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Stupid, but hey my thread:P

Posted: 2002-07-29 05:09pm
by RayCav of ASVS
What if we built just one new battleship. It would be like a stretched Iowa, with a fourth turret. It would have all the latest tech too, and maybe even some stealth (but wouldn't really need it). Its primary mission would be like a diplomatic vessel and flagship, and mostly just a show-of-force ship. Stupid, I know, but just a thought:)

Posted: 2002-07-29 05:13pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
The BB-72 USS Shoot me

Posted: 2002-07-29 05:36pm
by RadiO
The USS Sigmund Freud, more like. He'd fall off his chair when it goes though the gates of the Panama canal (if he was alive, of course). So will the manager at the Tomahawk production line if the Freud had 1024 VLS cells to fill...