 Quotes are good, and I especially like the one about the naked pictures thread. Rah! But no colour, which I happen to like.

24/30 :D

Name: 8/10. greta name for a girl.
Avatar: 10/10. Love the girl, lvoe the expression, love the person behind it all. :D

Sig: 6/10. Wacky and colorful