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Another Reason Solar Power sucks:
Posted: 2002-12-05 11:54am
by MKSheppard
Having to go out after a storm to clean several hundred pounds of snow
off your damn roof so the solar panels will work.
Oh that's right, You wanted British Columbia to go to Solar power,
instead of Coal, even though you live up north in CANADA...
Re: Another Reason Solar Power sucks:
Posted: 2002-12-05 12:02pm
by Zaku-chan
Ouch. Maybe if the panels were set up on the side of the building instead?
Re: Another Reason Solar Power sucks:
Posted: 2002-12-05 12:07pm
by MKSheppard
Zaku-chan wrote:Ouch. Maybe if the panels were set up on the side of the building instead?
Won't work. They have to face the sun at an optimum angle to work
well enough to pay for themselves.
Re: Another Reason Solar Power sucks:
Posted: 2002-12-05 12:26pm
by Zaku-chan
What if they were on the side, but angled so they could still catch the sun for at least part of the day? Probably easier to maintain, even if they don't collect as much power.
Posted: 2002-12-05 12:37pm
by TrailerParkJawa
What if they were on the side, but angled so they could still catch the sun for at least part of the day? Probably easier to maintain, even if they don't collect as much power.
They need to be on the roof where they can get the maximum amount of sun all day to be effective. Otherwise you are not getting your money's worth.
Posted: 2002-12-05 12:43pm
by AdmiralKanos
Go nuclear. Fuck coal, fuck solar, fuck wind. They're all shit.
Posted: 2002-12-05 12:47pm
by TrailerParkJawa
How much nuclear is Canada using?
Posted: 2002-12-05 12:47pm
by Sea Skimmer
AdmiralKanos wrote:Go nuclear. Fuck coal, fuck solar, fuck wind. They're all shit.
Thus my, build 365 six reactor plants a year for a decade solution to power problems. Also, buy uranium stocks.
Posted: 2002-12-05 01:19pm
by RedImperator
I'd consider a solar powered house if it meant I could tell the electric company to go fuck itself. Unless I move to Arizona, though, that's probably not a viable option...
Posted: 2002-12-05 01:22pm
by Crown
RedImperator wrote:I'd consider a solar powered house if it meant I could tell the electric company to go fuck itself. Unless I move to Arizona, though, that's probably not a viable option...
Ditto for me, but it would be central Australia, you know what I mean?
Posted: 2002-12-05 01:33pm
by salm
you know these little heating wires in the rear windows of cars?
they dont take much power and melt the snow at arrival.
fuck coal, fuck nuclear!
solar/wind/water power are cool!
Posted: 2002-12-05 01:38pm
by salm
RedImperator wrote:I'd consider a solar powered house if it meant I could tell the electric company to go fuck itself. Unless I move to Arizona, though, that's probably not a viable option...
what problems do you have with the electric company?
here it´s quite cool. if you produce more power than you need you sell it to the electric companies.
Posted: 2002-12-05 02:14pm
by Tsyroc
Crown wrote:RedImperator wrote:I'd consider a solar powered house if it meant I could tell the electric company to go fuck itself. Unless I move to Arizona, though, that's probably not a viable option...
Ditto for me, but it would be central Australia, you know what I mean?
I'm not too certain it's all that viable here in Arizona. I saw more solar pannels on houses when I lived in the midwest.
Posted: 2002-12-05 06:18pm
by RedImperator
salm wrote:RedImperator wrote:I'd consider a solar powered house if it meant I could tell the electric company to go fuck itself. Unless I move to Arizona, though, that's probably not a viable option...
what problems do you have with the electric company?
here it´s quite cool. if you produce more power than you need you sell it to the electric companies.
I just resent all the utility companies. And insurance companies. And banks. And the phone company. Oh, and the cable company. Anyone who sends me a bill, honestly.
Posted: 2002-12-05 06:22pm
by Ghost Rider
Personally Red Imp...I believe we all do at some point.
I mean that's why I can't stand the mail...for every one piece of good news...I get four bills easily.
Posted: 2002-12-05 06:59pm
by Wicked Pilot
Nuclear is the way. Screw all those tree hugging scientific ignorant evironazis. If they are unhappy with nuclear, then they can go outside and play hide and go fuck themselves.
Posted: 2002-12-05 08:14pm
by phongn
AdmiralKanos wrote:Go nuclear. Fuck coal, fuck solar, fuck wind. They're all shit.
Damn, but I wish we did that. Get a bunch of breeder reactions on-line, too...
Posted: 2002-12-05 08:52pm
by Uraniun235
Appealing though that may be, there is a limited supply of fissionables.
I say go hydro. Only problem is the damn hippies start bitching about the fish then. But then they're never satisfied.
Posted: 2002-12-05 09:25pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I say go hydro. Only problem is the damn hippies start bitching about the fish then. But then they're never satisfied.
Where you gonna build new plants? We've heavily dammed rivers already. More than just greens oppose new damns, fisherman, sporting interests, etc.
Dam's can increase flooding upstream while controlling down stream. No free lunch on any energy choice.
Like it or not, nuclear presents the most bang for the buck (no pun intented) but the waste disposal issue a giant political football.
Posted: 2002-12-05 09:40pm
by salm
what´s so wrong with solar??? if it´s developed further at a much higher rate than now, even houses in places with less sun can be powered. there could still be emergency power lines or generators.
Posted: 2002-12-05 09:42pm
by Exonerate
Yeah... You heard about Yucca Mountain in the US? The Government is planning to store the nuclear waste there, and a bunch of people are bitching about it... Funny thing is that they can't offer a better solution. On ChannelOne's website (Some news prog for kids in school), there were idiots saying that they didn't want nuclear waste in their town because it would explode

Posted: 2002-12-05 09:47pm
by salm
Exonerate wrote:Yeah... You heard about Yucca Mountain in the US? The Government is planning to store the nuclear waste there, and a bunch of people are bitching about it... Funny thing is that they can't offer a better solution. On ChannelOne's website (Some news prog for kids in school), there were idiots saying that they didn't want nuclear waste in their town because it would explode

basicly they´re right. i wouldnt want nuclear waste in my town either. it might not explode but it might leak, get into the water supply or something else like that. i dont want to have 6 eyed children.
Posted: 2002-12-05 10:08pm
by Exonerate
Its not like they're going to store it in your town... They're just afraid that trucks transporting it will leak it, which I may add is VERY improbably. I've seen vidoes of those containers crashing into cement at 60mph, and still surviving without a scratch.
Posted: 2002-12-05 10:31pm
by phongn
Exonerate wrote:Its not like they're going to store it in your town... They're just afraid that trucks transporting it will leak it, which I may add is VERY improbably. I've seen vidoes of those containers crashing into cement at 60mph, and still surviving without a scratch.
IIRC, the things have even survived train derailings. Most impressive their construction.