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Physical Violence

Posted: 2002-12-07 03:49am
by Zaia
How much bodily harm have you ever done to another human being? What were the circumstances? How many times have you done that sort of thing? Did you enjoy it, or feel revolted by your actions? Were you in control of those actions or not?

I'm asking simply because some friends have been talking about recent ass-whoopin's they've been dealing out, and as someone who's never exactly been involved in a fight, I was curious the experiences you may have had.

Posted: 2002-12-07 03:51am
by Crown
I wont go into too much detail, but it left me feeling very, very bad. I don't think I have ever felt as bad since.

Re: Physical Violence

Posted: 2002-12-07 03:54am
by Kuja
Zaia wrote:How much bodily harm have you ever done to another human being?
I've put multiple people in the hospital. Several in intensive care.
What were the circumstances?
Mostly fights and gang confrontations at school.
How many times have you done that sort of thing?
A lot. Too many to remember. Not that I'd want to.
Did you enjoy it, or feel revolted by your actions?
Both. Different fights caused different reactions.
Were you in control of those actions or not?
Again, different stories with different fights.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:04am
by Knife
Unfortunately, I have hurt other people badly and have been hurt myself by other people badly. I have had my share of stitches and given them as well. As to how I felt about it, some deserved it and I don't think about it much and others, I will admit it, I was an ass and I carry it around with me like a scar.

If people you know are blatenly talking about it, then it might be bullshit or atleast mostly bullshit to talk themselves up. Most people will exagerate to make their exploits sound better when they're around their buds.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:07am
by Raptor 597
I got in a couple fights. A punch too the temple really does knock people off the ground. I didn't hurt him that much just knocked him down. I don't even remember the circumstances. Enjoy it? Nah. Revolted? No. Somewhere inbetween leaning towards enjoyment.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:09am
by Darth Wong
I haven't been in a physical confrontation since I was in school, and that was only sporadic. Once in university, I choked somebody and smashed his head against a concrete wall because he knocked my pizza out of my hands and onto the floor as I was carrying it to my dorm room. And once in high school, I got fed up with one tough-guy wannabe who kept shoving me around and when he slapped me in the back of the head one day, I back-handed him and I must have hit his nose in the right spot because blood immediately came pouring out, and he left me alone after that. That's my entire history of physical combat, so I'm obviously not much of a fighter. I've never started any physical confrontation, and I haven't been in any kind of fight since leaving school.

Most of the people I know never got into fights. I don't understand what's with all of the people who seem to get into fights all the time.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:19am
by Kuja
Knife wrote:If people you know are blatenly talking about it, then it might be bullshit or atleast mostly bullshit to talk themselves up. Most people will exagerate to make their exploits sound better when they're around their buds.
Not me. If anything, I talk about them as little as possible.
DW wrote:Most of the people I know never got into fights. I don't understand what's with all of the people who seem to get into fights all the time.
Getting into fights is fairly easy. I don't understand people who go LOOKING for fights.

For me, the classic quote applies:

"I don't start fights. I finish them."

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:19am
by Cpt_Frank
Once in university, I choked somebody and smashed his head against a concrete wall because he knocked my pizza out of my hands and onto the floor as I was carrying it to my dorm room.
He did it deliberately I guess?

Hmm the 2 fights that actually count (those were I was older than 12)
only involved some bloody noses (mine included :P )

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:23am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
OK try this: I was walkin down the street of my podunk neighborhood four or five years ago. Then one of the neighbor's idiot kids (I was 16, he was 13) started throwing rocks at me, and you know how one always eventually hits... In any case I got hit in the head (got a rather nasty impact bruise), which pissed me off to no end. So I picked up a rock (which turned out to be a razor-sharp piece of slate :twisted: ) and almost half-heartedly hucked it at him as a warning shot. The range was about 15 meters, and the wind caught the spinning slate and it hit him in the head with a wet "THUNK!" I saw a red splatter blossom from the side of his head like when someone gets shot in the movies. Turns out the thing roto-sawed under his skin and shredded half of it off on the side facing the impact, starting from his temple above his ear and straight back. I think the moron learned his lesson that day. No worries, he's still alive and probably as fucked in the head (if not more considering the severe damage I did to it) And yes he fully deserved that rock with his name on it! That's the last time anyone ever threw rocks at me too :)

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:23am
by Darth Wong
Cpt_Frank wrote:
Once in university, I choked somebody and smashed his head against a concrete wall because he knocked my pizza out of my hands and onto the floor as I was carrying it to my dorm room.
He did it deliberately I guess?
He was with his buddies and he wanted to show them what a tough guy he was. As we all know, the accepted method of demonstrating one's manhood in front of an idiot peer group is to deliberately act like an asshole and then dare the person to retaliate. I don't think he expected me to jump him with his friends there, but they just laid off and watched. I knew he wasn't all that close to them, so I guess I was counting on them not getting involved (either that, or I was so pissed off that I didn't think about it; it's been more than 10 years now and the recollection is a bit hazy).

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:27am
by Knife
IG-88E wrote:
Knife wrote:If people you know are blatenly talking about it, then it might be bullshit or atleast mostly bullshit to talk themselves up. Most people will exagerate to make their exploits sound better when they're around their buds.
Not me. If anything, I talk about them as little as possible.
DW wrote:Most of the people I know never got into fights. I don't understand what's with all of the people who seem to get into fights all the time.
Getting into fights is fairly easy. I don't understand people who go LOOKING for fights.

