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Marvel Comics to unveil gay gunslinger

Posted: 2002-12-10 03:19pm
by guyver
Marvel Comics to unveil gay gunslinger
Monday, December 9, 2002 Posted: 2:57 PM EST (1957 GMT)

The new Rawhide Kid

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Marvel Comics plans to break new ground in the comic book industry by introducing the first openly gay title character in a comic book. ... index.html

Posted: 2002-12-10 03:21pm
by Kuja
Although shy with girls, the original Rawhide Kid was not intended to be gay. The new version uses double entendres and euphemisms to reveal his homosexuality without saying anything explicitly. Based on a blurb on Marvel's Web site, the tone may be campy.
Yes, there's an openly gay character. :roll:

Posted: 2002-12-10 03:27pm
by Joe
Why don't they just make a new chararacter instead of rehashing an old one. :roll:

Posted: 2002-12-10 03:49pm
by Darth Wong
Sounds like the Ambiguously Gay Duo from SNL.

Posted: 2002-12-10 03:54pm
by Jim Raynor
This is stupid, and I think Marvel's just doing this to stir controversy. If they're gonna make a gay character, then make a SERIOUS gay character, not some campy queer who uses stereotypical gay dialogue. Marvel says it's "interested in tapping into stories that are relevant today.", yet all they're doing is reinforcing gay stereotypes.

Posted: 2002-12-10 04:11pm
by neoolong
Wait a minute. What about that guy from Authority? Midnighter and that other guy? Weren't they an openly gay couple?

Posted: 2002-12-10 04:14pm
by HemlockGrey no match...for young...flesh!


Posted: 2002-12-10 04:21pm
by Manji
Well there goes MC down the drain...


Posted: 2002-12-10 04:57pm
by Tsyroc
neoolong wrote:Wait a minute. What about that guy from Authority? Midnighter and that other guy? Weren't they an openly gay couple?

Yep, Midnighter and Apollo were gay. Plus they got married with plans on adopting baby Jenny Quantum.

Posted: 2002-12-10 05:12pm
by The Yosemite Bear
"What took them so long?"

looks over at DC comics:

Capt. Maggie Sawyer, Metropolis SCU/SWAT, Superman (Out since the early Eighties)
Phantom Girl, Legion of Superheroes, Out since the 1970's
Lightning Lass, Legion of Superheroes, Out since the 1970's
Sarah Rainmakeer, Gen-13, Stormwatch, Out since Gen 13 Issue 4, 1990's

Wonder Woman (Present Incarnation): Since the Byrne Revamp
Super Girl (Present Incarnation, Since she Met Comet)
Shapeshifter:, Elementals, formerly Comico, now Run by DC, even got the "Fire" member of the Elemental's super team pregnant. (If this was Marvel, it would be like Mystique showing up at a Wedding, and claiming responsiblility for Jean Grey's kid, SS's natural form is female)

Posted: 2002-12-10 05:14pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I forgot about Appollo and Midnighter.

Posted: 2002-12-10 05:39pm
by Tsyroc
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:"What took them so long?"

looks over at DC comics:

Capt. Maggie Sawyer, Metropolis SCU/SWAT, Superman (Out since the early Eighties)
Phantom Girl, Legion of Superheroes, Out since the 1970's
Lightning Lass, Legion of Superheroes, Out since the 1970's
Sarah Rainmakeer, Gen-13, Stormwatch, Out since Gen 13 Issue 4, 1990's

Wonder Woman (Present Incarnation): Since the Byrne Revamp
Super Girl (Present Incarnation, Since she Met Comet)
Shapeshifter:, Elementals, formerly Comico, now Run by DC, even got the "Fire" member of the Elemental's super team pregnant. (If this was Marvel, it would be like Mystique showing up at a Wedding, and claiming responsiblility for Jean Grey's kid, SS's natural form is female)

Marvel had Northstar (Byrne again) for along time. Although, they kind of had him closeted for much of the time.

Had a question about Phantom Girl. I thought she was almost always hooked up with Ultra Boy?

I also think Rainmaker is bi. She's more into girls but doesn't totally dismiss the idea of guys (but then I've only been reading the graphic novels on and off so that could have changed).

I also think Jenny Sparks was bi. She was primarilly hetero but there were a couple of times where it sure looked like she'd slept with one of the women from the Authority.

Posted: 2002-12-10 06:04pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Yeah, I forgot Jenny Sparks too.

Yeah, Byrne aslo was responsible for Miricle Man...*Shdders*

Actually, the scariest thing about one of the people Sarah Rainmaker has had sex with, is that she has unwittingly had a three some with her half siblings.....(ewww, bisexual brother sister incest, ewww)

Posted: 2002-12-10 06:26pm
by Captain tycho
Darth Wong wrote:Sounds like the Ambiguously Gay Duo from SNL.
.... driving the Penis-mobile.
Gotta love that, at least. :D

Posted: 2002-12-10 06:48pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Think of this one guys...

Hereroy and his fundie goons Vs. Ambiguously Gay Duo....

Posted: 2002-12-10 06:50pm
by HemlockGrey

Posted: 2002-12-10 06:51pm
by Kuja

Posted: 2002-12-10 07:10pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I did, I realized it was too big after making that post

Posted: 2002-12-10 07:12pm
by Kuja
Man, you REALLY scared me with that thing. Right after Talen got in trouble for his pic! Bad timing there, AD. :P

I like the pic itself, though.

Posted: 2002-12-10 07:18pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Yes. It is a very nice pic. Evil Sadistic Bastard sent it as a farewell present. I didnt notice it's size.

Posted: 2002-12-10 07:19pm
by Kuja
You should post it as a welcomer to the AIIF forum.

Posted: 2002-12-10 07:24pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I should.

So what about it? Heteroy Vs. Ambiguously Gay Duo?

Posted: 2002-12-10 07:54pm
by spongyblue
I dont know, with a name like 'Rawhide Kid', his just beggin for the gay jokes, plus with that scarf around his neck...? I still think its to early to tell how good(or bad) it will be. There have been other titles that have gone down the "campy" trail and have turned out to be pretty good. I dont really think their doing to stir controversy. Ever since they dumped the comic code they've been doing stuff they definantly wouldnt have been able to do a couple of years ago. On a side note, I think that article title should have been reworded because some people are gonna think this is their first guy character ever when its only their fist title character.

Posted: 2002-12-11 03:05am
by Slartibartfast
Manji wrote:Well there goes MC down the drain...

"Yes sir, I chiseled this one myself. Problem was the warhead was too thick, I had to find a bigger hammer..."