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Posted: 2002-07-29 12:55pm
by Romulan_nemesis
Where do you guys stand on this issue?
Just for the record...Im gay.
Re: Homosexuality...
Posted: 2002-07-29 01:01pm
by Darth Wong
Romulan_nemesis wrote:Where do you guys stand on this issue?
Can't speak for everyone here, but as I see it, homosexuality doesn't harm anyone (and I don't count "being offended" as legitimate harm), therefore there's nothing wrong with it. I don't believe in "victimless crimes".
I would hope that this board's population tends toward the "live and let live" philosophy on this issue rather than the religious intolerant philosophy, if only because it's my board and I'm an outspoken humanist, but of course, I have no control over other peoples' opinions.
Just for the record...Im gay.
I'm not. But it doesn't bother me that you are. Now, as for your Star Trek arguments ...
Posted: 2002-07-29 01:04pm
by Romulan_nemesis
hehe, Mike Wong, you're my new hero
Posted: 2002-07-29 01:07pm
by Stravo
Just like to say that like Darth Wong stated, I have a definate live and let live attitude about these things. Living in NYC you have to be concious of issues like sexulaity and race. I believe that once confronted with these things every day and seeing for your own eyes that we're all basically the same, it tends to make people more tolerant...I say tends because you will always have idiots out there that are too stupid to live making asses of themselves.
I have to say Romulan Nemesis thats a good attitude to have to just come out and say it, I know many friends that still live DEEP in the closet and it always makes me sad. For those who say that they should just come out (and there are many militant homosexuals out there that are in this camp) I say back off. How would you like it if your liftstyle was considered by many to be somehow wrong? If you might suffer backlashes from family and friends? I don't know if I would have the courage if the positions were reversed.
Anywho, those are my two cents...
Posted: 2002-07-29 01:13pm
by Darik Sdair
Not being gay myself, I've always thought that it is highly inappropriate for me, and other heterosexual men/cultures/deities for that matter, to pass judgement on homosexuals.
Nice to see that there are other open minded people out there; sometimes I get dismayed looking at the zealots who are constantly on TV.
Posted: 2002-07-29 01:35pm
by Azeron
"Where do you guys stand on this issue?
Just for the record...Im gay. "
Whatever reason I can get for doing something facist....
Posted: 2002-07-29 01:41pm
by Durandal
What?! You're gay?! It's your fault the World Trade Center was attacked!
But seriously, what gay people do in their private time is their own business. There's nothing wrong with it.
I just can't seem to understand how a man could find other men even remotely attractive when compared to women, but to each his own.
Posted: 2002-07-29 01:50pm
by Wicked Pilot
The world is over populated. We need more homosexuals.
All joking aside, I would never hate someone for something they have no control over. As for a certain institution I am a part of, I just like to say that those who desire to serve their country, and are otherwise qualified, should be allowed to do so.
Posted: 2002-07-29 02:03pm
by Mr. B
I could care less about whether or not you are gay. It doesn't offend me and it does give me another reason to hate fundamentalists.
Oh, and Azeron YOU ARE A FASCIST!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-07-29 02:05pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I find it a bit odd, being straight, but gayness isn't "evil" as all the religous fundaemntalists say.
My theory...
Posted: 2002-07-29 02:32pm
by FireNexus
It don't matter to me. When you hit on me(if you do, rather) and I tell you I'm quite straight, back off. At that point, we have no problem.
Homosexuality is your thing. Long as I don't get hurt by your actions, I don't give a damn what you do.
Anyway, enjoy your gayness. I think I'm gonna get some Donato's now.
Posted: 2002-07-29 02:37pm
by Crazy_Vasey
I don't see the appeal of sticking it up a mans ass or even worse taking it up the ass but whatever floars your boat man. Doesn't hurt me in anyway.
Posted: 2002-07-29 03:55pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont think being gay is immoral or unnatural. These are relative terms. I used to be opposed to gay marriage but as I got older, I thought to myself, "why do you care?" and now thats my feeling. If they want to get married fine with me.
I do tend to raise an eyebrow at the super flamboyant gay types that tend to exhibit all the "stereotypical" characteristics. ( ie: lispy voice, limp wrists, leather, etc ) But its not so much that they are gay, per se, but that they are just really in your face odd balls.
At the end of the day I think gays should be able to marry and serve in the military. Ive actually wondered if you could make "equal protection under the law" arguements in regards to gays being allowed to serve and marry.
Posted: 2002-07-29 05:01pm
by RayCav of ASVS
I don't really have a problem with homosexuals. I think our Christian culture is a bit oppressive in regards to sexuality (I regard myself a huminist in Wong's camp). However, I think some homosexuals tend to flaunt their homosexuality a little
too much (for example, Gay Pride parades). I think we should leave all of our sex lives, whether homosexual or heterosexual, to ourselves. But we shouldn't discriminate against homosexuals, and certainly not kill them unjustly.
And one final thing. I don't know if the world needs more homosexuals perse, but I do know we need more hot late teens-early twenties lesbians/female bisexuals
Posted: 2002-07-29 05:10pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Bah, who you screw is no care of mine.
I find "It's unnatural!" to be a funny argument. Because all who say it shouldn't be on the computer. They should be hunting deer, living in caves, and fucking every women they see.
