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I'm engaged to be married!

Posted: 2005-11-07 06:53pm
by Sothis
I shall never forget the 5th of November 2005, because it is the day I asked Michelle to marry me, and she said yes.

I made up my mind to ask her the previous weekend, and I was desperately hoping to find a ring in time to pop the question. As luck would have it, I spotted a ring in a local jewellers and as even more luck would have it, the ring was the right size. I got it on Wednesday, and from then on had to bite my tongue to avoid giving anything away. I wanted it to be a surprise!

I travelled down to see Michelle on Friday, straight from work, and we went to a local fireworks display, that was vast and impressive, with fireworks I hadn't seen before. The whole occasion was bright, bubbly and fantastic, but was marred by the actions of at least one person, who decided it was clever to set off a firework at the back of a speaker system mounted on a lorry. This lorry wasn't very far away from the crowd at all and things could have been much, much worse than the two people who were injured.

Still, despite that, the night was good.

On Saturday Michelle and I ventured into London. We hadn't 'done' London for a while, and it was nice to look around and take in the various sights and sounds of the capital. We went to Hamleys, the big toy shop, and browsed around looking for model railways to get Bruce. The prices were extortionate and they weren't much cheaper anywhere else!

Hamleys was, as always, packed, but it was still fun to look around the place. As we were walking there, we saw a huge line-up of classic cars, some really old designs that must have dated back to the 1920's and perhaps even earlier. In fact, I'd say definately earlier. It was quite a sight and great to see!

We had a moment of pure hilarity at a Tube station- we were making for a train and I hopped on with Michelle right behind me- but the doors closed before she could get on! We waved to each other and laughed, and then I waited for her at the next station- a classic moment!

After lunching at a Chinese/Japanese noodle bar, we voyaged about London, looking for possible Christmas/birthday presents and stumbling across Forbidden Planet, a huge sci-fi shop, where Simon Pegg, of 'Shaun of the Dead' fame, was doing a signing. Alas, we didn't manage to get his autograph!

We stopped off briefly at the National Art Gallery in the hopes of seeing a particular exhibit, Rubens: A Master in the Making, but it was a timed entry exhibit and you had to pay to see it, and given the prices, we unfortunately left without getting to see it- another time though!

We headed home and once in the warmth, listening and watching fireworks going off all around, we hauled the duvet downstairs and snuggled in to play Scrabble. We got out some Lambrini and watched Lost and Galaxy Quest, whilst continuing to play Scrabble, and I willed myself to find the courage to ask the big question.

Michelle had said something earlier in the day that made me chuckle- she said that she had as much chance of winning the lottery as me putting a ring on her finger. I had to look away and smile when she said that.

I said that I had something important to ask her, and brought up the aforementioned comment, and then produced the ring from my pocket- I was feeling very nervous and emotional, but hopefully didn't seem like too much of a nervous meerkat! We hugged, we kissed, and we cuddled, and we are now engaged!

I am the happiest man alive right now!

Posted: 2005-11-07 07:08pm
by Dalton

Posted: 2005-11-07 07:20pm
by Comando293

(why are there always four exclamation points after everything????)

Posted: 2005-11-07 07:29pm
by Soontir C'boath
Very lovely day you had to have proposed her. Congratulations!

Posted: 2005-11-07 09:05pm
by The Guid
Sounds like an incredible evening! Congratulations. Love the dramatic irony! :D

Posted: 2005-11-07 09:10pm
by The Jazz Intern
SWEET! congratulations! she's a lucky gal!

Posted: 2005-11-07 09:22pm
by Lancer
Remember remember the 5th of November...
That's weird because I just watched the "V for Vendetta" trailer.

Posted: 2005-11-07 09:31pm
by consequences
One of us gets set to end his engagement(the good way :wink: ), and another starts their's up. Congratulations.

Posted: 2005-11-07 09:55pm
by Surlethe
Congratulations! Congratulations! And congratulations!

Posted: 2005-11-07 10:57pm
by FSTargetDrone
Well done sir. Many happy years to you both.

Posted: 2005-11-07 11:20pm
by Death from the Sea
ouch, so sorry to hear that. but hey in the end most of the wild stallions do get caught and tamed. :wink:

congrats, here is to you and your new fiancee *raises glass*

Posted: 2005-11-07 11:38pm
by Lord of the Farce
*Raise can of Diet Coke (which I happen to be drinking)*

Congrats, Sothis! :D

And while you're at it, maybe buy this week's lottery ticket. Who knows? :wink:

Posted: 2005-11-08 12:07am
by Coalition
Comando293 wrote:Score!!!!

(why are there always four exclamation points after everything????)
There are five!

Yeah, I know, cheesy ST quote.

Posted: 2005-11-08 02:04am
by The Grim Squeaker
Mazal tov!= col hakavod= congragulations/Salutations :D

Posted: 2005-11-08 04:47pm
by LadyTevar

Posted: 2005-11-08 04:49pm
by Enigma
Congrats dude! :) You are engaged to a Michelle? So am I. :) It'd be weird if it was the same person. :) lol

Posted: 2005-11-09 09:12am
by Ricky
Hey, congratulations! :D
I'm recently married myself, and can confirm that it only gets better...

Posted: 2005-11-09 09:24am
by Mrs Kendall
Congratulations man!! That was a very sweet way to do it and to tell you the truth it brought a tear to my eye when I read it.

I wish you and your fiance all the happiness marriage can provide (which is a lot btw ;) )

Posted: 2005-11-10 12:44am
by The Yosemite Bear

Posted: 2005-11-10 01:51am
by Metatwaddle
Enigma wrote:Congrats dude! :) You are engaged to a Michelle? So am I. :) It'd be weird if it was the same person. :) lol
They're both me! How'd you guess? (Yeah, my name's Michelle :))

Seriously, congratulations. Just from the way you talk about her, it sounds like you two love each other a lot. Good luck!

Posted: 2005-11-10 11:23am
by Jadeite
Very nice, congratulations!

Posted: 2005-11-10 11:32am
by Ghost Rider

Posted: 2005-11-10 04:04pm
by Sothis
Thank you one and all for your kind words- I shall keep you posted with updates and gossip :wink:

Posted: 2005-11-10 05:34pm
by Captain tycho
Congrats! A word of advice, save up some energy for your wedding night. :twisted: