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I need a waste of space...

Posted: 2002-12-04 05:21pm
by Laughing Mechanicus
Last week my old 20gb hard disk packed up so I had to get a new one and, thanks to Jolly Santa, I got a nice new 60gb one (very early). Now I have a total of 120gb of space, 60gb is dedicated to games and multimedia stuff, 10gb for WinXP, 10gb for WinME and 20gb for general utilities.

Therein lies the problem, I've still got a nice shiny 20gb partition completely empty with nothing to do. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestion for what I could use it for? I was thinking about putting Linux on it, but I can't see much use for it. Another possibility is Win2000, but seeing as I've already got XP installed is it worth it? I could never really see that many differences between XP and 2K.

Posted: 2002-12-04 05:23pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I would not recommend dual 2000/XP. They are too close.

Have you thought about using that space for a ghost image? I make a ghost image of my home machine every now and then, that way if it crashes I can be up and running quickly.

I tried Mandrake 8.2 on the recommendation of others from this board and its a good start with Linux.

Posted: 2002-12-04 05:42pm
by Pu-239
You can mail it to me :D . I only have a 6GB harddrive on my "good" computer. :evil: