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Hilarious Stern/Shatner Interview Today

Posted: 2002-12-06 08:21pm
by Lord Poe
William Shatner is always a great guest on the Howard Stern radio show. Today's interview was the best one yet!

STERN: "Were there any whores on the Enterprise, Mr. Shatner?"

SHATNER: "Well there were; we called them actors."

Porn actress Sunset Thomas was also in the studio

STERN: "Sunset, show Mr. Shatner your ass. You see any Klingons back there, Bill?"

STERN: "Did you know James Doohan was missing a finger?"

SHATNER: "He was mising his HEAD."

SHATNER: [to Sunset Thomas] "Isn't it [anal sex] painful?"

STERN: "You should know that, Mr. Shatner; didn't Paramount screw you over on a couple of deals?"

SHATNER: "What's with that title 'Tomorrow Is Yesterday'? It makes no sense."

STERN: "The whole show made no sense!"

SHATNER: "Then you did watch the show!"

STERN: "'Tomorrow is Yesterday' is when the Enterprise hits a black star and gets sent to Earth's past, and is identified as a UFO."

SHATNER: "That was like three episodes!"

[Shatner incorrectly guessed the plot coming from ST4: TVH]

Posted: 2002-12-06 08:25pm
Heard it today, Shatner is one the show best guest. Kills me all the time.

Posted: 2002-12-06 08:30pm
by Raptor 597
Funny indeed. Shatner tries too hit on the porno star, while Stren pokes fun. Oh, thats rich. :lol: