IGNFF: Because people need a goal.
DOYLE: Right, exactly. You know what – and I'll use a science fiction tie-in here – if the Earth got invaded by another planet or an alien race, we would all come together. Whether it's Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland, whether it's Israel and Palestine, whether it's black and white, whether it's north and south, whether it's Iran versus Iraq – we would forget our differences, because we now have a common goal... to beat the enemy. But we have common enemies today. It's called childhood poverty. It's called cancer. It's called AIDS. It's called Parkinson's. It's called Muscular Dystrophy. It's called a lot of different things, and if we would just get our collective s**t together and stop f***ing around with all the nonsense that we do on a day-to-day basis, we could get great things done. But, unfortunately, we're so mired in mediocrity right now, that we're not tackling those things that we should be looking at.
IGNFF: Oh yeah, there are those – and the ones that say, "No pictures, and I don't want to talk to you."
DOYLE: There's a lot of whores out there. I remember one convention I went to, there was a girl in a wheelchair, and she was severely handicapped and people made fun of her. The guy that was her handler, friend ... I was sitting at the bar, I was having a drink, and he came up to me and he said, "Do you remember meeting so-and-so?" I said, "Yeah, yeah, I do." He said, "You know what? She's had a tough life, but you got out of your chair and you got down next to her, and you guys talked for about five minutes. You told her you thought she was cool, and she said to me, 'No matter what happens to me, no matter where I go or what somebody says to me, I know that Jerry Doyle thinks I'm cool'." And that's great – that's what it's all about.
IGNFF: You've got to wonder how people can be assholes in the face of that.
DOYLE: Well, I could name them, but ... I was going to give you the initials W.S. Now, that's an asshole.
IGNFF: And does the S have a dollar sign appearance?
DOYLE: Yeah. Mr. Priceline, bust a move.
IGNFF: Well, Mr. Priceline until the stock dropped and he decided he wanted out of his contract.
DOYLE: I think he's total piece of s**t, the way he treats his fans. And I tell fans when I go out and I do these events, I say, "Why do you let him treat you this way? Without you guys, he wouldn't ..." I think he's a dickhead. I can't imagine that...
IGNFF: I guess it's the whole hero worship mentality, that they can do no wrong.
DOYLE: It's bulls**t. He couldn't get a job, I don't know, cleaning up horses**t after a parade if he wasn't Captain Kirk.
IGNFF: And did it on the backs of the fans that kept him in business for so long.
DOYLE: Right. He's a scumbag. Total scumbag. I say that at every convention I go to. I'm not telling you anything I haven't told anybody else.
IGNFF: It's amazing when you hear the contrast between some of the Trek guys and the B5 guys at conventions. Everyone has a good B5 guy story.
DOYLE: And there are a lot of great Trek guys. I've met a lot of great guys from Voyager and DS9, and I could go on and on and on with the show. 99% of the people that I've met at conventions have been nice. But Shatner – total piece of s**t.
I like this guy.