Posted: 2002-07-29 05:19pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Mr. B wrote:Oh, and Azeron YOU ARE A FASCIST!!!!!!
Fascists? Where?
Posted: 2002-07-29 06:07pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
This has got to be one of the most complicated subjects mankind has ever contemplated. At least quantum physics, and chaos theory obeys mathematical laws!
I believe we are born with a 50/50 nature/nurture split. We also have a spectrum, from Hetero bi homo. Where you fall in this spectrum, is that strange area of nature/nurture. The nurture part is the only thing we can measure right now, as our knowledge of genetics, though it may seem advanced compaired to 50 years ago, is a tiny fraction of what there is to know.
Hell, we can't even connect genes with more than a handfull of known outcomes. We only know for sure some of the nastier defects, (birth defects) or the very obvious ones.(XX or XY)
So, for now, the only thing we CAN do research on, is nurture.
Homosexuality seems to be universal, but the degree seems culteraly variable.
For instance, in America, with it's anti homo christian streak, seems to have the most of the "in your face gay pride, I wear my sexual identity on my sleave" types. I have many gay friends, and they tell me THEY hate these types as well. The mincing, lisping, limpwristed caricature of femininity, is just as bothersome as the heavey metal leather Ubermacho exadgeration of masculinity. The "Diesel Dyke, is so much more noticable than her ultrafem counterpart, who in turn, can't be seperated at a glance from her hetero twin. Perhaps the overemphasis on individuality in our culture ramps this behavior up a notch or two as well.
It is to be noted, that the most flame-boyent ones are always the young, doing the "DIG ME, you have to notice me, because I'm LOUD!" Attention, Attention, I just want some Attention!
That is what gets most everyone's bad reactions, wherever you fit in the spectrum. The rude, being rude, don't know or care they are rude, which is what makes them rude.
Europe seems to have a more reasonable picture of human nature, with humans, being animals, have animal qualities. Like sexuality.
The asian countries with the "hive mind" aproach to culture, have the lowest percentage. "The nail that sticks up, is hammered." Chinese proverb. Translation, "Don't be too different, or stand out. Otherwise bad things will happen to you.)
The ancient Romans and Greeks wouldn't even understant what we were talking about. Sex and reproduction were different subjects in their book.To them, outies, like fingers, dicks and tounges, go into innies, like mouths, pussies and butts! It was just that simple to them!
I am 100% hetro, but, I don't care what other people do. I just don't want to hear too much about it, any more than I want to hear about foods that I don't like. I give the same reaction to the multiple pierced, tattooed, dayglo haircolor crowd.
When I see such a person, I laugh, and think to my self, "What a drag, it is getting so HARD to shock people these days, you realy got to work at it. All I needed to do was grow long hair!"
Posted: 2002-07-29 06:09pm
by Azeron
well if he likes to take it up the ass, then he will love when my squad of "revolutionairy protectors" (Hot chicks in black tight leather uniforms") go around and start beating them with nightsticks and other ungodly act with them.
You see something to fear for everyone under my rule
Posted: 2002-07-29 06:39pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I don't really care either way, as long as he doesn't come on to me. It's sort of like a different sexual preference, just that my society (and religion) at large seem to frown upon it.
Posted: 2002-07-29 06:51pm
by Pablo Sanchez
The comments on Asian "hive-mindedness" and the whole "innies and outies" discussion were unnecessary and somewhat offensive.
There is only one Fascist I will tolerate, and that is Sheppard. He is more than enough, and the NKVD knows how to deal with Hitlerites!
Posted: 2002-07-29 07:07pm
by Azeron
I am not one of your run of the mill facists, I am the hardcore facist type who knows exactly how to deal with commies. You thought hitler was a bad ass, I am a bad ass (though I like jews and have a fondness for jewish chicks)
Nazis were are about economics and study, I am all about perversion and abuse. People will follow me, becasue I will fix all their society's problems give them a job, and make thier wildest sex dreams come true through my various "get Laid social programs". Commies are about the botehrhood of man, I exemplify the desire to exploit others.
Lets face it, most people out ther want to be exploited, who am I to deny them what they want?
Watch it commie, The facists are watching you!!
Posted: 2002-07-29 07:08pm
by Azeron
ohh and your quote is wrong it should say
"all problems are people problems. No People, no Problem.
Posted: 2002-07-29 07:40pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Azeron wrote:ohh and your quote is wrong it should say
"all problems are people problems. No People, no Problem.
No, I'm very sure it's correct. Your quote doesn't sound like Stalin, either.
Also, Mister Fascist, you will have much trouble ruling the world when you have been liquidated, no? Tread lightly when you walk on the backs of the workers--for they are soon to rise!
Posted: 2002-07-29 07:43pm
by Azeron
your problem is that the workers aren;t smart enough to know any better!! they care about glory of their country and crap like that. I will make the workers think that they are becoming the exploiters, so they will rabidly support me.
Posted: 2002-07-29 07:55pm
by Mr. B
Azeron wrote:
your problem is that the workers aren;t smart enough to know any better!! they care about glory of their country and crap like that. I will make the workers think that they are becoming the exploiters, so they will rabidly support me.
If they think they are all exploiters they will be too busy fighting with each other over who has the most assets to listen to you. Then your petty regime will crumble and you will be thrown to the bloodthirsty mob.