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Duck and cover!
Posted: 2002-12-03 11:49pm
by Temjin
Happened upon earlier today.
[Warning: Link to flash movie]
was an actual atomic bomb safety video.
Did people actually believe that shit?
Posted: 2002-12-03 11:55pm
by Exonerate
Posted: 2002-12-03 11:58pm
by Sea Skimmer
Considering most of those videos where made when the Soviets had only four nukes that could reach the US, and as a result the vast majority of the nation population would be at risk from only the initial flash and flying glass, the duck and cover stuff's actually a pretty good idea.
Posted: 2002-12-04 12:10am
by Alyrium Denryle
Sweet non-existent jesus!
That was amusing
Posted: 2002-12-04 12:13am
by Kuja
LOl, I've seen shit like that before.
Posted: 2002-12-04 12:17am
by Howedar
Duck and cover, and kiss your ass goodbye.
Posted: 2002-12-04 12:18am
by Temjin
Howedar wrote:Duck and cover, and kiss your ass goodbye.
You should be close enough.....
Posted: 2002-12-04 12:19am
by TrailerParkJawa
Haha. That was pretty fun. Very Fallout-ish.
As for the real duck and cover movies my parents saw those in school and practiced the drills.
I did duck and cover drills as a young child in the 70's but I remember them being more for earthquakes than bombs.
Posted: 2002-12-04 02:12am
by Hyperion
best thing to do in the event of a nuclear attack: call up your parents and significant other tell'em you'll see'em in the afterlife, then bend over and kiss your ass goodbye... (and while you're at it you may as well enjoy the fireworks over your arch enemy's house as the shockwave and blastfront get closer)
Posted: 2002-12-04 03:51am
by Admiral Piett
As Mr Sea skimmer has pointed out when the most of this stuff was done the the soviet nuclear arsenal was still somewhat limited,especially in terms of delivery systems.
Until the late 60's they had four,I repeat,four SS-6 Sapwood ICBMs, some additional missiles of dubious value,few Hotel class SSBNs (see K-19) that were probably more a danger to the crew than anyone else(ah, I forgot to mention the mighty Golf,Echo and Juliett classes

) , and a few bombers.They did not start to become serious until the late 60's-early 70's with the introduction of the Yankee class SSBNs and newer missiles.
Until that they were not capable of destroying more than few cities in the US.In that context the "duck and cover"concept made perfectly sense.
The soviets would not have been able to send the US back to the stone age.We are accustomed to a late cold war idea of total destruction that was simply not a reality at the time.
Posted: 2002-12-04 04:30am
by Raxmei
Jokes aside, duck and cover will increase your (admittedly slim) chances of surviving a nuclear attack. Same for any other explosion.
Posted: 2002-12-04 05:08am
by The Yosemite Bear
Seen it
we still had it in my grade school over in Humbolt Ca.
Posted: 2002-12-06 11:18am
Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, Oh What A Relief It Is.
Survive a nuke attack???. Yeah, right.
Could we Americans have been so gullable?.
About all you could do is bend over and grab your ankles.
Posted: 2002-12-06 11:24am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Sounds like a video from Fallout 2.
Posted: 2002-12-06 11:28am
by Ghost Rider
Mind you as stated during the fifties when the movies were makes gullibility
During the late 60-70 that was a different story.
Posted: 2002-12-06 11:41am
by Larz
At least you'll be in a position to repent and try to find "God" in your last few seconds of life pending how close you were to ground zero. If one was far enough away, then ducking and hiding beneath something actually did wonders to your statistical chance to survive the flash and shockwave... now as for dust and radiation fallout that could be debated
Posted: 2002-12-06 12:22pm
by phongn
Even in the latter era of giant arsenals on either side it still made some sense - if you were far enough out that ducking and covering might just save your life. Obviously, if you're too close or far away enough it won't matter that much, but for that one zone...