For me, the classic quote applies:

"I don't start fights. I finish them."
My point exactly, if people participate in violence, they tend not to talk about it. Being in the military and setting aside my exploits, most of the people I know who have participated in combat operations, DO NOT TALK about it much and if the people actualy have confirmed kills, THEY ABSOLUTLY DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT.

Most of the time people who get into fights do so for defense or as an impulse. If its for defense then it is not worth talking about and if it is an impulse, it is something to be ashamed of. When people start to brag about violent situations, I tend not to believe them much.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:32am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
This probly doesn't count but here goes... A few days ago me and my roomate David were play fighting after smoking some, ummmmmmmm "chocolate." We were throwing punches and blocking and just general roughhousing. He misjudged the distance on one (the last LOL) and slugged me square in the mouth. Damage report: One really loosened tooth and a bloody mouth on me, and a severely wrecked knuckle on him. I thought the tooth was broken at the root, and he was seeing bone through his cut, but we fixed it up nice for him. Basically he punched me in the mouth and I bit him on the fist... :mrgreen: I'd say judging by damage done I won that one :lol: I told him afterward that had it been a "real" punch I woulda started hitting back. It's good for a laugh now....

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:32am
by The Yosemite Bear
In an adrenalyn enduced fury, I left bruises on a jock's neck, and fucked up his leg, when he tried to rape a girl at a party.

I felt bad about it, I kicked him in one leg, put him in a choke hold and smashed his face into a fridge.

I felt really guilty afterwards.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:37am
by Kuja
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:In an adrenalyn enduced fury, I left bruises on a jock's neck, and fucked up his leg, when he tried to rape a girl at a party.

I felt bad about it, I kicked him in one leg, put him in a choke hold and smashed his face into a fridge.

I felt really guilty afterwards.
Any guy who would take advantage of a girl like that deserves to get mangled.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:37am
by Darth Wong
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:In an adrenalyn enduced fury, I left bruises on a jock's neck, and fucked up his leg, when he tried to rape a girl at a party.

I felt bad about it, I kicked him in one leg, put him in a choke hold and smashed his face into a fridge.

I felt really guilty afterwards.
If he seriously tried to rape a girl at a party, you had no reason to feel guilty. Mind you, if he was just being a little pushy but not a serious threat and you over-reacted, then you should feel guilty.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:51am
by The Yosemite Bear
Ok, he was getting very push, back hand slapped her (Leaving a bruise), and tryied to force her head into his crotch, while she was sitting at the sofa. Everyone was somewhat drunk at this point (College, Party), I just don't like being violent.

Posted: 2002-12-07 04:55am
by Kuja
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:Ok, he was getting very push, back hand slapped her (Leaving a bruise)
That ALONE is going way too far. You can call the cops on a guy for that kind of shit.

IMHO, you might not have done the right thing, but your heart and intentions were in the right place.

Posted: 2002-12-07 05:22am
by The Yosemite Bear
I kinda wonder about my self, after all, I am something of a strange form of Mashcism. I will jump right into harms way, if a woman is involved, even if I don't exist to her, (Especially if I don't exist to her), I know that after breaking my arm, I can't lift anything over my head, and I am not supposed to lift anything over 40#, I have a married co worker, who can get me to refill the Ice Machine for her, just buy asking, (The Ice bin weighs more then I am supposed to lift, and it's high enough, that it puts strain on the place where the break never healed right.)

Posted: 2002-12-07 05:51am
by Crown
Women do have this strange power over us, I often wonder though whether my sexist cousin's old saying; treat them mean, keep them keen, applies both ways?

Posted: 2002-12-07 05:55am
by Kuja
It's just an instinct: protect the females.

Posted: 2002-12-07 05:56am
by Crown
I know, but it's something that needs to go in my opinion. Girls today either get all offended if you try to help them too much or just don't appriciate it either way.

Posted: 2002-12-07 06:02am
by Kuja
IME, you've just gotta find the balance of freedom and worship they, as idividuals, want. Then, you're good to go.

Posted: 2002-12-07 06:24am
by Mr Bean
How much bodily harm have you ever done to another human being?
Hmm I've done some damage before, To OTHERS the top would be a broken kneecap and a pair of fingers

To MYSELF on the other hand trying Leg + Foot in over twenty places(Fractured like conifetty) then toss in a wirst and the shoulder in three places for luck :P (No... But I wish I WAS kidding, I was eight at the time and I managed to do this RIGHT after school ended meaning I was in casts until school started :( )
How many times have you done that sort of thing?
Total of nine times through school
Did you enjoy it, or feel revolted by your actions?
I felt it was nessary at the time so I did it, Do I feel guilty now? Yes I went overboard on one or two of those guys and could have hit less hard, but I achived the objective of ending the fight alot quicker...
Were you in control of those actions or not?
Except for the first one.. always in control

Posted: 2002-12-07 07:21am
by Crazy_Vasey
I;ve never done any serious damage, I always got pulled off the bastard before I did but I probably would have done because when I get in a fight I lose all self control and have a massive adrenaline rush. I generally don't feel a thing till after the fight is long over.

Posted: 2002-12-07 07:50am
by RadiO
I once pissed off a friend so badly he punched me in the face and broke his hand... But that's about it.
There are some people in the past who I'd have liked to have done over good - but I was too much of a pussy when I was a teen to actually do anything. Shame... :twisted: