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THE ISLAND (Spoilers)

Posted: 2005-07-22 03:46am
by Xero Cool Down
Pretty awesome movie, if it weren't for the constant product placement, and the fact that every single car in the movie is a new 2005 model car in what is supposidly 50 years in the future. It looks like a produce got ahold of an idea and ran with it, without any consideration to details. :?

Posted: 2005-07-22 03:54am
by Peregrin Toker
I am not too enthusiastic, since it seems to be an unauthorized remake of an obscure 1979 film called Parts: The Clonus Horror, only with more car chases.[/url]

Posted: 2005-07-22 04:03am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Thanks for pointing out what some of us had already been discussing (even pointing to The Agony Booth site) about a couple weeks ago, Simon.

Posted: 2005-07-22 04:21am
by Zed Snardbody
I FUCKING KNEW I saw this movie on Mystery Science Theater!

Any one remember the "seccurity" folder?

Posted: 2005-07-22 05:43am
by Spanky The Dolphin
The Island is getting quite a pummeling by the critics, with a 40% Rotten at RT. Some reviews are just brutal. Quite a few I've read mention Clonus as one of the sources that Bay has plundered, with most mentioning Logan's Run, Coma and THX 1138.

Also, it seems to just take place in 2019 rather than 2055 or such.

Posted: 2005-07-22 06:15am
by Peregrin Toker
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Quite a few I've read mention Clonus as one of the sources that Bay has plundered, with most mentioning Logan's Run, Coma and THX 1138.
I am not surprised, since Clonus is essentially a cross between Coma and Logan's Run.

Posted: 2005-07-22 06:40am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Yeah, I've seen both Clonus and Logan's Run.


No wait, I mean mentions of Logan's Run, Coma, and THX 1138 in regards to The Island, not Clonus.

Posted: 2005-07-22 12:12pm
by Joe
Peregrin Toker wrote:I am not too enthusiastic, since it seems to be an unauthorized remake of an obscure 1979 film called Parts: The Clonus Horror, only with more car chases.[/url]
Hmm, I hadn't known that. Thank you for pointing that out.

Quit being an ass, Spanky.

Posted: 2005-07-22 12:22pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
Never seen it, heard some basic-jist reviews, from friends mostly, and read some spoilers. As i understand it: the guys are being harvested as materials in some kind of illegal organ theift ring and meet their 'originals', because they're actually clones produced for new tissue replacements, or something.

Anyway, Clonus wasnt that hot, but this seems at least interesting to look at. I'll probably wait for DVD, though.

Posted: 2005-07-22 01:07pm
by EmperorMing
After reading this and seeing how the movie industry is going after pirates of their material - Jeez! What a bunch of hipocrites!

Posted: 2005-07-22 01:54pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Joe wrote:
Peregrin Toker wrote:I am not too enthusiastic, since it seems to be an unauthorized remake of an obscure 1979 film called Parts: The Clonus Horror, only with more car chases.[/url]
Hmm, I hadn't known that. Thank you for pointing that out.

Quit being an ass, Spanky.
I'm not being an ass, there was like a two-page thread about the very subject in OSF that was relevant as early as last week.


Okay, I was kind of being an ass. I apologise for that.

Posted: 2005-07-23 05:10am
by Shroom Man 777
Simon doesn't frequent here that much.

Anyway, it's got explosions and fancy jet-bikes, and has some cool cinematography. It's cool. Not Gattaca or Equilibrium or such, but it's a nice movie. What 6th Day would've been if it had a bigger budget.

The science is bad though... the Evil Heir Doktor says that the human body has to be conscious or else the organs (which they harvest) will di3!

Posted: 2005-07-23 08:46am
by Caius
I've not seen the above mentioned movies it was supposedly based and ripped from. So I couldn't touch on that part. But it basically had everything a big hollywood movie is about. It's not like it was meant to be taken really as a serious piece disscussing cloning. It was a good little backdrop, that they summed up for the movie and that's it. It was entertaining as a blockbuster, but not much else.

Did some questions about the movie come up? Yeah but mostly from my boyfriend wondering if he went in to buy a clone could he buy a Scarlett clone. (not that I didn't think the same thing about Ewan mind you)

Maybe I should check out the above mentioned movies. See what the fuss is about.

Posted: 2005-07-23 09:11am
by Trekdestroyer
All I remember thinking was that if I wanted to see "this world is not real" crap, I'd watch the Matrix movies. That being said, it looks to be a mediocre movie that has only seen mild interest from me. I hope they didn't rip off the other cheesy plotline from the matrix as well *cough*chosen one*cough*.

Posted: 2005-07-23 10:09am
by Shroom Man 777
Nope. No chosen ones. But the water bags they use to clone people look awefully like those red strawberry filled peanuts in the Matrix.

Posted: 2005-07-24 06:09pm
by Illuminatus Primus
[quote="Shroom Man 777"][/quote]

And what's wrong with that? You think Terri Schiavo had optimal health of organs and tissue if you wanted transplants. I would work, but it'd be shitty.

Posted: 2005-07-24 06:15pm
by Durandal
Honestly, it sounds like yet another "OMG CLONGING WILL ODOOM US ALL!!!!!!!!" propaganda piece. Companies actually clone people for harvesting organs from them? Why? Because they're just plain evil? Wouldn't it cost less to just clone the part that was needed instead of growing a fully-functional human being, feeding and raising it?

EDIT: And is it just me, or is Scarlett Johansson like a much hotter version of Tara Reid?

Posted: 2005-07-24 06:23pm
by Zed Snardbody
Durandal wrote: EDIT: And is it just me, or is Scarlett Johansson like a much hotter version of Tara Reid?
It's not just you.

Posted: 2005-07-24 10:14pm
by Tsyroc
Durandal wrote: EDIT: And is it just me, or is Scarlett Johansson like a much hotter version of Tara Reid?
Hotter and smarter. :)

Posted: 2005-07-24 10:16pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
A dead dog is smarter than Tara Reid, so that's not much of an accomplishment.

Posted: 2005-07-25 09:00am
by Caius
This movie isn't one to go by if you want to judge her acting. And the whole movie was about Lincoln anyway, she really was just some eye candy. But to each they own.

Posted: 2005-07-25 09:23am
by Shroom Man 777
Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
And what's wrong with that? You think Terri Schiavo had optimal health of organs and tissue if you wanted transplants. I would work, but it'd be shitty.

Posted: 2005-07-25 09:57am
by KrauserKrauser
Saw it on Saturday, was a definite popcorn summer movie. Had some good one liners and I enjoyed seeing the people that deserved to be murdered, murdered properly for once.

I did want to see the Military leader bite a bullet but I guess he made up for it in the end. As long as you don't try and take the movie seriously, it's quite alot of fun.

Posted: 2005-07-25 12:34pm
by Knife
I rather liked it.

I remember seeing the previews of it a couple months ago and I told my wife it looked like a 'Logan's Run' remake. It pretty much was. Miss Johanson is fucking hot, to boot.

"That tounge thing is amazing."

Posted: 2005-07-25 01:07pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Shroom Man 777 wrote:...what?
Human vegetables do not have optimal health, and the health and utility of their organs and tissues will suffer accordingly. That doesn't make the premise not contrived, but there is a benefit to be had by having healthy people.